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LA~ C 5ii 00,0"833 American Collection Systems, Inc. Corporate Office: Post office Box 1289 • 407 South 215` Street • Laramie, Wyoming 82073 (800) 773-4349 June 11, 2009 LIEN STATEMENT As evidenced by the attached Transcript of Judgment, American Collection Systems, Inc., hereby places a lien on the property situated at: 659 Old County Rd, Town of Alpine, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming also known as: Livingston Subdivision, Lot 61 and 62. Together with any improvements thereon or appurtenant thereto; Subject to all rights-of-way, easements, reservations and restrictions heretofore of record. Owners of record: Todd S Rogers Amount owing: $2,340.92 The amount of this lien, including interest, shall be subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by the Judgment and applicable laws. STATE OF WYOMING OF ALBANY Legal Department This instrun6t was acknowledged before me on ` - ,a- a / /-'d 2009 by as officer of AC DU(IE L ANDERSON-NOTARY PUBLIC d, Notary Public County of State of Albany wyoff" My Commission Expires Feb. 1e, 201o My Commission expires ©/O RECEIVED 6/22/2009 at 12:28 PM RECEIVING # 947899 BOOK: 725 PAGE: 833 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY (OP017) a YK111VI~~ " STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN. j AMERICAN COLLECTION SYSTEMS, INC. ) A Wyoming Corporation, ) Plaintiff, ) VS. TODD S ROGERS, Defendant(s). IN THE CIRCUIT COURT THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT DOCKET NO: CV-2009-7 ` F I E B. M AY 2 1 2009 SANDRA L. HAWKES CLERK OF CIRCUIT r,OURT fi• • .3N JUDIOM NSTRIOT. LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING SUMMARY JUDGMENT THE ABOVE ENTITLED MATTER having come before the Court upon Plaintiff's, American Collection Systems, Inc., Motion for Summary Judgment and Plaintiff, having appeared by and through its attorney, Jennifer P. Hanft, and Defendant(s), Todd Rogers, represented by attorney Kent Brown, having failed to answer Plaintrs First Set of Interrogatories and Request for Production of Documents to Defendant, and, therefore, having raised no material issues of fact, and the Court having been otherwise fully informed of the pfemises'3rTNlyS that good cause exists to grant.Plaintiff's 11 66on r Summary Judgment IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that Plaintiff is entitled to Judgment as a matter of law and that Plaintiffs Motionfor Summary Judgment, for the Complaint filed on the 9th day of January, 2009, should be and is hereby granted. Plaintiff therefore has judgment against Defendant(s), Todd Rogers, id the amount of Two Thousand Eighteen Dollars and Sixty-Five Cents ($2,318.65). Judgment is entered as follows: Principal $1,897.33 Interest $361.32 NSF $0.00 Statutory Fees $0,00 Court Costs $60.00 ~Thig judgnlen shall bear interest at the. statutory rate of ten percent (10%) or contracted- - - amount from the date of this order. LL SO ORDERED this day of , 20 9 RD~ Copies to: • American Collection Systems, Inc., Plaintiff , ` Todd Rogers, Defendant 0,00834