HomeMy WebLinkAbout946908 OO{i,077 1111 UID: 718d43fa-f542-4dd3-91a2-ddfedcb75cac DOCID 000432365812005N SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Martgage Electranic Registratian Systems, Inc. , the .owner and halder .of a certain martgage deed executed by MICHAEL J. STEVENS, PAULA K. STEVENS ta BANK OF JACKSON HOLE bearing date 02/09/2004, recarded 02/18/2004 in Official Recards Baak 548, Page 406, Dacument Na. 897325 in the .office .of the Caunty Clerk .of LINCOLN Caunty, Wy.oming, securing a certain nate in the principal sum .of $392000.00 Dallars, and certain pramises and ab1igatians set farth in said martgage deed, up.on the praperty situated in said State and Caunty, hereby acknawledges full payment and satisfactian .of said n.ote and martgage deed, and surrenders the same as canceled, and hereby directs the Clerk in the .office .of C.ounty Clerk ta cancel the same .of recard. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said c.orp.oratian has caused these presents ta be executed in its name, by its pr.oper .officers thereunta duly autharized, the 24 day .of April, 2009. Martgage Electranic Registrati.on Systems, Inc. STATE OF ARIZONA COUNTY OF MARICOPA orlf·~4· {)C( , befare me, Eleanar Cantu, N.otary Public, pers.onally appeared Mileybi L.opez, persanally knawn t.o me (.or praved ta me an the basis .of satisfact.ory evidence) t.o be the persan wh.ose name is subscribed t.o the within instrument and ackn.owledged t.o me that he/she executed the same in his/her autharized capacity, and that by his/her signature an the instrument the persan, .or the entities up .on behalf .of which the pers.on acted, executed the instrument. Eleanar Cantu, atary Public My cammissian Expires: 09/27/2010 OFFICIAL SEAL ELEANOR CANTU NOTARY PUBLIC" ARIZONA MARICOPA COUNlY My Comm. Expires Sept 27, 2010 RECEIVED 5/5/2009 at 10:29 AM RECEIVING # 946908 BOOK: 722 PAGE: 77 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Mail Recarded Satisfactian Ta: MICHAEL J. STEVENS, PAULA K. STEVENS PO Bax 3357 Alpine, WY 83128 D.ocument Prepared By: Rec.onTrust C.ompany 2575 W, Chandler Blvd. Mail St.op: CHDLR-C-88 Chandler, AZ 85224 (800) 540-2684