HomeMy WebLinkAbout948355RECEIVED 7/17/2009 at 1:12 PM RECEIVING # 948355 BOOK: 727 PAGE: 614 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY X614 AFFIDAVIT OF HEIRSHIP KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: that Patricia C. Davis, Robert D. Child, Susan Child and Betty Child (collectively, the "Child Heirs") all being over the age of majority and fully competent, do hereby affirm and certify the following to be true and correct: (1) that they are the only living children, natural or adopted, of Doyle F. Child and Elaine C. Child, who are identified in the Warranty Deed attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit "A," as the grantors of certain real property described therein and located in Lincoln County, Wyoming; (2) that Clark Child, also a child of said Doyle F. Child and Elaine C. Child, died without children, natural or adopted; (3) That Doyle F. Child and Elaine C. Child are now both deceased. (4) That the Child Heirs are thoroughly familiar with the real and personal estates of their parents, Doyle F. Child and Elaine C. Child (collectively, the "Estates") (5) that the Child Heirs acknowledge that, together, they are the sole heirs of the Estates; (6) that the purpose of this affidavit as well as of the Quitclaim Deeds which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference collectively as Exhibit "B," is to clear up any ambiguity or question that may have arisen, or may hereafter arise, regarding the legal description contained in their parents' Warranty Deed attached as Exhibit "A" or regarding the extent of their parents' intended conveyance by said Warranty Deed. (7) As sole heirs of the Estates, the Child Heirs acknowledge that their parents, at the time of the conveyance by said Warranty Deed (attached as Exhibit "A"), did not intend to retain any surface right, title, claim or interest whatsoever, legal or equitable, that the parents had or may have had in any land described in either Exhibit "A" or Exhibit "B." (8) As sole heirs of the Estates, the Child Heirs acknowledge that none of them has previously conveyed to any person or entity, or has previously attempted to convey to any person or entity, any surface right, title, interest, or claim in or to any of the land described in either Exhibit "A" or Exhibit "B." The Child Heirs, who live in different cities, acknowledge and agree that this affidavit may be signed by each of them in individual counterparts, that each such counterpart shall be C G6Y615 deemed an original for all purposes, and that each of the individually executed signature pages may then be combined in order to record a single document. WITNESS our hands this _2j!_~day of 2009. Patricia C. Davis STATE OF la k ) SS. COUNTY OF a v r ) Robert D. Child Susan Child Betty Child The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Patricia C. Davis this day of o , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL STATE OF ) COUNTY OF SS. ) LELINDA J. ROBERTSON I~TARY PUBLIC • STATE OF UTAH 338 EAST 1700 SOUTH BOUNTIFUL UT 84010 Comm, E . 05/21/2011 The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Robert D. Child this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL c~G1 Notary Public Notary Public Affidavit of Heirship Page 2 of 3 0-616 deemed an original for all purposes, and that each of the individually executed signature pages may then be combined in order to record a single document. WITNESS our hands this day of 2009. Pa 'cia C. Davis ~ Robert D. Child Susan Child Betty Child STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Patricia C. Davis this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public STATE OF 6~ ) SS. COUNTY OF (J+a~ ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Robert D. Child this 10 day of 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL i 'A .rr t i 1F~ Ill 44arvy - I V~' Affidavit of Heirship Page 2 of 3 deemed an original for all purposes, and that each of the individually executed signature pages may then be combined in order to record a single document. WITNESS our hands this day of , 2009. Patricia C. Davis Robert D. Child Sus n Child Betty Child STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Patricia C. Davis this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Robert D. Child this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public Affidavit of Heirship Page 2 of 3 C; 0VG13 STATE OF jWrd0 ) ) SS. COUNTY OF d . 6 .0, ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Susan Child this ~d day ofaQk-~, - , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. NOTARY aMLICSTATE OI FLORIDA 61-P Debbie E. Pittrnan SEAL Coirmissim#0857600 Notary Public MExpires: FEB, 07, 2013 SONDO nMU Arr.AMC BONDJN4 00„ IIVG STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Betty Child this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public Affidavit of Heirship Page 3 of 3 C" 0 %.'V 6 19 deemed an original for all purposes, and that each of the individually executed signature pages may then be combined in order to record a single document. WITNESS our hands this day of , 2009. Patricia C. Davis Robert D. Child Susan Child 66-k& 12/'/x;,( , etty Ch C STATE OF COUNTY OF SS. ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Patricia C. Davis this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public STATE OF COUNTY OF SS. ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Robert D. Child this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public Affidavit of Heirship Page 2 of 3 C 1~ O~A20 STATE OF ) SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Affidavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Susan Child this day of , 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL Notary Public STATE OF A ~V 1 ) SS. COUNTY OF The foregoing A idavit of Heirship was sworn to and acknowledged before me by Betty Child this ~ day of , 2009. % Witness my hand and official seal. SEAL otary Public Aar,` SHANTEL LEISHMAN a ! Notary Public State Of Utah My COMM18310n 101ree 0317.1013 COMM188IQN No. 578ole Affidavit of Heirship Page 3 of 3 or"", RrCC)°•LED .......AT.PJJ, WARRANTY DEED IN COOK ...17.7P.R. v'•~,, DOXLE F. CHILD and ELAINE, C. CHILD, husband and wife, grantors, of Afton, Lincoln County, and State of Wyoming, for and in. consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable considerations, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY and WARRANT a 55, 416 undivided interest to BONNIE LYNN DeROBERTIS, and a 44.6%u undivided interest to KELENE MICHELLE DeROBERTIS, as tenants in common, grantees, whose address is 2020 South Yale Strept, Santa Ana, California 92704, the following described teal estate, aktuate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the state, to-wit: A tract of land located in the SEISNY; of Section amore R 119 W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being particularly described as follows: Comrencing at the Northwest corner of said Section I and running thence S 33'09'42" E, 4855;, 00 feet to the- point of beginning, said point of beginning being a WyornLbg State Highway U. S. 89 centerline Station IZZ9+32.2; thence S 24.41100" W, 1325.39 feet along said highway right of way; thence N 65'19100" W, 743, Z3 feet; thence N 16'52129" NV, 67.88 feet; thence N 32'2414Z" W, 119.84 feet; thence N 0'00100" W. 805.63 feet; thence S 89.18'40" E, 1187. 95 feet to a point on the West rtght-of-way line of Highway U. S. 89, said point being on a curve concave to the West having a radius of 1883.48. feet; thence, southwesterly 5.61 feet along the arc of said highway right-of-way curve through a central angle of 0"10'14" to the point tangent; thence along a jog in said highway right of way S 65'19'00" E, 140.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 27.463 acres, mare or less, and ALSO A tract of land located in the WgNE,NW; and 'NWJSEiNW+ of Section IZ and SWISEISW; of Section 1, both in T 33 14, R 119 W, 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Section 1; running S 13'40127" E, 6623,47 feat to a Wyoming State Highway Depaktment right-of-way marker 60 feet left of. Highway U. S. 89 cepterline Station 1203+00; thence N 65'37'31" W, 15.00 feet along the$Highway right-of-way jog to the point of beginning; thence continuing along Highway right-of-way line N 65'37131" W, 25.00 feet; thence S Z4'41100" W, 4Z5. 17 feet; thence N 0'00'00" E, 2032.77 feet; thence S 32'24142" .E, 119.84 feet; thence S 16057'29" E, 339. 11 feet; thence S 1'04109" E, 344. 16 feet; thence S 1'02'55" E, 261:75 feet; thence S 1Z°57'00" E, Z07,67 feet; thence S 81'51124" E, 40.00 feet; thence S 8.08'36" W, 421.4Z feet to the point of begiryiing.. Containing 7. Z acres, more or less. EXCEPTING and RESERVING THEREFROM unto the grantors herein an undivided two-thirds (Z/3) Lntsrsst in all oil, gas, and mineral rights associated with the above-described property, 000621 t,XHIMIL "A" i ~y WITNESS our hands this day of 1980^. D y e F. Child. Elaine C. Child STATE OF WYOMING ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN : The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Doyle F. Chiltd and Elaine C. Child, husband and wife, this day of f~ ;.t:til~_ • 1980. V 4f tss myhand and official seal. . • ( %r ~ r i / t Lam/. .1 , , ! : • - NOTARY JPf] BL-10' . iy cammission expires ^ C 2 jFr ; z~ ~ OMIT "A" r,0tb 62 3 QUITCLAIM DEED Robert D. Child, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason of P.O. Box 1598, Thayne, WY 83127, and their successors, Trustees of the Star 6 Ranch Trust, dated the l" day of May 2007, GRANTEES, any and all surface right, title, interest, and claim of GRANTOR in the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of the SW 1/4 of Section I and that part of the NW 1/4 of Section 12, T33N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described on the attached "Description for James N. Vargason and Tamera Vargason, Vargason Ranch Tract," which is incorporated herein by this reference. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging; subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record, and subject to applicable zoning laws and restrictions; hereby waiving and releasing any and all claims under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS my hand this 7 r day of STATE OF dcL,- COUNTY OF ) The fo egoi g . Quitclaim Deed was Iq4.Yi--D this day of Witness my hand and official seal. e~:~ i'b 9 'Reiff 3~''.Y~~ SEAL a?, ~ttJTF?NYAt1~ii~."^,a'.iki;,' 4~ • 'aF 170 LAST M BUtr! 1. Rcpa e„+^' CO ft -.XP. Sl^'I'2011 by EXHIBIT "B" acknowledged before me M..WM1..w,.,.. I., N*. "M1 hwwr* Ma 184 Wa h/I400 N, 11" liv. or w.n, x:~in ...~/w M+•M LUX .IK 01" MIT " iY,y N,,,F, boft DESCRIPTION FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAT'MERA VARGASON VARGASON RANCH TRACT 'I'Q-wit:- 000240 That part of the SW%, of Section 1 and that part of the NWy, of Section 12, T33N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGI NNINO at the southwest comer of said Section 1; thence NOl'-27'-30'%, 1318.96 feel, along the west line of said Section 1, to the northwest corner of the S1JV~/.S W'/. of said Section 1; tbonce S880-54'•561E, 132739 foot, along the north line of said SWP/.SWV., to the northeast comer there f,, thence continuing, 5880-54'-56'E, 1320.62 feet, along, the north line of the,SE'/.SW%+ of said Section'l, !0a point on the westerly tight-of--way line of U,S, Highway 89; thence 325'-17'-31"W, 1327.26 feet, along said right-of way line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in the Office Of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 123 of Photostatic Records on page 257; thence continuing, S250-17'-31"W, 256.50 feet, along said right-of-way line, identical, in put, with the oaaterly line of Bald tract to a point; thence S90'-00'-00"W, 483.73 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said tract; thence coursing the westerly boundary of said tract as follows: S00'-28'-28"E, 55.00 foot, to a cap; S00'-31'-33"B, 261.58 foot, to a cap; S 120-09'-24'1, 207.71 feet, to a cap; S81'-21'-3T'E, 40.07 feet, to acap; 808'-46'49"W, 421.10 feat, to a point on a jog be of said right-of-way line and leave said boundary; thence N64'-39'-02" W, 25.06 foot, along said jog line, to it position; thence S25'48'43"W, 572.15 feet, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast position of that tract of record In said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 510, as shown on Plat No. 161A, thence coursing the north and west lines of said tract as follows: N89'-01'•,55"W, 919.30 feet, to the northwest point of said tract; 300'-54'-07"W, 466.53 fact, along the west line of said tract, to the northwest point of that tract of record in said OiTee in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 517, and leave said tract; thence continuing SOO'-54'-07"W, 589.47 feet, along the west line of said tract on page 517, to the southwest point thereof on the South lino of said NW'/,; "Modification In any way of the loregoing description terminalas liability of the surveyor" COP U " 0 0 DESCRIPTION FOR 2 5 JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASON RANCH TRACT PAGE TWO wo Aft. "O n"F+H W^ 3M YMnKw~w.M 1m ~,"w".r•.~a.w~ v VM=Ir11M..u~ln W 400 O "V% fto~ 1b &W Nw,.IS.M UG. 00024:1 thence N890-01'-55"W, 383,65 feet, along ,said south line, to the southwest corner of said NW/4; thane N00°-57'-03" E. 3646.07 feat, along the west line of said NW'/4, to the CORNIER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 137,27 acres, more or less; the BASE HEARINO for this survey Is the west Tina of the SW'/. of Section 1, T33N, RI 19W, being NOP-27'-30"E, as determined by OPS survey methods; each "corner" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 518" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS5368" and appropriate details; each "position" is a calculated position with no monument Found or set; each "cap" nvW d by a steel T-shaped stake with metal cap itrscribcd: "RLS482"; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in said Office titled: "PLAT OT BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TRACTS FOR JAMES N, VAROASON AND TAMEKA VARGASON DAVID B. Ii.MFU AND CAROL DEE RITCHIE JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 10 JULY 2000 WITHIN THE WYo SECTION I NW'/. SECTION 12 T33N R119 W LTNCOr coMNTY, i I AXmh 2002 "Mddilicalion In any way of the foregoing descrlplion terminates Ilability of the surveyor" QUITCLAIM DEED r r,l-. 0+626 Betty Child, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason of P.O. Box 1598, Thayne, WY 83127, and their successors, Trustees of the Star 6 Ranch Trust, dated the 0 day of May 2007, GRANTEES, any and all surface right, title, interest, and claim of GRANTOR in the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of the SWI/4 of Section l and that part of the NWI/4 of Section 12, T33N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described on the at "Description for James N. Vargason and Tamera Vargason, Vargason Ranch Tract," which is incorporated herein by this reference. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging; subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record, and subject to applicable zoning laws and restrictions; hereby waiving and releasing any and all claims under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS my liand this ~ day of WA '2009. Betty C d STATE OF ) L LW ss. COUNTY OF ~ LW W ) The fo e. ing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by this day of , 2009. vkc~w fitness my hand and official seal. SHANTEL LEISHMAN SEA Notary Public, otaryPublic i 81818 of Utah My COMMIKSlon explraa 03.11.2013 Ct)MM1ssION No, 6180111 EXHIBIT "B" 0 0pU7 1 DESCRIPTION FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASON RANCH TRACT .-r...~%--$-I - IM n0. i17. MnM 141w1/1.74. MM N.,RN.r4► wrl.,..rrw.m"+ "~4 M..H ".*.Pr Ww .Mwrnr, 7b-wit:-- 004240 That Pan of the SW%4 of Section I and that part of the NV1"/4 of Section 12, T33N, Rl 19W, Lincoln Couttty, Wyoming, described as follows; BEGINNING at the southwest corner of acid Section 1; thence N010-27'-30"E, 1318,96 feat, along the west Una ofmid Section 1, to the northwest corner of the BVP4SWY4 of said section 1; thence 888 = 4'-56"li, 1327.39 Act. along the smith line of said S WKS WA. to the northeast cornet thereof, thence continuing, 5889-54'-56"E, 1320.62 feat, along. ft north lino of tha 'SENSWA of said Section 1, to a polar on the westerly right-of way litre ofU.S. Highway 89; thence 3250A 7'-3I"W, 1327.26 feet, along sold right-of-way line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 123 of Photostatic Records on pose 257; thence continuing, 3250AT-31"W, 256.50 fiat, along said right-of-way line, identical, in pert, with the easterly lino of sold tract to a point; thence 5909-00'-OO"W. 483.73 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said tract; thence coursing the westerly boundary of said tract as follows: S00°-28'-28"E, 55.00 feet, to a cap; SO0°-3 P-33"E, 261.58 fact, to a cap; S12"9'-24"E, 207.71 feet, to a cap; S8l°-21'-37"E, 40.07 fact, to acap; S08 46'49"W, 421.10 feet, to a point on R jog line of said right-of-way, line and leave stud boundary; thence N64°-39'-02"W, 25.06 fact, along said jog liar, to a position; thence S250-18'43"W, 572.15 feet, along card right-of-way lino, to the nortbeast position of that tract of record in said O®cc in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 510, as shown on Plat No. 161 A; thence coursing the north and west lines of said tract as follows; N89°-01'-55"W, 919.30 feet, to the northwest point of said tract; S009-5V-07"W, 466.53 fcrt, along the west lino of said tract, to the northwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 517, sod have said tract; lbcacc continuing 5001'-54'-OT'W, 589.47 feet, along the west line of said tract on page 517. to this aoutbWost point thereof ou the south fine of said NW'/4; 11 'Modification in any way of the toreyoing description terminates liability of the surveyor DESCRIPTION FOR JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON'~ VARGASON RANCH TRACT PAGE TWO thence N89°-01'-5S"W, 383-65 fact, along said south liae, to the soutbwcstw 241 comer of said NW'/,; thence NOOp-57'-03"E, 2645.07 foot, along the west line of said NW14, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 137.27 acres, more or less; The BASE HEARING for this survey is the west line of the SWy. of Section 1, T33N, RI 19W, being NOl °-27'-30"E, as detemdned by OPS survey methods; each "comes" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be Sled in the Office or the Clerk ofLlacoIn County; each "point" marked by a 518" x 24" steal reialbrcing rod with a 2" alwainwn cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS5368" and appropriate details; each "PQ3itiod' is a calculated position with W monumont found or set; each "cap" marked by a steal T-shaped slake with metal cap inscribed: "RLS482"; 111 in w4ordame with the Plat Pr*PWW to be filed in said Office titled: "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TRACTS FOR JAMES N. VAROASON AND TAMERA VARGAEON DAVID E- RITCHIE AND CAROL DEE RITCHM JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 10 JULY 2000 WnIHN THE WY, SECTION I NWZ, SECTION 12 T33N R1 19W LINCOLN COUNTY, 2002 7y►Ib/AgnM. }N Mi1►MMMNMIh for Noftrwom^ for rM/A rrrrr,0P^n0 MSAR,Iyp, r'M~rMIrrl,nM.,rrM ~III.1b~1A.Y..rrr II~rlglrlrellr. i91t 1 Mrrw~Mwrw ►.~r1~M.A.l1" rM MM,tly. W h~ 'Modificallon In any way of the foregoing descrlpilon terminates liability of the surveyor n n QUITCLAIM DEED r,-06629 Patricia C. Davis, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason of P.O. Box 1598, Thayne, WY 83127, and their successors, Trustees of the Star 6 Ranch Trust, dated the 0 day of May 2007, GRANTEES, any and all surface right, title, interest, and claim of GRANTOR in the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of the SWI/4 of Section 1 and that part of the NW I/4 of Section 12, T33X; RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described on the attached "Description for James N. Vargason and Tamera Vargason, 'Vargason Ranch Tract," which is incorporated herein by this reference. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging; subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, rights and rights-of-way of sight and/or record, and subject to applicable zoning laws and restrictions; hereby waiving and releasing any and all claims under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemptions Laws of the State of Wyoming, WITNESS my hand this day of ~rdU 2009. Patricia C, Davis STATE OF ) COUNTY OF ss. ) The foregoing , Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by this day of 2009. Witness my hand apd official seal. LINDA J. ROBERTSON Q . , r- SEAL IKI<iAFIY PUBLIC ^ STATE OF UTAH Sae em 1700 Spt1iN Diary Ppbli aOUM11FUL U1 $4010 Comm. Exp. 06/21/2011 EXHIBIT "B" vrA...p,►rww.,m ,r.rAArr.,Na wa 1s1A,Y,.r,,. r,~.nNwr.x.«rr byres I► tlM iR."0 MwMI t10. #rfnl„M,Frt~ I~.IMM,,,..AMA ,.,tiwn w+ DF,YMPT10N FOR JAMO N. YAKMON AND TAMM A YARGASON VARGASON RANCH TRACT To-wit:- Ir LI I kr' °ul tt '34 000240 That Platt of the SW'/, of Section l and that part of the NW'/. of Section 12,133N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows; BRGINNWG at the southwest confer of said Section 1; thence NOl °-27'-30'%, 1318,96 faot, along the west lino of said Section 1, to the northwest corner of the 5 W'/.S W/4 of said Section 1; thonee 588'-54'-56'E, 1327.39 foot, along the north We of said S W/,SWY,, to the northeast cornerda op, the= coZWWog. 588'44'46"E, 1320.62 fwt, along.tho north lice Ofthe'SR'/.SW'/s of said Section 1, to a point on the wcatarly right-of--way tine of U.S. Highway 89; thence S25'-17'-31"W, 1727.26 fect, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in the Office of the Clark of Lincoln County in Hook 123 of Photostatic Records on pap 257; tbence continuing, S25'-17'-31"W, 256.50 feet, along said right-of-way lino, identical, in part, with dw easterly lino of said tract to a point; thetco S90'-00'-00"W, 483.73 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said tract; thence coursing the westerly boundary of said tract as follows: S000-28'-28"E, 55.00 feet, to a cap; S00'-31'-33"E, 261.58 foot, to a cap; S 120-09'•241B, 207.71 feet, to a cap; 581°-21'-37"E, 40.07 foot, to a cap; SOB"-46'-49"W, 421.10 feet, to a point on a jog line of said right-of-way line and leave said boundary; r thence N64'-39'-02"W, 25.06 feat, along said jog line, to a position; thence S25°48'43"W, 572.15 feat, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast position of that tract of record in said Office In Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 510, as shown on Plat No. 161A; thence coursing the north and west lines of said tract as follows; N89'-01'-55'"W, 919.30 feet, to the northwest point of said tract; S000-54'-07"W, 466.53 feet, along the west line of said tract, to the northwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 517, and leave sold tract; thence continuing S00'-54'-07" W, 589.47 feet, along the west line of said tract on page 517, to the southwest point thereof on the south line of said NW'/,; 'Modification in any way of the foregoing description lerminalos liability of the surveyor' EXHIBIT "B" 0 0 ..7..- ftwnn~ fl,... 7Ly-.... N..,« w.r Mw►rww,,a M.A 11Mr.. 1y►71,~.Y.1-1M771M 11/.11./n~l.n 11..101. l„7117,70br,-111711117 1ha7,.p-M1+,1~ 1711 $0 F.0000.7 L70, r..wtiL71w DESCRIPTION FOR JAIM N.,VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASON RANCH TRACT PAGE TWO 000241 them N89°-01'-55"W, 383,65 feet, along said south line, to the southwest comer of said NWA; ; thence NO0°-57'-03"B, 2646.07 fat, along the west line of said NW/., to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 137.27 acres, more or less; The BASE BEARINO for this survey is the west line of the SWA of Section 1. 733N, RI 19W, being N01 °-Z7'-301T, es dote mdoed by UPS survey methods; cash "corner" found w described in the Corner Record tlled or to be flled In the OTTice of the Clerk of Lincoln County; Cash "point" marked by a 518" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHER13EL LTD AF'I`ON WY PLS5363" and appropriate detafls; each "position" is a calculated position with no m uumcot found or sct; each "cap" marked by a steel T-shaped stake with metal cap inscribed: "RLS482"all in newidance with the plat prepared to be filed in said Office titled: "FLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TRACT'S FOR JAMES N. VAROASON AND TAMERA VARG ASO1V DAVID E. RITCWE AND CAROL DEE RITCHIE JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 107ULY 2000 WITHIN THE WS5 SECTION 1 NVP/4 SECTION 12133N RI 19W LINCOLN COUNTY1 I Menh 2002 X31 'Modification In any way of the foregoing description terminales liability of the surveyor i QUITCLAIM DEED r,G-;,632 Susan Child, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to James Neil Vargason and Tamera Vargason of P.O. Box 1598, Thayne, WY 83127, and their successors, Trustees of the Star 6 Ranch Trust, dated the I" day of May 2007, GRANTEES, any and all surface right, title, interest, and claim of GRANTOR in the following described real estate situated in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of the S W 1 A of Section 1 and that part of the NW 1 /4 of Section 12, T33N, RI 19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, more particularly described on the attached "Description for James N. Vargason and Tamera Vargason, Vargason Ranch Tract," which is incorporated herein by this reference. Together with and including all improvements thereon and all appurtenances and hereditaments thereunto belonging; subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, reservations, encumbrances, rights and, rights-of-way of sight and/or record, and subject to applicable zoning laws and restrictions; hereby waiving and releasing any and all claims under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming. WITNESS my hand this 4day of V LA g, , 2009. STATE OF Susan Child N'd ) ) ss. COUNTY OF rn p 0%.- ) The fore oing Quitclaim Deed was acknowledged before me by 6uuG "1a this day of 2009. Witness my hand and official seal. -Um SEAL NOTARY MWICSTATSOFMXMA Notary Public "'Debbie E Pittman (4) Cnmmisslon #DD857600 ""O"oe ExPim: FEB. 07, 2013, 80NAlm T n0 An Akno BONAINQ 00., INQ EXHIBIT "B" 0 07 DESCRIPTION FOR 0 Fu JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON VARGASO:N RANCH TRACT .t,....,,, $ -n" wry,.lly-rw,y, ,N .n n.,wr, w ~l/l IM Ir/urtrb w. t1i1 II,,,0, 1111Y/.Y16 M AIM YIHL 1tgtIPN/~ ML IMI AI../IIwt1Y1111..►71 {b611y,6,M 116J/Ilit YW+.A MnM I n. M,lrrw116 W N IN W- 091 ZNZ 'FEW, JMetw 1/,IM+, To-wit:-- 00024® That Pad of the SW'/, of Section I and that part of the NW'/s of Section 12, T33N, RI 19W, Liutcola County, Wyoming, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest comer of said Section 1; thence N010-27'-30"E, 1318.96 feet, along the west line of said Section 1, to the northwest corner of the SW'/,SW%, of said Section 1; thence 3880-54:-56"E, 1.327.39 feet, along the north line of mid SW'/,SWV'., to the northeast cornerlhereot; thence continuing, 588°-54-56" E, 1320,62 Scat, along, the north lino of the `SEy,SWV4 of said Section 1, to a point on rho westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89; thence S25°-17'-31"W, 1327.26 feet, along said right-of-way line, to the northeast point of that tract of record in the Office of the Clark of Lincoln County in Book 123 of Photostatic Records on page 257; them continuing, S25 17'-31"W, 256.50 feet, along said right-of-way line, identical, in part, with the easterly liras of said tract to a point; thence S90°-00'-00"W, 483.73 feet, to a point on the westerly boundary of said tract; thence coursing the westerly boundary of said tract as follows: 500°-28'-28"E, 55,00 feet, to a cap; S00°-31'•33'7, 261.58 feet, to a cap; 312°-09',-24'7, 207.71 feet, to a cap; S81 °-2 V137-E, 40.07 feet, to a cap; S08°-46'-49"W, 421.10 feet, to a point on a jug line of said right-of-way line and leave said boundary; thence N64°-39'-02"W, 25,06 feet, along said jog line, to it position; thence S251-18'-13"W, 572.15 feet, along said right-of-way be, to the northeast position of that tract of record in said Office in Hook 387 of Photostatic Records on page 510, as shown on Plat No, 161A, thence coursing the north and west lines of mid tract as follows: N89°-O1'-55"W, 919.30 feet, to the northwest point of said tract; S00°-541-07"W, 466.53 feet, along tho west line of said tract, to die northwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 387 of Photostatic Records on page 517, and leave swd tract; thence continuing S00°-54'-07"W, 589.47 feet, along the west line of said tract on page 517, to the southwest point thereof on the south line of said NW'/4; 'Modillcallon In any way of the toreguing description terminates liability of the surveyor' 0 0 MMtW1M 1qR IIt110~1n14 IN tlr~hyNMwMa T11 Yt+t7MrN't~NI, tan 7~.tr1Y1V1F~M.1/o+ wrM. .M'i.4'w0 VMF.Vk ft.0W3711tt M~A.00 1+ IY -wOM M.M 10 0 UG. INMM~IrtMa A ~gp'wa u.. wt tp~., or. 00024:1 thence N89 O1'-55"W, 383.65 fact, along said South lira, to the southwest corner of said NW A; thence N00°-57'-03"E, 2646.07 feet, along the west line of said NW%+, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 137.27 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SWA of Section 1, T33N. RI 19W, being NO1 °-27'-30"E, as determined by UPS survey methods; each "comet" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point' marked by a 518" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed: "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L"fD AFFON WY PL35368" and appropriate details; aac)t "position" is a calculated position with no monument found or set; each "cap" narked by a steel T-shaped stake with metal cap inscribed; "RLS482"; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be fried in said Office titled; "PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT TRACTS FOR JAMBS N. VAROASON AND TAMERA VARGA80N DAVID E. RITCHIE AND CAROL DEE RITCHIE JOINT LIVING TRUST, DATED 10 JULY 2000 WITHIN THE WK SECTION 1 NW1/+ SECTION 12 133N RI 19W DESCRIPTION FOR /~qq JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON " VARGASON RANCH TRACT PAGE TWO i NWrreh 2002 "Modification In any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"