HomeMy WebLinkAbout947777RECEIVED 6/15/2009 at 4:46 F RECEIVING # 947777 BOOK: 725 PAGE: 438 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 00,438 Kenneth R Petersen and Andra B Petersen, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, Grantor(s) of Lincoln County, State of WY, hereby CONVEYAND WARRANT to Kenneth R Petersen and Andra L Petersen, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, Grantee(s) of Lincoln County, State of WY for the sum of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract of land in Uinta County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: See Attached Exhibit A & B Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and taxes for the year 2008 and thereafter. Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this June 12, 2009. enneth R Petersen Andra B Petersen State of WY County of Uinta On June 12, 2009, personally appeared before me Kenneth R Petersen and Andra B Petersen, the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. N Public Residing: Ev•..,s+., -,y Expires: s-ta-+3 SHAWN RLNGER" NOTARY PUISUC COUNTY OF STATE OF UINTA WIMN WYOMPq . 1W W COMMIS" EXPIRES MAY 12, =3 CIO6439 :9sing 'the d1DaariAik or two paruels of land, designated herein as -Paroal ^A-:and, Pervol °b''I situabe in :Ssotivas 1 , :24,, and .25 or Township =22 14orth Range "120 West, 6eo .bone .18I 19 e44 30 w Township _22.9orth, Range .119 Weet, end .$agtyon. °9;01' ToWaehipp:21 North, Range x,19 West, all :retorted to tbe:9ixth:Prinoipal Dieridian and all being situsta.14:Lincoln aounty Wyoming and.deeoribed..in par: hta.ular :as 101lown, -to-wl,l 1 -pp n All t MterT "A- gaginning 'et .0ornar Na. or'Reeurvey Tract No. '74' a Noint -platted by -the General :Land. Orrice .9t :the. Unfired "Soutq~ oorner'nt taeation X2:Beat 4 -in place -and -as described. by the Surveyor Generall-thono•e North 20,20 chains .-to the > loous -oil 0oiner No...4 at Said ':'rant 74 "e Lost Oornex, thence 1680•14,98 .chains •to a point •altuabe -in the SH~SWJ of :said seo,tion .24, -thence North OP15' :]rant, .125,733 ohaina 'to :a ; point 'eitaabe in -.the-:SVJNW4 of ~81M Section . 13; thence Jouth 8802b'.ilast.l0o-.1 dhaine to e:point .situate In bhe.,3WV Ak or said 99041an.18,•thonoe.llouth 4 ..11 ohnins:along the hoot boundary or Traot'76 of Town- .ahl.p=22 North, Rapae 119 1'lpeb, bo 0orner No, :z -thereof, -e stone An.Plaos as deaarAusd by the Surveyor.Deneral,. .situate in the 014984 oP _eeid -_19eotion .181 thence North SPA[ Weat .40,.01 :chains :to,n -point .situate .in •xho -636SW~ . :af ,said .ruction '.18 '•thonoa south :101,00 cha.ine -to corner NO, .2 :of Traot 74 -al' 'Rownahi'p.22 North, Rang*.119 Heat altunbe An the will. 1011c of :aald .Neallon .30, a atono :in place as deaoribad by the iurveyor General -thongs Weat 80.00':ohalne, °along -the .0outh boundary of kraut 74 "to ' Garner No, :3 •thgroof, •.a atone :19 p16oe Be described by =the :surveyor General, the point -of beginningl °ths area C. herein :.oonveysd .under-.title 'Faroel AA' bailie:llO2,.26 raorea, -morn _or ,leas, 'PAROEL "B"r ' And -a.lso l The ']Lantern one.-he.l f . of -the .:Southarn 'One-half :of;Lot •7 :end :the ;Dastarn one-half .of the 'Northern .one- halt or _Lot 8 or.~3oot.ion 7 of "Townahip:21 North, Range 1l9 Want of-ins .6th Principal .ilevidion, .Lincoln '0o, 'Wyodling, as aurvDysd -slid 'plabted :undar:dato-of 529M by -the ..Gonaral.'.LanO Ofr'ias -or oho .Un;ted :SVItoe, uon- teining !Approximste17 ;16,60 :oare3, Mora :ox _less, .rand -pol unlred -to William :Lauder, Aad:alasl. an 'Tract .0 Township .22 .North, an=11? eat .egid :Tract .4q .being .SUr- thor".described :ae the .riYlbs>c -sso.t qn .5, W>NB ;and NWiSg :ot section 8, .in -said :Townahip.22 North, :Aanga •119 Want, .a~a.. Togathar-with .all .water,-water:rights,.irriganion:works and easements and appurtenanoss-thersunto gol'oaging.or..in:any- wise.appsrthiAina. :Torother -with sand.allbject 'to -A :right-of_way Tend .the -xight "to •:trsval over :all 'roada and -xightm of way hera*ofore used ;and Dow eatabliahdd over :any -lands .bexstofore or now owned..by Seoxwlth.q,uinn snd'.Company, 'or she purpose or ingress ..and agrees to the auove dosoriuod:.lands, :Together with and .subject 'to -.the -casements :over =0 -aaxoae .the aoova deaoriusd -lands `for all .irr.igation:d1toltea :and canals 'es -now eatabliahed :on :the .said lands _for Urrigating :the lands horetofor.a or :pow ownad by -tho;13sokwkth Quinn and Oampeny I :and 'togebher with and •aubiaot.,to all :nights of way :now •sabdblishad:over the:&Dove -dssoriaed aands'for -the pur- pass of inarede ..and agrees -to -other Agads nerebotore .owned by the Beckwith Quinn and :Company, :zxaopbing -from •Vhls :sale ..however, and expreocly'XNMMV.ZN4 .unto aranboTs, :fifty' 1501 :per :cant :of all minerela, ;1nolud- .in8 oil sod gaa. 410 'the full :right 'to mine, drill, Tnr.and •axtrsot the same and all -reasoneols use of bh9 gu.Ti19ol 9f; .said land .for the purpose of :this reservation, uOV440 EXHIBIT.. "B" An .undivided.13-15x:interest .in the 8W .1/4 NW :14 :of• gaotion 26, "R .1.18 W, :T .:23N{ 8W 1/4 VIA of Seation :3.5, 'R .118 W, 1 23Ni BE .1/4 NW 114 of .:Section .3, 'R.:118 W, 'T :22Ni BE 1/4 SW .114 of Section .31 'R .118• W, 'T :22Nt .NW 1/4 NE 1/4 .of `cation .10, 'R .118 W, 'T .22Ni NW 1/4 NW .11-4 :of :Sact.ion .10, 'R :118 W, •T :22Ni .8E .1'/•4. 5W .1/4 .of%Seo'tion,.10, 'R .118 W, T.22Nt NW 1/.4 NW 1/4 .of Section :11, "R .115 W, "T :22Ni NE 1/.4 NW 1/4 of Section .15•, 'R AI8W, 'I.22Ni encompassing -360 .acres -more or ;lass i 00 TNER -with all water ana,watur -rights, ditubas -and .ditch xights, :irrigation -works, -resPrvQirs and 7reservoix :rights, .all grazing :privileges .issuad' by :the United .:State Department of -the -Interior, All Ampxovemen.ts :and ;ippur.tenaAcss :thereon or :anywise appert$ilitng :thsrato, -excapt 'tha :grantors spectf.iaally --reserve 'the 'right }.to :.all -minarala .and -mineral :rights, .This -reservation- being understood to ••lnelude by Its -terms, oll., gas, }and -any :other -minerals -on, in :and under-tha property conveyed,