HomeMy WebLinkAbout947476RECEIVED 611/2009 at 12:37 PM RECEIVING # 947476 BOOK: 724 PAGE: 248 Audit No. D02644 JEANNE WAGNER PIPELINE RIGHT-OF-WAY LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY +~(®248 c STATE OF WYOMING § co § KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF LINCOLN § O THIS Pipeline Right-of-Way Agreement (hereinafter called "Agreement"), is made as of the 6" day of April, 2009, between ANADARKO LAND CORP., f/k/a UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES CORPORATION, a corporation of the State of Nebraska, P.O. Box 1330, Houston, TX 77251-1330, Grantor, and RUBY PIPELINE, L.L.C., whose address is 2 North Nevada, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, Grantee. WITNESSETH, That Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant, sell and convey unto Grantee, and unto its successors and assigns, a nonexclusive easement for right-of- way for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal, reconstruction and use of a single (42") OD pipeline (hereinafter called "Pipeline"), with necessary above or below ground surface appurtenances thereto (hereinafter called "Facilities"), on land situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described in Exhibit "A" (hereinafter called "Premises"), attached and made a part hereof, together with the right of ingress and egress to and from Premises for the purpose of exercising the rights granted. RESERVING, however, to Grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to construct at any and all times, and to maintain, roads, highways, pipelines and telephone, telegraph and electric power pole and wire lines, over, under and across, without cost, expense or compensation whatsoever to Grantee but in such a way that will not unreasonably interfere with the Pipeline or Facilities of Grantee on the Premises; it being understood that the right so reserved to Grantor, its successors and assigns, is retained along with the general right of Grantor, its successors and assigns, to the use of the Premises for any purpose not inconsistent with the use by Grantee of said - easement for the purposes herein defined. The easement granted hereby is nonexclusive and Grantor may grant such other easements and rights-of-way over and across the Premises as it may elect, provided that any such other grant does not unreasonably interfere with the rights granted to Grantee by this easement. The easement granted hereby and described in Exhibit "A" is for a strip of land fifty feet (50') in width for a Pipeline, being twenty-five feet (25') on either side of the centerline of the Pipeline when constructed. During construction of the Pipeline, the easement will include a temporary right-of-way of sixty-five feet (65') in width on 8,772 feet (8,772') and a temporary right-of-way of eighty feet (80') in width on 2,150 feet (2,150'). This Agreement is made subject to all outstanding leases and other outstanding rights, including, but not limited to, those for highways and other roadways and rights of way for irrigation ditches, pipelines, pole and wire lines and the right of renewals and extensions of the same, and subject also to all conditions, limitations, restrictions, encumbrances, reservations or interests of any person which may affect the Premises, whether recorded or unrecorded, and is made without covenant of title or for quiet enjoyments, other than Grantor's representation to Grantee that Grantor or its affiliates have not previously or shall not in the future grant to any third person rights in the Premises that would materially conflict with the right of Grantee to construct, operate, maintain, repair, renew, reconstruct and use the Pipeline and Facilities. This Agreement is further subject to all applicable provisions of the federal Natural Gas Act, 15 U.S.C. §717 - 717z, and the Pipeline Safety Act. 49 U.S.C. §§60101-60125. The Agreement herein made is on the express condition that Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall not be liable to Grantee, its successors or assigns, for any damage occurring to the Pipeline and/or Facilities made or to be made by Grantee upon the Premises or for any other damage whatsoever occasioned by subsidence of the surface of the Premises as a result of mining underneath the same or resulting in any other way from the removal of coal or other minerals in or underlying the Premises. Grantor may require that the Pipeline and Facilities be relocated by Grantee at some future date. Grantee hereby agrees that upon Grantor's written request and delivery of a new Pipeline Right-of-Way, in substantially the same form as this Agreement, Grantee shall complete a one-time relocation of the Pipeline and Facilities at Grantee's sole cost and expense. Any further relocations shall be at the sole cost and expense of Grantor. All operations hereunder shall be conducted at the expense of Grantee and in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and County laws, rules, ordinances and regulations which pertain to the area of operations including but not limited to those pertaining to environment, fire, sanitation, conservation, water pollution, and fish and game. All of Grantee's operations hereunder shall be it 000249 conducted in a prudent manner. IF, AS A RESULT OF GRANTEE'S OPERATIONS UPON OR GRANTEE'S USE OF SAID PREMISES HEREUNDER, ANY STATUTE, LAW, ORDINANCE, RULE, REGULATION OR REQUIREMENT IS VIOLATED, GRANTEE SHALL PROTECT, SAVE HARMLESS, DEFEND AND INDEMNIFY GRANTOR AND ITS AFFILIATES, THEIR OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND/OR AGENTS, AGAINST AND FROM ANY AND ALL PENALTIES, FINES, COSTS AND EXPENSES, INCLUDING COURT COSTS AND COUNSEL FEES, IMPOSED UPON OR INCURRED BY GRANTOR AND/OR ITS AFFILIATES, THEIR OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND/OR AGENTS, RESULTING FROM, OR CONNECTED WITH, SUCH VIOLATION AND/OR VIOLATIONS. Grantee shall not suffer or permit any mechanic's lien, or other lien, to be filed against said Premises or any part thereof, by reason of work, labor, services, or materials supplied, or claimed to have been supplied to Grantee, or anyone claiming under Grantee. If any such mechanic's lien, or other lien, shall at any time be filed against said Premises, Grantee shall cause the same to be discharged of record within thirty (30) days of the date of filing the same; and if Grantee shall fail to discharge such lien within such period, then Grantor may, at its option, discharge the same by paying the amount claimed to be due without inquiry into and regardless of the validity of the same and Grantee shall thereupon reimburse Grantor within thirty (30) days of receipt of Grantor's request for any payment so made. Grantee is advised that the generation, transportation, treatment, storage and disposal of hazardous wastes are controlled by the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 and regulations issued pursuant to the Act and subsequent Acts by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and/or state agencies. If Grantee's use of the Premises shall include any regulated hazardous waste activities, Grantee shall obtain a hazardous waste permit from the EPA or appropriate state agency, if required, and shall provide copy of same to Grantor within thirty (30) days following Grantee's receipt of said permit. GRANTEE, FOR ITSELF, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, BY THE ACCEPTANCE OF THIS EASEMENT, SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS GRANTOR AND ITS AFFILIATES, THEIR OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, AGAINST AND FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, LOSS, DAMAGE, CLAIMS, DEMANDS, ACTIONS, CAUSES OF ACTION, FINES, PENALTIES, COSTS AND EXPENSES OF WHATSOEVER NATURE, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES AND COSTS WHICH MAY RESULT FROM PERSONAL INJURY TO OR DEATH OF PERSONS WHOMSOEVER, OR DAMAGE TO OR LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY OR THE ENVIRONMENT, INCLUDING THE PIPELINE AND FACILITIES OF GRANTEE, AND INCLUDING ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIMS, NATURAL RESOURCE DAMAGE CLAIMS, CLAIMS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL VIOLATIONS, ENVIRONMENTAL NONCOMPLIANCE, OR ENVIRONMENTAL RELEASES PURSUANT TO THE SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT, AS AMENDED BY THE RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT (RCRA), COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE, COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY ACT (CERCLA), SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT (SARA), THE TOXIC SUBSTANCE CONTROL ACT (TSCA), THE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS TRANSPORTATION ACT, THE FEDERAL INSECTICIDE, FUNGICIDE AND RODENTICIDE ACT, THE SAFE DRINKING WATER ACT, OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH LAWS, AND REGULATIONS PURSUANT THERETO OR TO THEIR STATE STATUTORY OR REGULATORY EQUIVALENTS, OR GROWING OUT OF INTERFERENCE WITH THE PROPER OPERATION OF SIGNAL, TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH LINES, OR OTHER ELECTRICALLY OPERATED DEVICES OR APPURTENANCES OF GRANTOR OR ITS AFFILIATES, OR OF ITS OR THEIR TENANTS, WHEN SUCH PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, LOSS, DESTRUCTION OR DAMAGE, HOWSOEVER CAUSED, GROWS OUT OF OR ARISES FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, REPAIR, RENEWAL, RECONSTRUCTION, REMOVAL OR USE OF SAID PIPELINE AND FACILITIES OR THE BURSTING OF OR LEAKS IN SAID PIPELINE AND FACILITIES, HEREINAFTER COLLECTIVELY CALLED "CLAIMS"; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, IF A CLAIM IS CAUSED IN WHOLE OR PART BY THE NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT OF GRANTOR OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR ANY OF ITS OR THEIR OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES AND/OR AGENTS, THEN GRANTEE'S INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS OBLIGATIONS ASSUMED IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE REDUCED IN PROPORTION TO THE PRO RATA NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT, IF ANY, BY GRANTOR OR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES OR ANY OF ITS OR THEIR OFFICERS, EMPLOYEES, AND/OR AGENTS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID CLAIM. NOTHING HEREIN SHALL BE CONSTRUED AS MEANING THAT GRANTEE SHALL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS GRANTOR FOR GRANTOR'S OWN NEGLIGENCE OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCT. The term "affiliate" (or "affiliates" as the case may be) as used herein means any corporation which directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with Grantor or Grantee, as appropriate. 2 LG 000250 Grantee shall not assign this easement, or any interest therein, without the prior written consent of Grantor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Grantee may assign this easement or any portion thereof to any affiliated company without Grantor's consent, but upon written notice to Grantor of such assignment. However, Grantee shall first obtain the consent of Grantor before any assignment is made to a non-affiliate of Grantee. Grantee shall provide Grantor with an as-built plat of the Pipeline and Facilities installed in the exercise of the rights granted hereunder within one hundred eighty (180) days of construction completion. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, the Grantee shall bury the Pipeline at a minimum depth of 36 inches (36"). For the purposes of this Agreement, abandonment by the Grantee of the Pipeline and Facilities shall be defined as Grantee's failure to use the Pipeline and Facilities or any portion thereof for the uses heretofore stated for a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months following abandonment approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. In the event of abandonment by the Grantee of the Pipeline and Facilities, all rights herein granted to the Grantee in the Premises shall cease and terminate with respect to the Premises so abandoned, and Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall deliver to Grantor a recordable instrument evidencing that the title to the Premises so abandoned is free and clear of said easement as well as any liens, encumbrances, clouds upon or defects in the title to said Premises created or permitted to be created by Grantee, its successors or assigns. Termination of the rights granted hereunder shall not relieve Grantee, its successors and assigns from compliance with the covenants and agreements contained herein, subject to the events of force majeure. Upon Grantor's written approval, Grantee may elect to abandon the Pipeline in place so long as Grantee abandons the Pipeline in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local safety standards then in effect; however, Grantee shall remove any, and all, Facilities located on the Premises above such Pipeline. If the Pipeline or Facilities or any portion thereof are abandoned, Grantee shall complete the removal of the Pipeline and Facilities as required herein and restore the portion of the Premises to which the abandoned Pipeline and/or Facilities are appurtenant to its original condition (to the extent reasonably practicable and consistent with prevailing industry standards) within one hundred twenty (120) days after receipt of notice from Grantor to perform such activities. If Grantee fails to perform this obligation, Grantor may perform such activities on the Grantee's behalf and Grantee shall reimburse Grantor within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Grantor's request for reimbursement of Grantor's incurred costs, to the extent that the costs are reasonable when compared to prevailing industry standards. In the event removal cannot be accomplished within 120 days because of conditions outside Grantee's control, including but not limited to weather, work force issues, etc., Grantee will provide a removal plan, detailing Grantee's timeline for removal. Said plan must be approved in writing by Grantor, said approval not to be unreasonably withheld. If Grantee fails to comply with its approved removal plan, the other terms of this provision will immediately apply. Grantee shall reseed the surface of any of the Premises disturbed in the exercise of the rights granted hereunder and shall control and attempt to eradicate all noxious weeds associated with the reseeding, at the sole expense of Grantee, in a manner consistent with the requirements of Grantee's Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity. Additionally, other than as required during the construction, maintenance, etc. of the Pipeline, Grantee shall not change the location of or injure any permanent fences or irrigation structures located on the Premises. Any permanent fences or irrigation structures injured or whose location is changed during the construction, maintenance, etc. of the Pipeline shall promptly be repaired or restored to their original location (to the extent reasonably practicable and consistent with prevailing industry standards), at Grantee's sole cost. This Agreement is also made by Grantor and accepted by Grantee subject to the possible relocation of the Pipeline and Facilities granted herein. Grantor or its affiliates shall give Grantee written notice of any intention to relocate said Pipeline and Facilities granted hereunder. Said notice shall be provided not less than six (6) months prior to commencement of such relocation. If such relocation is required by Grantor, Grantor shall provide Grantee, subject to availability of property suitable for the intended use, a substitute right-of-way for the placement of Grantee's relocated Pipeline and Facilities at no additional cost, with the exception of damages to crops, fences, livestock or water supply ditches; the cost associated with the physical relocation of Grantee's Pipeline and Facilities shall be Grantee's sole responsibility. 3 LG 000,251 In accordance with Section 1445(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, Grantor, Federal ID No. 13-2678588, certifies that it is not a foreign corporation and withholding of Federal Income Tax from the amount realized will not be made by Grantee. Grantor understands that this certification may be disclosed to the Internal Revenue Service by the Grantee and that any false statement made here could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. Subject to the foregoing, the terms and conditions of this grant shall be applicable to Grantee, its successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor and Grantee have executed this Agreement on the date(s) set forth below in the acknowledgments, to be effective on the day and year first written above. ANADARKO LAND CORP. 4c a ox Byroad *-A Ag nt and Attorney-in-Fact RUBY PIPELINE, L.L.C. By: Name: ! c7i Title: STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ss: COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I Lf day of 2009, by Jane Ann Byroad, as Agent and Attorney-in-Fact of Anadarko Land Corp.' 0 WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires 0'l o" l~ `e ~ 4 4111111 ITi I Y Y ,Yp~ d ®d Notaryublic OF 4 11010114\?~``\`~ STATE OF ) ss: COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ 3 day of 9r. , 2009, by tJ, 1414,.(I , as V,u -?Hy,cCc.-Y- of Ruby Pipeline, L.L. . WITNESS my hand and official seal. My commission expires /Y , a O t l CHERYL 6, S'fAMP Noar EAl8ltatetOt C0,'Iraci0 My egnirnl, 0h ~ IrP4 Akit UM 1492@11 to Public 4 LG EXHIBIT "A" 00CY252 LINCOLN COUNTY WYOMING 1) Land Plat - Line List No. 1000 - Section 21, T21 N-R1 14W 2) Land Plat - Line List No. 1025 - Section 21, T19N-R116W 3) Land Plat - Line List No. 1030 - Section 31, T19N-R116W 4) Land Plat - Line List No. 1032 - Section 36, T19N-R117W SCALE I' • 1000' 0 500' 1000' I EGEND FOUND SECTION CORNER FOUND CORUNE R ♦ FOUND SIXTEENTH CORNER CALCULATED CORNER 0 EASEMENT P.I. BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POB POINT OF BEGINNING 0 0 X17 _r O 0 z LOT 1 S88'04'33"W STONE 1615 2 to r N to to LO N O O z S8B'29'29"E 1 112.17' (TIE) AND CORP. POB N 15175032.81 E 1817537.47 76.01' S22.28'09"W 38.38' 2 N01 '29'02'W N 15174997.34 109.29' STONE E 1817522.80 24V28 N89'44'33"E 2562.62' 1126.48' STONES N89'41'07"E 2637.94' 2 AC ANADARKO LAND-CORP. 38.38 FEET 2.33 RODS 0.044 ACRES EASEMENT DESCRIPTION A 50.00 foot easement for pipeline purposes across a portion of Section 21, Township 21 North, Range 114 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Easement being 25.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point in said Section 21, from which the Southeast Corner of said Section 21 bears S88'29'29"E, 1112.17 feet; thence S22'28'09"W, 38.38 feet to a point on the South line of said Section 21, and said centerline there terminating, from which the Southeast Corner of said Section 21 bears N89'41'07"E, 1126.48 feet. CER TIF/CA TE OF SUR VEYOR I, Randall S. Stelzner, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this map was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by me or under my direct supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and that the monuments found are as shown. Randall S. Stelzner LS 5134 REF. DWG: LINE LIST N0.0000 SURVEYED AND PREPARED BY: Inberg-Miller Engineers 124 E. Main St. Riverton, WY 82501 307-856-8136 Division: ROCKY MOUNTAIN Op. Area: ELKO State: WYOMING Co./Par.: LINCOLN Section: 21 Township: 21N Range: 114W Dft: MDH Date: 11/05/08 Project ID: 128574 Chk: RSS Date: Scale: AS NOTED Appr. Dote: i enome: 0300-AU-1000 NOTES: 1. The accompanying plot does not constitute a boundary survey, 2. Easement centerilne may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not wont rights-of-way and easements shown. 4, Basis of bearings - Geodetic bsorings as established by static GPS observations and relative to NAD 83 (CORS 96), UTM Zone 12 North, calculated by NGS-OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geold 03) as determined from the some NGS-OPUS calculation. 6.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.000681805 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated corner positions are determined from record Information as shown on available GLO/BLM plats. Section lines are relative to the BLM GCDB or occupation lines In areas where PLSS comers were not found. NO. I DATE I BY I DESCRIPTION I PROJ. ID I APPR. REVISIONS LAND PLAT RUBY PIPELINE-LN 300A CROSSING RUBY PIPELINE LLC ANADARKO LAND CORP. PROPERTY 300AU-1000 sheet: t oft Rev. Type: ACRD 0 N89'31'36"E 5267.91' 11-00254 STONE 05, 2006 - 1:44PN SG4.E: 1' - 1000' 0 500' 1000' .L,E ~E~IQ FOUND SECTION CORNER FOUND QUARTER CORNER FOUND SIXTEENTH CORNER CALCULATED CORNER 0 EASEMENT P.I. BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POS POINT OF BEGINNING BC 1 2 BC S89'59'38"E ANADARKO LAND CORP. N 15112784.64 E 1768538.91 00 00 N L0 3 ip OD co O Z W F- N 0 4 E0 M z U POB N 15113686.84 E 1768764.45 3 ^ o4 °i 0 R a) o) S89'57'41 "E 230.36' (TIE) 4 E 2646.1.3 AC 12 -If ANADARKO LAND CORP 931.91 FEET 56.48 RODS 1.070 ACRES BC 2643.04' 19-ja5 2 EA SEMEN T DESCRIPTION A 50.00 foot easement for pipeline purposes across a portion of Section 21, Township 19 North, Range 116 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Easement being 25.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Beginning at a point on the East line of the West Xi of said Section 21, from which the North Quarter Corner of said Section 21 bears N00'18'16"W, 4384.02 feet; thence S14'00'23"W, 931.91 feet to a point on the South line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 21 and said centerline there terminating, from which the South Quarter Corner of said Section 21 bears S89'57'41 "E, 230.36 feet. CER TIFICA TE OF SURVEYOR I, Randall S. Stelzner, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this map was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by me or under my direct supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and that the monuments found are as shown. NOTFS~ .Z Q 1 The acc i l . . ompany ng p at does not constitute a boundary survey. 2 5134 . Easement centerline may not represent location of pipeline. Randall S_ St -I n r t>K 3. Client did not wont rights-of-way and easements shown. 4. Basis of bearings - Geodetic bearings as established by static LS 5134 GPS observations and relative to NAD 83 (COBS 96), UTM Zone 12 North, calculated by NGS-OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geoid 03) as determined l U~fI r Q from the some NGS-OPUS calculation. 6 ) Combined adju t t f t / . s men ac or. 1.000703955 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated comer positions are determined from record REF 0M 1140 Information as shown on available GLO/BLM plats. Section lines . DWG; LINE LIST N0. 1025 are relative to the BLM GCDB or occupation lines In areas WRYM AND PREPARED BY: where PLSS corners were not found. Inberg-Miller Engineers 124 E. Main St. Riverton, WY 82501 307-856-8136 NO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION PROJ. ID APPR. );vision: ROCKY MOUNTAIN Op. Area: ELKO REVISIONS ;tote: WYOMING Co./Par.: LINCOLN LAND PLAT section: 21 Township: 19N Range: 116W RUBY PIPELINE-LN 300A ~ M: MDH Date: 9/17/08 P t P E L I N E L L C CROSSING OF ANADARKO RUBY ~ roject ID: 128574 ;hk: RSS Date: Scale: AS NOTED LAND CORP. Date: rename: kPPr 0300-AU-1025 PROPERTY 300AU-1025 Sheet: 1 of 1 Rev. Type: ACAD 0 SCALE: 1' - 1000' 0 500' loon' FOUND QUARTER CORNER ♦ FOUND SIXTEENTH CORNER CALCULATED CORNER lE~E~ FOUND SECTIOCORNER C:00256 ANADARKO LAND CORP. LOT 3 \ V6~. 1 4~58~4,T•• ~0 S87'53'56'V J 157.25' LOT q- - 02"W N89'1 2'45"W S-75'38'991 I Na 1'40'07„w506.10, POB m N 15103534.67, E 1760881.82 200,00' S43'57'48"W 213.88' N 15102710.59 E 1760041.59 Sgss~ c a, air 7 30129 BC rn O w q ~o -t v W N W c0 1K cNa S59'37'31 "E 0 999.56' 111111- /V7,5. N 15102599.72 S0 0'19'36"E r583.23 E 1755697.41 ?32S (TIE) 420.24' (TIE 846 BC3 1 T19N S89'39'1 4"W 4?' 2 BC/WC 1 T18N 2558.49' BC S89'46 44 2645.72 POO 15 m N 15102569.78 ANADARKO LAND CORP. N 5531.80 FEET 335.26 RODS 6.350 ACRES E 1759896.24 EA SEMEN T DESCRIPTION A 50.00 foot easement for pipeline purposes across a portion of Section 31, Township 19 North, Range 116 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Easement being 25.00 feet on each side of the following described centerlines: LOT 2 BC 00 M 00 ~ O O ~ O N Z 0 EASEMENT P.I. BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POS POINT OF BEGINNING 1) Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section 31, from which the Southeast Corner of said Section 31 bears S00'57'13"E, 1329.70 feet; thence S43'57'48"W, 213.88 feet; thence S45'54'34"W, 963.12 feet to a point on the Northeasterly right-of-woy line of Wyoming Highway 412, from which the Southeast corner of said Section 31 bears S59'37'31 "E, 999.56 feet, 2) And also, beginning at a point on the Southwesterly right-of-way line of said Highway 412, from which the West Quarter Corner of said Section 31 bears N62'15'43"W, 4758.06 feet; thence S45'54'34"W, 331.81 feet; thence N89'12'45"W, 506.10 feet; thence N75'23'25"W, 846.42 feet; thence N81'40'07"W, 1583.23 feet; thence S87'53'56"W, 157.25 feet; thence S78'38'02"W, 929.99 feet to a point on the West line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 31 and said centerline there terminating, from which the Southwest Corner of said Section 31 bears S00'19'36"E, 420.24 feet. CER TIFI CA TE OF SUR V YOR I, Randall S. Stelzner, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this map was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by me or under my direct supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and that the monuments found are as shown. Randall S StP17ner LS 5134 DEF. DWG: UNE UST NO.: 1030 WRVEYED AND PREPARED BY: Inberg-Miller Engineers 124 E. Main St. Riverton, WY 82501 307-856-8136 NOTES: 1. Th e accompanying plat does not constitute a boundary survey. 2. Eosement centerline may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not want rights-of-way and easements shown. 4. Basis of bearings - Geodetic bearings as established by static GPS observations and relative to NAD 83 (CORS 96), UTM Zone 12 North, calculated by NGS-OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geoid 03) as determined from the some NGS-OPUS calculation. 6.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.000695834 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated comer positions are determined from record Information as shown on available GLO/BLM plate. Section lines are relative to the BLM GCDB or occupation lines in areas where PLSS camera worm nn} f-d H NO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION PROD. ID APPR. )Msion: ROCKY MOUNTAIN Op. Area: EL.KO Rate: WYOMING Co./Par.: LINCOLN ;action: 31 Township:. 19N Range: 116W ft' MDH Date: 9/18/08 Project ID: 128574 ;hk: RSS Date; Scale: AS NOTED WPr Date: i enema: REVISI LAND PUT RUBY PIPELINE-LN 300A CROSSING OF ANADARKO LAND CORP. PROPERTY RUB1%IPELINE LLC 300AU-1030 Sheet: 1 of 1 Rev. ACRD 0 05, 2008 - 2:25PN G SCALE 1' . 1000' 0 500' 1000' .Lf ~E~(C1 FOUND SECTION CORNER FOUND N COR R ♦ FOUND SIXTEENTH CORNER CALCULATED CORNER O EASEMENT P.I. BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POB POINT OF BEGINNING IRON PIPE I LINCOLN COUNTY 36 000257 ANADARKO LAND CORP. BC POB 0 N 15102509.69 E 1753972.90 N67'10'08"W 82.04' S42'04'58"W 335.11' \ S58'06'1 ' 'W\ 266.89' N 15102151.99 E 1753446.10 \ AC Ail- N 15102432.20 E 1754157.43 re"/ fir. Do 4b ~/rye (n O O (D W Cn rrl POB 1O N ° N 15102599.72 00 E 1755697.41 0 0 N67'1 0'08"W 247.77' 420.24' 38'02"` 1 (TIE) 578 1337 86 3 31 BC 2 1 BC T18N S89'39'29"W 2638.82' / S89'18'03"W 491.59 1 6 UINTA COUNTY 237.71' (TIE) 1562.94' "(TIE) ANADARKO LAND CORP 2269.67 FEET 137.56 RODS 2.605 ACRES EA SEMEN T DESCRIPTION A 50.00 foot easement for pipeline purposes across a portion of Section 36, Township 19 North, Range 117 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said Easement being 25.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline: 1) Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section 36, from which the Southeast Corner of said Section 36 bears SOO'19'36"E, 420.24 feet; thence S78'38'02"W, 1337.86 feet; thence N67'10'08"W, 247.77 feet to a point on the West ROW line of HWY 189 in the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 and said centerline there terminating, from which the East Quarter Corner of said Section 36 bears N36'58'13"E, 2846.79 feet; 2) Also, beginning at a point on the East ROW line of HWY 189; thence N67'10'08"W, 82.04 feet; thence S42'04'58"W, 335.11 feet; thence S58'08'11"W, 266.89 feet to a point on the South line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 36 and said centerline there terminating, from which the South Quarter Corner of said Section 36 bears S89'18'03"W, 237.71 feet. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR I, Randall S. Stelzner, a Professional Land Surveyor in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this map was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by me or under My direct supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and that the monuments found are as shown. Randall S St -hn r LS 5134 REF. DWG: LINE UST NO.: 10.32 aURVEYED AND PREPARED BY. Inberg-Miller Engineers 124 E. Main St. Riverton, WY 82501 307-856-8136 Nvision: ROCKY MOUNTAIN Op. Area: ELKO State: WYOMING Co./Par.: LINCOLN Section: 36 Township: 19N Range: 117W )ft: MDH Date: 9/19/08 Project ID: 126574 .hk: RSS Date: Scale: AS NOTED +ppr Date: 1 Gnome: 0300-AU-1032 NO7ES.- 1. The accompanying plat does not constitute a boundary survey. 2. Easement centsrilne may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not wont rlyhta-of-way and easements shown. 4. Basis of bearings - Geodetic bearings as established by static CPS observations and relative to NAD B3 (CORS 96), UTM Zone 12 North, calculated by NGS-OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geold 03) as determined from the some NGS-OPUS calculation. 6.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.000695834 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated corner positions are determined from record information as shown on available GLO/BLM plats. Section lines are relative to the BLM GCDB or occupation lines in oreas where PLSS comers were not found. NO. I DATE I BY I DESCRIPTION PROD ID I APPR REVISIONS LAND PLAT RUBY PIPELINE-LN 300A Q CROSSING ANADARKO LAND RUBY # I P E L I N E L L C CORP. PROPERTY 300AU-1032 Sheet: 1 oft Rev. Type: ACRD 0