HomeMy WebLinkAbout947462WARRANTY DEED C• OU218 GAYLE IZATT, a single woman, Grantor, whose address is 20 Cedar Creels Road, Freedom, WY 83120, for and in consideration of other valuable consideration and ten dollars ($10) in hand paid, convey and warrant to EMILY GAYLE IZATT, Trustee, or her successors in trust, under THE KEITH AND EMILY GAYLE IZATT JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED APRIL 1, 1996, for the benefit of KEITH C. IZATT and EMILY GAYLE IZATT and their heirs, Grantee, whose address is 20 Cedar Creek Road, Freedom, WY 83120, the following described real estate: Parcels #1 and Parcel #3 described in the language attached hereto as Exhibit A; And the property described in the Decree Establishing Right and Title to Property found at PR Book 732 Page 582 recorded on May 22, 2009, copy attached hereto as Exhibit B; And the property described as the Izatt Remainder Tract attached hereto as Exhibit C. Situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and the said Grantor hereby covenants with the said Grantee that the Grantor is lawfully seized of said premises; that they are free from encumbrances; and Grantor warrants the title thereto against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, except: restrictions, reservations, easements, and encumbrances of record. Hereby releasing and waiving any and all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of this state. DATED: MAY X, 2009. GAYL IZATT STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by GAYLE IZATT, a single woman, this MAY,99, 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. [CHRISTINA K. ALLRED - NOTAR:/2013 BLI County of Stf Lincoln Wyg SEA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: 4 / 3Notary Public My commission expires: y -13 i 3 RECEIVED 6/1/2009 at 10:47 AM RECEIVING # 947462 BOOK: 724 PAGE: 218 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY V00219 EXHIBIT WARRANTY DEED KEITH C. IZATT and EMILY GAYLE IZATT, husband and wife, grantors of eedom, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, - for and in consideration of TEN ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of ch is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT to Keith C. Izatt and Emily .Gayle Izatt, Trustee(s), or their successors in trust, under the KEITH C. ZATT AND EMILY GAYLE IZATT JOINT LIVING TRUST, dated April 1, 1996, with as beneficiaries, grantee, the following described real estate situate n County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all ights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to- ait : PARCEL #1 Beginning at a point which is 247.5 feet East of the Northwest Corner of Section 2 in Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., in Wyoming and running thence South 165 feet thence West 66 feet, thence North 165 feet, thence East 66 feet to point of beginning containing approximately 1/4 acres of land, together with all water, water rights, mineral rights, improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. Subject, however, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, ,easements and rights-of-way of record or in use. PARCEL #2 The South- if of the Southeast Quarter of tion 34, in ~Tqnship 35 North, ange 19 West, o he 6th Prin pal Meridian, ntaining 80 acre , more r less, a ording to Gov rnment Survey. XEMPTING, howev 1.5 acres her ofore conve d to Lincoln C my by deed reco ded in Book 2 o Quit Claim eeds, at Page 629. Subject res rvatio s in Unit d States and tate patents d to the righ o the p blic in 11 highways. EXEMPTING: Beginning iest t e outhwe corner the Southwe t quarter of a Southeast rter (SW~SE ) of Sec on 34 in To ship 35 Nort of Range 119 of the h P.M., oming. Run ng thence Ea Forty-five 5) rods, the e North ighty (80) ds, thence W st Forty-fiv (45) rods, th nce Sou Eighty ( ) rods to he point beginning. ntaining twenty two nd one half (22~) acres more or 1 s, ogether ith all wat and ditch ghts thereu o apperta' ing. And, a access rig is-of-way f m a begin 'ng point f the Southe st corner of Section 34 o TWP. 35 No of Rang 119 West of th 6th P.M. Wy ming, runnin thence Nort one rod, ence W one- undred and ifteen rods (115), the e South ne (1) od, the ce East one hundred an fifteen (11 ) rods t the po' t of beginning. PARCEL #3 Beginning at a point which is 3 rods East from the Northwest Corner of Section Two (2) in Township T:.irty-four (34) North of Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., in Wyoming, which point is the East line of the United States Highway Number 89 and running thence South 10 rods; thence East 132 feet; thence North 10 rods; thence West 132 feet to the point of beginning being approximately One-half (1/2) acre of land. rust. dc Randall B. Luthi, 5-2060 LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC P.O. Box 820 Thayne, Wyoming 83127-0820 Tel: (307) 883-7887 Fax: (307) 883-7889 Attorney for Petitioner EXHIBIT FILED MAY 1 4 KE!01F TIA 0. R10PF-RTS CI Rh L)IF ,1- ; -,u -u 3rd JUDI: i/ I. CJ{::. i Fi;CT LINCOLN COUNTY, STHTE OF WYOMING °06582 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) KEITH C. IZATT, ) a.k.a KEITH IZATT ) Deceased. ) t;:GV22® 'PROBATE NO. 2Df~~- /Sr' DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY THIS MATTER comes before the Court upon the Petition of Petitioners Emily Gayle Izatt, with her counsel, Randall B. Luthi, of LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC, filed pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 2-1-205, for a Decree Establishing Right and Title to Real Property in the estate of her husband, Keith C. Izatt. Notice of the Petition was published as required by Wyoming Statutes § 2-1-205(c) for two consecutive weeks. An Affidavit of Publication providing proof of that publication has been filed herein. RECEIVED 5/2212009 at 11:35 AM RECEIVING # 947323 BOOK: 732 PAGE: 582 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KEITH C. IZATT PROBATE NO. PR-2009-15-DC DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY PAGE 1 OF 2 ~i~221 The record shows that no one made timely objection to the distribution of property that was requested in Petitioner's Petition. Accordingly, the hearing scheduled in this matter was not held. ~^5 The Court finds that Petitioners are entitled pursuant to Wyoming Statutes § 2-1-205 to the distribution of property that was requested in their Petition. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED: 1. That title to the real property described below is hereby vested as follows: an undivided interest in Emily Gayle Izatt, a single woman as her sole and separate property. 2. That the real property, in Freedom, Lincoln County, Wyoming, that is conveyed by this Decree is described as follows: Beginning at a point which is 313.5 feet east from the Northwest corner of Section 2, T34N R1 19W of the 6t' P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming and running thence South 165 feet; thence West 66 feet; thence North 165 feet; thence East 66 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1/a acre of land. DATED this ql~ day of May, 2009. MARVIA L. TYLER DISTRICT COURT JUDGE STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court within and formald county and in ti-i-! State of foresaid, do hereby certify the fior~, oing to be a full, true, and comti lt- SIGNED a~"e IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KEITH C. IZATT PROBATE NO. PR-2009-15-DC DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY PAGE 2 OF 2 DESCREMON FOR GAYLE MATE: 17ATT REMAMER TRACT To-wit: - EXHIBIT gC That part of the SYMY+ of Section 34, MN R1 19W, Lincoln County, Wyomfu& being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 71 of Photostatic Records on page 256, described as follows: Pea N. = *^A J#i s NS'. we 1"W aeaeuud,►sarea Newst NOW" Na MM wro. PAOWWM Na 3W ~twpra►a m~itr ANMOMA.SONEF M M!n AM*kWkn ML M MnvW 4Mx5K Lm Ab4%Wmft V401 U-MA.Mo4ft" MO o" one BZGTNMWG at a Btttss Cap at the intersection of the north line of said SKSEY, and the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89, 14119-45-25"W, 25"W, 46.60 feat, &am the northeast corner of said SKSBY•; thence SW-03'-1111,1296.36 feet, along said westerly right-of-way fine, to a poiu4 thence N8V-50'-04"W, 488.74 feet, along a line parallel with the south line of said SMEA, to the southeasterly point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 635 of Photostatic records on page 700; thence N00°-03'-53'T, 435.60 feet, along the easterly line of said tract in said Book 635, to the northeast point thereon- thence N89e-50'-04"W, 200.00 feet, along the northerly line of said tract in Book 635, to the northwest point thereof, thence S00°-03'-53"W, 435.60 feet, along the westerly line of said tract in Book 635, to the southwesterly point the w&, thence N89e-50'-04"W, 1171.86 feet, along a lure parallel with the south line of said SY,SBY,, to a point on the west line of said tract in Book 71; thence N000-29'-37x, 218.37 feat, along the westerly line of said tract in Book 71, to the southwest point of Lot 2 of Landowner Retreat Amended, a subdivision of record in said Office with Accession No. 944304; thence S89°-50'-01 "E, 732.85 feet, along the south line of said Lot 2, to the southeasterly point thereof; thence NW-04'34",8, 1076.25 feat, along the cast line of said Lot 2, to the northeasterly point thereof, on the north line of said SMEK; them S890-55'-25"13, 1123.23 fezt, along said north line, to the BRASS CAI' OF 33EGINNTNG; M4COMPASSTNO an area of 35.13 acres, more or less; the BASE BBARTNG for this survey is the east fine of the NE'/, of Section 3, T34N R1 19W, being N00°42%04"W; SUBJECT to the easement for Ol' Bounder Road as depicted an said Plat of Landowner Retreat Amended; each "Brass Cap" marked by a 2" galvanized steal pipe with 3" brass cap inscribed "LLOYD B. BAKER PFA S 698 TIiAYNE, WYOMING", with appropriate details; each "corner"tbund as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" warke d by a 518" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, ".SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFPON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; -Modlticadon in any way of the foregoing dewhp#on terms OWS IfabiMy of the survayor- C.-IOV222 DTSCRLMON FOR GAYLE MATT I$ATT REMAINDER TRACT PAGE TWO vvvZ23 all in accordance with the plat filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "LANDOWNER RETREAT AMENDED A SUBDIVISION W1TIEN THE SI/2SB1/4 SECTION 34 T35N RI 19W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING dated 15 December 2008, as revised, with Accession No. 944304. 17 March AW.Wiww Mak"Y" hw N. kfww wi. a° w la UpU w. %7a NIiM ItepY4Nvn No. amo NlveN hglMAOn Ib, k04 ad A. ftft" Nya PAPIM& lw.n no W. Fl%b6-ft Na low UYIIaaM'Mpn w. Mill MAPLa KA. a(7W11M wf& woDY.llon wow 8w. w S,h, Nd, lm Afll.V4- lnM wl aPbpt Mein YMInW~. wla •ModhIcation In any way of the foregoing description terminaies liability of the surveyor"