HomeMy WebLinkAbout947676RECEIVING # 947676 BOOK: 725 PAGE: 46 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY File No.: 6010918035 Ktl-IvrL v1Jr4vv0 ai iV.~I RECEIVING # -fJf BOOK- PAGE: 498 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CORRECTIVE WARRANTY DEED ~q0V- 498 C. Bryce Jasperson, A Single Person, Grantor of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does Convey and Warrant To Kelly Bryce Jasperson and Iris Mayann Jasperson, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, grantees, whose address is: 2541 LCR 125 Thayne WY 83127 the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: West Half of the Southeast Quarter and the Southwest Quarter of Section 10, Township 34 t North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. ALSO, a portion of land within the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particulalry described on attached Exhibit A. LESS AND EXCEPT the land described on attached Exhibit B. NOTE: This serves to correct the description contained in Corrected Warranty Deed recorded May 4, 2008 in Book 618 on page 740 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Hereby releasing and waiving all ri -hts under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness my hand this C / day of , 2009. U. bi-f7Jasp~son/ State of Wyoming County of Lincoln 9 Oop This Instrument was acknowledged before me on By C. Bryce Jasperson. JILL H. LAnSot.; G? O 7Zt. PI BLIC county of q^Sin e of Notarial Officer coln of $ Lin miny My C Tmissjon B-2D-2011 This is being recorded again to correct the date in the notary acknowledgement and to attach-Exhibits A & B. I understand that the foregoing document is being rerecorded to correct the date of document and notary. Bryce asperso State of Wyoming ) County of Lincoln ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by C. Bryce Jasperson on this 4' -day of June, 2009. c:A~ W, 67faO~ Notary Public My Commission Expires ~Nw1/°2PRIC'.A'4J Vrc~k7•-b.'~af~1c~.V`A✓°YO.n JILL H. LAMSON NO7AHY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln Wyoming IVIy Ccmmmoon r'xr re:::. June 20, 2011 'A EXHIBIT A Elk ~ , . 44 Grp ~ t. • : ~eacriptinn: D'.aspnrson SM7/4 Section 9 Adjusted partisan of the zaisparsou -xcepex , as xef-='d tD i]] the deed T'ecnrded .1'O 33ook 229PR, on Page 337, with the Dffiee of tb,r Clerk of 2.incntin county, Wyoming', West of Thayme - Tt*edom County Road 12-125, with-i -the SS_t/4 of Section 9, T34H, 3Z3 --w, of the ° P.M T.Innnin County, Wyomi-'A2, -the -meters and bonnAH being Moore particularly described3 3H follows: •xzx-GINNI G at a PJDint ,]n the Neat .U3n8 of the SWa/-4 of Section 1D, of said T34N, Raa9W, also said Point being a Soint in the Cempr T,-i of the Thayme - 7reedom County Aoad 12-126 Ri c-nf- Way, said :Point of $Pgznmim being 516.57 feet SD°32'4D"W, from the Charles T. Ming PX/ZS 39D, location for the Northwest c¢xmer of ami A sw1/4; thence SD°6214D"W, rOntdnuyng along said 'West 1e, 1,201.97 feet to the Northwest corner of the Eatfield inmpexrye as rcfe-=za to in t 1m Z ed recorded in Zook •435PR, on Page 1.42, with said cffi ce; thence N8.9-40 ' 35 'IN, parallel with the North l i Tae of the 2E1 /•4 of Section 13, of said 3'34N, Ma9W, slang the North Tj Of vaid Ratfi'e1.d 1=ePexty, 1,427.13 feet to The Northwest cdTttPr thereof; thtnoe S0141'061W, paxmMe1 with the West line of the of said SEI/4, £96.13 feet to a Point iv said NeXT-b 'lure'of said Iml/4; thence NB9040'351"W, along said North line, 1,1B7.71 feet to the 7llayd a. MakPT x/15 59B, 2005 location fOr the SD»tle»* CnmP,-T. of GLO 7,Dt •4' of said Section 9; thence ND°.29133 "R, al=_q the :Mast line of said GLO Lot, 4 and the Aaat 17nt of Q,O McTt 3, of said Section -9, 2,6-20.-40 feet to the 21oyd Z. Makes 3~JE/3,.g 6H$, 2ODS 1DCa'ii.on for the Southw8st Corner nt the NE2/-4 of said Bert-ion 9; thence SB 9 °33 ' D B IM, a1 Dng the South 11-a of said IMa /4, 1,3T5.3 0 .feet to the 7.,1oyd M. Maker 1~/?.9 698, 2003 locatimm for the Northwest Corner of said Al/2SE,1 /4 ; thence SD°41'D6"W, along the West liae of .se•i.d M/2-qm/4, 1 , 04B.15 feet 'to aT point in. an MGisti.ng Sa.st - West :FeLnce line ; thence N8 0 °27 'DR 11:8 , Songhly a1On9, said Fence lime, a,333.75 feet, to the Paint Of Begun g, mcmtaiazng 311.27E Arses of land. sera term TD: Ilse 3D feet wide Right-Di:-Way :Ea- , a1Dng the Mast 1in$ of the above described Dropesty, for Thayne - P'TMeed= County Road 12-] 23 . 'T'9= and SMDECT TO : All. 3asements, }bmegtinns, Rwmexvations, mestxActinns, RinhCa.-of-Way and snq=j;yvements of sight and or record. 1 i I i 0 4-8 a . R,3 EXHIBIT B Deseriptian: 33aderlie TTICt Adju-ted 2DOS -A •pm=t.icn of the 3aderli•e finast 1=0p~ y, es sefz=ed to am the Heed =-=ded ±7a 33ook 233xR, = 3M9e 577, a3ad a pa td= zaf the 3,aspareon pr°F Y, as X--fe=ed to -im the Deed sacarded in gook 22SPR, Dn Fags 377, with t.bs Opine of The a- rk of -7j=Jlm r---y' Wytlmin9, Went of Tha ~Y Road 12-123, within Secticm 9, T34N in-, aW^ E R.M. , T.1TPn7 CDUnty, Wy,M;LDthe IDeUeg 3bd .X117]GiS he=9 particularly lear=lbed aB ±D11aws: SNG aL =he Charles S7, xir9 /y~ S9D looat inn 1nr the 'ffm=bwest Co=e= of the SW1/-4' of sect:j m 1D, of sAid T341Q, 1t118'W; theuoe SOn92,-AD°W, a7.oug the west li,,. of Aaizi SKI/At B1S.57 f~eat to the N=tJ..azvmly proloIIga't_iDri [rf .an 7-Xi ~ 2- 1 thence SBD°27'D9"W , to and al•cmg sari 9 fence, 1.333 .7S' feet to a 7?nynt jin for ?rest lion of the WI/7~u1/i1 Df Sa_d Sectim 9, No-a1Dswl, along .said 3ast Line, a, D48-1-5 feet to the 11nyd R_ MakleX 791/LcZ .g,~DD5 1DCdtlon far the N❑xhs"t Cm.,e= I: the 'lid W 3vorth 1/2' Maine of •sa7_d ecti'-T, 91 't.hence N89°33'D8"W, 'A2-29 the Maker MR/1,5 S96 2DDS to®i--i= 3= t1we N feet to Lhe Mex o 33, Bald 141/2-M/4; t iy,rn,.,, 30.25 '33 "W -long the west weC of aai d W2/2Z=/4, 2;57D.-40 feet to thTst Maker aM a 01 598, 200S loration for the VC=tl llt CZatner, 3;31 )31, 0t :L mg Sect--Um 15, Df 'a" 3'34.N, 2.11SW• ~e nos *4D1 a 0 3,a- ,1 long t 1: 40 -Ba '12- NQYtb line Df $aid I,ot 1, 355.5.3 feet to the ~ 33agq. M-Jim*--Xe TEALS 69B, 197E 1'cAt:i " fza' tbg DT GLO 7-t -4 ml said Section 9' Sou,, t Z 4 ra It4~, of -the _MM, r beang a Fatnt .311 'the 3?.art DOD-24'.2911m, a1Qn ~uhou CnLmty. Zclao; -thagee Dent-- band 5 e, line, 3,191.25 feet -to the U.S_ fT=fic 1925 location fczt a Mile 3?1Bt -135; thEnce -NO 4571 D4ar., D®t =all =EEt to the -S0=t- Vest C03rl r -.tj- Red ~8t rty, 39_'17 a-ell rred *n -in tthe Moed racordnd ~ 33oa •47 ~DpR, cu il& with said Faces ~S Dffiz:ej 'thence SB9423'3.4".S, al 7•❑D,3'•~ sai id 20=h liner 2,922.29 fit to a 9niat 3c the ranter ZA33e Df Mbayme - 3?Xeedom Cbl ty Road 12-123 33azgjjt_of-Wa .'a ,275,00 f~3r 3tadi„d Cull, :fxoTn a 3?be 1n 3LXdi- Foivt .ixara l'J1n3}1 =0 the -a thn~r S j ra_y, am C=70 -to t-be 3: .Sour~.~•ly, al liagt b 7. 57 fe~~h B Central Angle cf 3 a4D '37 m, ga arc '1 Slfi-0~~S'1B"W said 17.5'7 1$zt 1= na hays a ctaard Gf beairminrr r S13 03 SD 'R 274.92 fret ?,o the . So,r} Df a 31D.0 0 feet 3tadius Curve to the yam, tx f, along said Gave the Iz thzough a i. ~4 I-IF Z7 049 j:. w?:raj 4 ~ yS•., ,tip M,•e'- .~yt r" ~ . I W; PIZ. t^a„+-Sa 3 g1s of A5°36'21"1an arc 1e .said curve having a of S7°42'20S AM X2 of 2 6.75 feet, 40.29 feed:, 53DA30'MI.M 304,94 f`iet to the begjnni=g of a 36S. Do feet XIL i Clixva to the Right; Southeasterly. alcmg said Ctit've t o -the Right' through a oe= as Rag1e Ile _ 27 °41 ' 3 D an arc -lath cf 1.1B. S8 leet, ea"' CUrVe l'°•~ A rhnr3 of S21D39'AS 216 .A1 lost, a=1,49 ' D1 3.28.93 :t t,D the be3 im-9 mf a 4bn . D 0 feet Radius Carve to the M~ight ; s~'* Rr es1y, a10m9 .said Cuzve to the Might, Central A=-gle of 21A37123p an arc 1ta~ 17S~ h e s aid c=VA-- having 8 ChOXd of 51 ° 3 0 + p 175 5 - . fist , S9A0B'24'W ADD. D7 tart to the beg mn1 g of a 28D feet, Radius Zu va to 7t a Taft, Soutt-natexl_DD curt to the -left, thou9h a Cext=z a ~ingls Of slang said curve of 26'53'32", as arc lrsgth of 331.-43 fart, said curve leaving a chord of .94'18 'Z4 3-3D .22 cost, S3'71143112'M 39S-2-7 feet to the begi mg of a 1535.Db feet Radius CSttve to *be 31i5ht So„+►,-xte=ly, a1>mg said Cux-ve To, ,t-be gi gbt, r-hz'oug?] a Ci=tral Angle ffi 19°D5' DS" , an arc length of .183..2D feet, said cuz-M bavimg a nccs3 zrt BB=3.214D"N 184,35 fast, to a 3?oint jn : be Next line Of tha' SM/4 mf .said Secr.iffi 11), ~-rl MA4D'Dl'W 87.57 feat to .a Po-bat in the Wret Lime of the Mql/•4 cl said Sertion 2D, being the Northeast s.* 3M&r cd thr l1rop-t-Y, as ra#s':rP-d 'to in the Heed s'=Corded -in :Book 437PR, on - V a g e '732, w i t h -aid D f t ± t ! e ; th,emca J O B OBTW, parallel with the 1Vnrth lime of the X1/9 of said s4'CLinn 9, al--- the North 13ne of Bad -•ty, 130. DD feet to the -Northwest Z--- thereof, zhtnce Spa-4D'34-W, Ta_rall-I frith staid Went. 1inr1 of -Said IMZ/.4 NWest oCr 1 1Tp of Mid Frap~Y, 3,e0.0D 2eet *0 n along The Ianrt is sa-i[3 North l-irs of maid sz1/A; timx=e SB9°33'De'35, along said 1Vorth Iine, 15 0.DD faet, 'to -the Point ai 33egsx~5, con 1~cres Of Laud. tajMj;qg 24;2.3 .StMMT=I TD: The 30 feet wide Might-of-Way 3;a e the ~t -11-- of t}ae abavs =lssC_*db d i>!ffi myme 3Yee3om County 3Naad 32-12.5. pal'' fns 3'hsynr - TDDETEMR WETH and .ELMMCT 3O:.AU 2aselneats, 3txceptjaMy., ssrvatiaua , 31-_t=:: Ztionm , Rig3rta-of-wa of edgbr and Dr rernrd. y VLld T 'Y7 ~k y " 05