HomeMy WebLinkAbout948207v0V2f5 MORTGAGE DEED ,CCA41 EXECUTED this 1 day of June, 2009, by Michael Allen Vinson and Tena Darlene Gomm Vinson, Husband and Wife, of Afton, Wyoming 83110, hereinafter called the MORTGAGOR, to Thiel Gomm and Lola Gomm, Husband and Wife of Afton, Wyoming 83110, hereinafter called the MORTGAGEE: (Whenever used herein, the term w "MORTGAGOR" and "MORTGAGEE" include all the Parties to this instrument and their heirs Q w , legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporation; Lo r_ ° W W U_ U_ and the term "NOTE" includes all the notes herein described if more than one.) 04 UJ CO (9 Y y a 't¢Q M LL WITNESSETH: o o z i Z n d W z THAT FOR GOOD and valuable considerations, and also in consideration of the w w " C aggregate sum named in the Promissory Note of even date herewith, hereinafter described the 2~ w U Y X O L Z , MORTGAGOR hereby grants, bargains, sells, conveys, and confirms unto the MORTGAGEE W 0° , all the certain land of which the MORTGAGOR is now seized, situated in Lincoln County and a: W - State of Wyoming, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: See Exhbit "A" TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the rents, issues, and profits thereof, unto the MORTGAGEE in fee simple. And, the MORTGAGOR covenants with the MORTGAGEE that the.MORTGAGOR is indefeasibly seized of said land in fee simple; that the MORTGAGOR has good right and lawful authority to convey said land as aforesaid; that the MORTGAGOR will make such further assurances to perfect the fee simple title to said land and the MORTGAGEE as may reasonably be required; that the MORTGAGOR hereby warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims for all persons whosoever; and that the said land is free and clear of all encumbrances, except as to the obligations of these Parties. PROVIDED, ALWAYS, that if said MORTGAGOR shall pay unto said MORTGAGEE, the certain Promissory Note in the amount of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY- FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THIRTY ($175,9302-0) DOLLARS and NO/100, attached hereto as Schedule "A", and shall perform, comply with, and abide by each and every of the agreements, stipulations, conditions, and covenants thereof, and of this Mortgage, then this Mortgage and the estate hereby created shall cease, determine and be null and void. AND THE MORTGAGOR hereby further covenants and agrees to pay promptly, when due, the principal and interest and other sums of money provided for in said note and this mortgage, or either; to pay all and singular the taxes, assessments, levies, liabilities, obligations, and encumbrances of every nature on said property; to permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, or deterioration of said and or the improvements thereon at any time; to pay all costs, charges and expenses including reasonable attorney's fees and title searches, reasonably incurred or paid by the MORTGAGEE because of the failure of the MORTGAGOR to promptly and fully comply with, and abide by each and every agreements, stipulations, conditions, and covenants set forth in said Note and this Mortgage, or either. RECEIVED 6/24/2009 at 10:10 AM MORTGAGE DEED RECEIVING # 9478 3 _.r Gomm/Vinson BOOK: 726 GE: 141 Pagel of3 EANNE WAGNER OLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CU06266 :X142 In the event the MORTGAGOR fails to pay, when due, and tax assessment, or insurance premium, or other sum of money payable by virtue of said Note and this Mortgage, or either, the MORTGAGEE may pay the same without waiving or affecting the option to foreclose or any other right hereunder, and all such payments shall bear interest from date thereof at the highest lawful rate allowed by law. IF ANY SUM of money herein referred to be not promptly paid within one hundred twenty (120) days next after the same becomes due, or if each and every of the agreements, stipulations, conditions, and covenants of said Note and this Mortgage, or either, are not fully performed, complied with, and abided by, then the entire sum mentioned in said Note and this mortgage, or either, balance unpaid thereon, shall forthwith and thereafter, at the option of the MORTGAGEE, become and be due and payable, anything in said Note or herewith to the contrary notwithstanding. MORTGAGOR hereby grants to MORTGAGEE, their heirs, and assigns, a Power of Sale over the property described above which may be exercised by MORTGAGEE or their heirs and assigns in case of such default as described above, and pursuant to such Power of Sale, MORTGAGEE, their heirs and assigns may foreclose on said property and sell and dispose of or cause to be sold or disposed of, the above property and all rights, title, benefit, and equity of redemption of the MORTGAGOR, their heirs or assigns, therein, at public auction, for cash according to Title 34, Chapter 4, Wyoming Statutes as the same presently exists or may hereafter be amended. Failure by the MORTGAGEE to exercise any of the rights or options herein provided shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or options under said Note or the Mortgage accrued or thereafter accruing. AND THE MORTGAGOR shall not destroy, damage, or substantially change the property or allow the property to deteriorate or commit waste. AND THE MORTGAGOR shall protect the MORTGAGEE'S rights and security in the property. MORTGAGOR shall insure, with extended coverage, the property and improvements against loss, naming the MORTGAGEE as beneficial interest holders, if and when improvements are located on the premises. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the MORTGAGOR have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED this day of June, 2009. AIY,1111012 2 1 11 If 91n:1-2 MICHAEL ALLEN VINSON TENA DARLENE GOMM VINSON MORTGAGE DEED GommNinson Page 2 of 3 STATE OF WYOMING ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ,"001.43 ACKNOWLEDGED before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and County above- mentioned on this 194' day of June, 2009, by Michael Allen Vinson and Tena Darlene Gomm Vinson. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ON NIMMO WINES Notary Public eounty of State of NOTARY PUBLIC Uncol Wyoming w Commission Expires My Commission Expires: MORTGAGE DEED GommNinson Page 3 of 3 Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 164 Utah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scott A. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Utah Registration No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD. Afton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hot Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR 000268 MICHAEL A. VINSON AND TENA G. VINSON VINSON HOUSE TRACT x.,:)144 To-wit: - - That part of GLO Lot 4 and GLO Lot 5 of Section 17, T3 ON R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 624 of Photostatic Records on page 27, described as follows: BEGINNING at a position N73°-14'-28"E, 274.95 feet, from the southwest corner of said GLO Lot 4; thence NO0°-27'-20"W, 295.16 feet, to a position; thence N89°-32'-40"E, 295.16 feet, to a position; thence S00°-27'-20"E, 295.16 feet, to a position; thence S89°-32'-40"W, 295.16 feet, to the POSITION OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 2.00 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of GLO Lot 3 of Section 17, T30N Rl 18W, being NO0°-00'-09"W; TOGETHER WITH a right of ingress, egress and utilities over, under and across a strip of land twenty (20) feet in width, with the southerly and westerly line described as follows: COMMENCING at the northeast corner of said GLO Lot 5; thence SO V-21'-37"W, 48.02 feet, along the east line of said GLO Lot 5, to a position; thence S89°-32'-40"W, 85.42 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING on the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89; thence S89°-32'-40"W, 689.33 feet, to a position; thence NOOe-27'-20"W, 125.00 feet, to a. position on the south line of the above described tract; the northerly and easterly right-of-way lines of the above described easement to be shortened or lengthened as necessary to create a continuous easement with a minimum width of twenty (20) feet to meet the westerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Highway 89 and the southerly boundary line of the above described tract; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WYOMING PLS 11810", with appropriate details; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; all in accordance with the attached exhibit titled, "EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION FOR MICHAEL A. VINSON AND TENA G. VINSON VINSON HOUSE TRACT WITHIN GLO LOT 4 GLO LOT 5 SECTION 17 T30N RI 18W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 11 June 2009, as revised. . A~/F 16 June 2009 - Revised 12 June 2009 Fir, "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" Ind 0®x269 r" PC eee." 7e' rtr oen.,, .r CURVE LENGTH DELTA RADIUS CHORD BEARING CHORD TANGENT C1 1238.46' 24'08'15" 2939.78' S37'46'03"E 1229.32' 628.55' C2 617.00' 19'06'38" 1849.86' N33'32'38"W 614.15' 311.39' C3 59.97' 1'51'27" 1849.86' S42'1 0"3"E 59.97' 29.99' C41 - 557.03' 17'15'11" 1849.86' S32'36'54"E 554.93' 280.64' M M ea 145 I ~ Vl rr eA+eaµ 7N' IR at ;I 7r M 1000".1.]6 nr 76' p\_- 9~ /07.9?' , • • AUM 37dr \ aor"m LLC 4i7~PR`ede (~►~'J TA \ ee■ 1000400 A.0 61 78''\ 662400 As 6T W nos Sk\ I swss~ro as O eo\ sta ac 100%4&M ea trr POINT NT OF F f EGINNING !!A2 6s Sl "SON TRACT. M 806.84 Au~~ . 0 Q~ 9/.?5l Cllr x x AW7f:n2• t ~ //a,.* ~ a2! Cr' Tf 6' MW VINSON I C1 H'*pO,U~S^~tE+ ~ VIMON TRACT ;301!3 2 l ltl~lr l e24 Pa 27 3t p \ Z.~AC1~4 POINT OF BEGINNING ca tal4eae7 ec a MAW AM 7192" ~ VINSON HOUSE TRACT Ar raltr7r•/aie \ ~r V 10.00' 6ea tmsreo roo eo nr taN+e6'lo6 ear sr 175.16' S89,72 40 _W I SW272L77- crane yt X4'9 A9r7C$77rx75t N00'27'20'W..►I I'-"" 13 \ isnv 9 $125.00' I I lt-air, ~ d aI/4' GLU Lot st r lac AfeO~.m~1rBi+l2.. p, 'a°?• Tirm- SOOZ~2- ..-oo - .seo~r,ra7r ) Sar aceai 120 utNf fisat shared cats a Cantu Annette,(( Comm 298 PR 280 Indicates Caner Record filed or to be filed In the Office of the perk `-'csf'Ae of Uncoln County. se. ar. tastxe7 ear 0 indicates a 8' x Be ccracrote ost with brass cap inscribed; "STATE HIGHWAY DEPT. R.O.W. MARKER', with appropriate details, found or of record. aped stake, Od SURVEY lotes POINT steel NOT DISTURB e'RLS 1IM, with a metal cap inscribed, S//8~ q rod EXHIBIT TO ACCOMPANY Insscr bed, SURVEYOR ~iER®EL,InLTD A rg WY with PLS2118 O~,mum cap DESCRIPTION FOR with appropriate details, found or of record. fICHAEL A. VINSON AND X Indicates a calculated positionn, no monuments not. T VA C. VINSON - - Indicates a right-of-way Ilnq VINSON HOUSE TRACT - - - Indicates an easement line. XITHIN Indicates a deed line of reco d. CLO LOT 4 X Indicates an existing fence titre. CLO LOT 5 SECTION 17 •w-vfr> -Mas'(ea►,. &)wW Indicates the chard of a line! offset to a centerline spiral curve. The Banl~ Baring Rfor wisbsui 9 y Is the Wit line of GLO Lot 3 of T30N R118#r Section T3ON N LINCOLN COUNTY, TYYOMING SCAL E.' 1 200 ' REM-W..• 16 Mine 2009 Copyright Q 2009 by Surveyor Scherbel LTD. All rights reserved. O47F: 1> the 009 oRA>HV Br.• _ KM' F s`h~`l VEYOR ,S'G'Fi RBFL, -r-7z cACCVCA7EO en.& CA7MW) /I". f7ECO soar ARpi`2`R~W[ GN0.~~1P/t7t7PS COMPUTER M o eT t. VV 60X .916 61119 RAWr-M.4RMe701; #7.1tZ271S !I#7,~ BOX ;75,07M. #7- M 86f~9J/9, BOX M91j ALPAYIC !Yr TEL. 65•F-9.119,• , Wa'S7;r , lYr 7z. 7j_--XRaT MW7R7/EIP /p az847--1800 0®x2'7® PROMISSORY NOTE MA38 $175,930- June /1 , 2009 Afton, Wyoming THE UNDERSIGNED, jointly and serverably, if more than one, promise to pay Thiel Gomm and Lola Gomm, Husband and Wife, of Afton, WY 83110, the principal sum of ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUDNRED THIRTY ($175,930) DOLLARS and NO/100 and interest of FIVE (5%) PERCENT from the 1" day of June, 2009. The principal and interest shall be payable to note at such place as the holder may designate, in the following manner: 1. Interest shall commence on the 1St day of June, 2009, at FIVE (5%) PERCENT per-annum. Payments are to be paid monthly over 15 years in the amount of ONE THOUSAND THREE HUDNRED NINETY-ONE ($1,39124) DOLLARS and 24/100; the first payment due on July 1, 2009, and made on the 1St of each month thereafter. 2. There shall be a five (5) day grace period for late interest payments. Thereafter there shall be a late fee of TWENTY-FIVE ($25.. )DOLLARS and NO/100 assessed for every five days the payment is late after the five day grace period. 3. ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED THRITY ($175,9300-0) DOLLARS and N01100 shall be due and payable on or before June 1, 2024, paying the note in full at that time, to include any unpaid late fees and/or interest. 4. Payments shall be made payable to Thiel Gomm and Lola Gomm at a place that the holder may designate. If both Payees are deceased before this note is paid in full, one-half of the unpaid balance shall be forgiven. The other half of the unpaid balance is to be paid to Tena Gomm Vinson and her siblings in equal shares. Her siblings are David Thiel Gomm, Viann Jones, Lynette Gentile, Milinda Gomm, Tyler James Gomm, Tom Charles Gomm, Troy Allen Gomm and Trisha Riddoch, or the deceased siblings' children. 5. Any payments shall be applied first toward interest, late fees, and then to principal. 6. This note shall be due immediately if the security is transferred, conveyed or sold. Said note is non-transferable or assignable. Purchaser may prepay this note without penalty at any time. Prepayment of principal shall reduce the monthly interest payment to actual interest owed monthly. IN THE EVENT OF DEFAULT in the payment of any installment of principal or interest, and if such default is not made good within one hundred twenty (120) days after notice the same becomes due and payable, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall, at the option of the holder, become immediately due and payable, without further notice. Failure to exercise this option shall not constitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of any subsequent default. In the event of default, the undersigned, jointly and severally if more than one, agree.to pay PROMISSORY NOTE I~ Gomm/Vinson 0. we-0 `to Pagelof3 002'71 lG JL39 all costs of collection, including a reasonable attorney fee to the holder's attorney, whether suit be brought or not. PRESENTMENT, protest, notice or protest, and notice of dishonor are hereby waived. SECURITY, this note is secured by mortgage on the following described property. See Mortgage Deed of even date. DATED this 163 day of June, 2009. S MI'28 - l 1-1.2,d t//'V At .4.61 6& MICHAEL ALLEN VINSON S T,v,~ ~r Ga~.H N TENA DARLENE GOMM VINSON STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On this ./jA day of June, 2009, before me a Notary Public for the State of Wyoming, the foregoing Promissory Note was acknowledged by Michael Allen Vinson and Tena Darlene Gomm Vinson WITNESS my hand and official seal. -'a "Cr 'tt 4 4,6'Ve- Notary Public My Commission Expires: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF FORGIVENESS OF DEBT We, Thiel Gomm and Lola Gomm, acknowledge the forgiveness of debt as stated in Section 4 of this Promissory Note, if both of us should predecease the full payment of this Promissory Note. DATED this 44 day of June, 2009 5 S T i c troir L THIEL GOMM S,LS L.p~,¢ LTOsytaf LOLA GOMM PROMISSORY NOTE GonunNinson Page 2 of 3 f ®V" 2"72 000*140 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) On this 10 day of June, 2009, before me a Notary Public for the State of Wyoming, the foregoing Acknowledgment of Forgiveness of Debt was acknowledged by Thiel Gomm and Lola Gomm. WITNESS my hand and official seal. T K. e [lG' Notary Public My Commission Expires: PROMISSORY NOTE GommNinson Page 3 of 3