~OWN BY ALL THESE P~SENTS, That Noel N. Allred, Trustee of the Beatrice M~ed
F~ily Trust dated Fehrua~ 15, 1995, does hereby ceffi~ fl~at mortgage be~h~g ~e date of
December 31, 1997 made and executed by Jim Duane Mlred and L~ne Mired, as mo~gagors
to Noel N. Allrcd, Trustee of ~e Ben,ice AHred Fmnily T~St dared Feb~ 15, 1995 as
mo~gagee convey~g ce~ain real estate '&ere~ mentioned as sc~ for the payment of
$40,000.00 as fl~ere~ stated, w~ch moffgage was recorded ~ ~e office of ~e Coun~ Clerk
and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln Co~, State of Wyoming, on April 27, 1998 ~
Book 410PR on page 827 mo~gag~g ~e follow~g described real estate m said Count, to wit:
All lands described in said moagage.
is, wi~ a note secured ffmreby, and ~e aforementioned dobt, ~lly paid, satisfied, released, ~d
disch~ged and ~ consideration thereof ~e said mo~gagee does hereby release ~d quitclahn
unto ~e said mortgagor fl~e premises fl~ereby conveyed ~d mo~gaged.
WITNESS my h~d ~s. ~q ~ day of October, 2001.
Noel N. Allred, Trustee
State of Wyoming
County of L~coln
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by ,No,~el N. Allred, Trusme of the
Beatrice Allred F~unily Trust dated February 15, 1995, this 19 day of October, 2001.
Wimess my hand and official seal.
" ~~ Publi~
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