HomeMy WebLinkAbout876792 IN THE DISTRICT CO~I~6~F~E TitlRD JUDiS~.,DiSTRiC~ LINCOLN, STAT~ Deceased. ) .) ORDER AUTHORIZING SALE OF REAL' ESTATE AND AppRoViNG PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE NOW on this /~ ay of October, 2001, the above captioned matter comes before this Court, pursuant to prior assignment; on the "Petition for Authority to Sell Real Estate and'Report of Private Sale of Real Estate" as filed herein on the 9a' day of August, 2001, by the Personal Representative and the Court, having reviewed the file of record herein, having received evidence, waivers of hearing from the heirs, and being duly · advised in the premises, finds that each and all of the statements in said Petition and Report are true and correct, that due and proper notice of said Petition and of this hearing thereon has been made to all parties legally entitled thereto, that ail parties have waived rigl~t to be present at such hearing, that the proposed Sale price is the value of said property as determined by the appraisal ofrec'ord herein, that the sale of said real estate is necessary to effectuate:distribution of this estate, and in the best interests of the estate, that no objections to said sale have been filed of record with the Court and no such objections have been submitted to the Court, and that therefore to complete the private sale of said real estate .as reported and prayed for in its said Petition and Report IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Personal Representative 0fthe above captioned estate be, and it hereby is, authorized and directed to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: . PARCEL A: Lot 37 AlpineVillage Subdivision No. 1, Plat 2, Amended, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat recorded in the Office of County Clerk, Lincoln Cohnty, Wyoming. to DARYL BILLINGS ii{ accordance with all of the terms and conditions of that Contract attached to the Report of Private Sale of Real Estate as filed with the Court on 9th day of August, 2001. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED thlat upon the completion of said transaction and the receipt ,by the Personal Representative of the total amount due under the aforesaid Contract, the Personal RepreSentative shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a COurt Officer's Deed, and shall thereupon record said Deed and a certified copy, of this ~Qrd. erin the office of the ..... Lincoln County. i~ \ ~.' i .";,:"~ (.~?~,) . · COt..ti',,.,'.T'~' Or I.JN~';Di..~}!J. ,, .5 S,;,.;-:' , . 'D. TER ,. : x" ,.../. ' : ,~ ' t kenm'eth D Rober~ m'a;~. ~f~.:...; , . , , .,- - ........ ~ .~.,m~ ~.-,:~ District Codrt Judge JUC~C~a~ Distri.d Court within and C-. f . .., X,,~m&' and iq,,;he State of [Orkh%d,