HomeMy WebLinkAbout948375D 'tea ~ JUN 2 2 2007 By IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL D IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF TOWN OF STAR VALLEY RANCH, a Wyoming municipality, Plaintiff, VS. STAR VALLEY RANCH ASSOCIATION, INC., a Wyoming nonprofit corporation, Defendant. s' Afo C N I i COURT OLN, WYO o "z ('40:.689 Civil No. 2oo7-29-DC RECEIVED 7/17/2009 at 3:56 PM RECEIVING # 948375 BOOK: 727 PAGE: 689 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ORDER CONDEMNING ROAD-WAYS THIS MATTER having come before this Court by way of the Plaintiffs Complaint for Condemnation of the real property hereinafter described; the Court having reviewed the file and other material on file, now finds; 1. On or about April 18, 2007, the Plaintiff initiated the above captioned action by filing a Complaint for Condemnation of the real property described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, to which the Defendant filed an Answer. 2. Plaintiff is a body corporate and politic of the State of Wyoming, organized for the purpose of exercising public and essential governmental functions, including the power of eminent domain, pursuant to W.S.1-26-ioi et seq., and that each of the parcels of real property described in Exhibit A is being taken by it for public purposes. 3. Pursuant to W.S.1-26-504, the Court finds that: A. The public interest and necessity require the project or the use of eminent domain is authorized by the Wyoming Constitution; B. The project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury;- and C. The property sought to be acquired is necessary for the project. 4. All of the real property described in Exhibit A is necessary for the public use, namely,'"to declare the described roads within the boundaries of the Town of Star Valley Ranch public for the benefit of the public, thus allowing the Plaintiff D M ~mgwm JINN 2 2 2007 B Y--------------------- to maintain and improve the roads, as well as enforce state and local law JUN 2 2 2007 regarding such roads. BY 5- On or about May 22, 2007, in an effort to settle the issues raised in the Plaintiffs Complaint, the Parties entered into a Stipulated Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Settlement Agreement entered into by the Parties on or about May 22, 2007, and all provisions contained in said Agreement, are hereby approved and incorporated fan full in this Order. Consistent with said. Agreement, it is ordered that all right, title and interest in the property described in Exhibit A, located within the incorporated boundaries of the town of Star of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming be vested in the Plaintiff. Said right, title and interest shall be vested in the Plaintiff subject to all easements of record. The transfer of said right, title and interest shall in no way be interpreted to extinguish any easements held by the Defendant, its members or Leisure Valley, Inc. The Defendant shall have no right, title, interest, claim or demand in the described real property. The Defendant is hereby forever barred from asserting any right, title, interest, claim or demand in said property. The Defendant shall not be liable for any claim of liability arising from the Plaintiffs ownership and control of said property. DATED this 13`~day of 2007. District udge Ll~ PLEASE SEND NOTICES TO: Joshua T. Smith Bowers Law Firm, PC P.O. Box 1550 Afton, Wyoming 83110 James K. Sanderson Sanderson Law Office P. 0. Box 159 Afton, WY 83110 SF ATE OF MOOING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN' I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Judicial District. Court within and f resaid county and in the 511;,.. of fore id, do hereby certify th or ~d :cos to a full, true, and com e !.e SIGNED . r/ 04/03/2007 17:10. 307-13021-9329 A 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 in is 14 10 3.0 a7 3,41 19 20 21 01/D= STAR VALLEY RANCH WY PAGE All of the arreetf; in' the following listed flat Recarda of Maicol,n County, Wyomit3g•s Prater Canyon Estates Unit No. 4, recorded as instrument No. 423838; Star Valley Ranch Plat: 1, recorded am Instrument No. 4245561 Star Valley Ranch Plat '2, recorded as luatru►nent No. 424555; Star Valley Ranch Plat 3, recorded as instrument No. 428885; star Valley Ranch plat 4, unrecorded as of the date of thi.a Agreementl star Valley Ranch Plat 5, recorded an Irso.trument No. 4317091 Star Valley Ranah Flat 6, recorded no Instrument no. 431710; Star Valley Ranch flat 7, recorded ae- Instrument No. 432400; Star Valley Rauch Plat 8, recorded at; Instruioent No. 4324661 Star Valley Ranch ]Plat 9, recorded as Instrument No. 476272.1 Star Valley Ranch Plat 10, recorded an Ipstru- ment No. 47627'31 Star 'Valley P.artch PlAt 11, unrecorded as of the date of this A,greementl star Valley Ranch Plat 12, recorded as Instru- ment No. 496703; Star Valley Rauch Plat-13, recorded ae Inatru ment No. 4967041 Star Valley Rauoh Plat 14, recorded as Instru- ment go. 4967051 Star Valle Rauch Plat 1.5, recorded as Inatru- ment No. 514466. star Valley Ranch Plat 16, recorded as lastru- vient No. 5144671 Star Valley Rauch Plat 17, recorded as Instiru- maut No. 523541; Star Valley Rdnoh Plat 18, recorded as Instru- ment No. 523$401 Star Valley Ranch Plat 19, vritnearded as of the date of thia A,greemantl Star Valley Rarcch Plat 21, recorded do 7.notru- mant no. 5063321 Star Valley Renoh Plat 22, unrecorded as of the date of thin Agraelment 1 Also, Tha streets abutting the 20 pliained lots in the Northtvdst quarter of the Northasr,st Quarter of 5action 30, Township 35 N, Range 11-8 W, 6th P.M. 22 E3 24 20 26 27 38 29 s $0 t. 31, s l r The foregoing strerata are hereby conveyed and acceptat Abject to Che fo7.lowix►g additional covenauts, conrll.tion$, reatric- .ons and raservatione which shall apply to and tha burden of which call run with the - conveyed property and bind N{tOTUB and its 3~ 9114C8890YA altd O8SJ8GL8i -2- 04/03/2007 17:18 307-883-8329 STAR VALLEY RANCH WY PAGE 02/0; cri tion: SVR - Silo Addition to Cedar Creek Drive Des P Pro perties, as referred to in the. Deedpage recorded portion of the 222PRI on Page 702, in Book 206PRr R, on ago4r and in BooBook 299PR, on ~acorded in Book r in Book 413P1~ on P on page 702, the Affidavit recorded in le 317PR, countyl Page 398, and all with the Of:~ice of theo~ 32ler, lc of T35N, Lincoln R118W, of the 270, Wyomingf within HBS 67 of Secti g► being a 5trIP of land 6th p. M• , Lincoln County, Wyamin s and adjoining varying in width to accommodate building nar more than property lines, not less than 20 feet wide, norularly 6() feet wider the Centex described as follows.: as shown the End Point of C~d~um~~te~opr~23541' on Map BEGINNING at with in on the'' Plat 17 reeordQd ~ froz[t No. 235, with said Office, ming 566.03 feet S59 49,2l,~ said Point of Beginning 6. Bureau of Sand Department of the Inters of said 115S 67, the gem 1966 location for Corner No. 4, Management, also, Beginning, being 872.35 feau afZLand27."W from said Point of tkle j Department of the Interior Bur 5 of said ,EIES 67; 1,966 location for corner No. inning of a 60.00 Management. thence N27°29'47"W 266.27 feet to the beginning through :feet Radius Curve to the Lefsaid Curve to the Left, o ~ an arc length of 59.33 feet, thence Northwesterly, along a Central Angle ofa56h3ord3of'N55°44'35"W 56-95 feet; said curve having 95.00 132.72 feet to the beginning of a thence N87°27'1-4„W Curve to the X~eft, through feet Radius Curve to the Left; Cu.. 61 feet, ~ ~ an arc length of 76. . thenoa Southwesterly► along sa id a Central Angle of 46 12 14 , 023129"W 74.55 feet; 65.00 said curve having a chord of S66 beginning thence 840°17122"W 31.66 Feet to the through feet Radius Curve to the Lefts along said curve to the Leftr feet, thence 5outhwesterl30,47,00". an arc len9t o0 feet to the a Central Angle of -53x52"W 34.r curve having a chord of S7_7Curve to the Left from beginning said of a 215.53 Poet Radius 138"E; w Point along bears said 2 Curve to the Left, through which the Radius an arc length of 96.12 feet' thence alangletOfx25°33'07", v1 le 95.32 feet; a chord of 50 of a 100.00 said a central curve having angle nnin9 the begi thence 813°02'45"E 48.23 feet to feet, Radius curve to the Right; V . . I 04/03/2007 17:10 307-883-8329 STAR VALLEY RANCH WY PAGE 03/03 thence Southwesterly, along said Curve to.the Right, through a Centxa]. Angle e havi.ngea9chord of S39°51n52"Wvf 181.20 feet, said curve 157.41 feet; thence N89°13'32"W to a ~.lattrEin the COr'dedEwitt~l ne as of Ridgecrest Drive, Instrument No. 196704, on Map No. 210, with said Office. EXHIBIT NO. IN THE DISTRICT COURT, OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN STATE OF WYOMING TOWN OF a Wyoming municipality, STAR VALLEY INC., a Wyoming ) STAR VALLEY RANCH, VS. ) ) Plaintiffs, ) ) RANCH ASSOCIATION, nonprofit corporation, ) Defendants. ) Civil No. ~bo )-!>I'- THIS AGREEMENT entered into this 'day of May, 2007 between the Town of Star Valley Ranch, a Wyoming Municipal corporation, Plaintiffs, and the Star Valley Ranch, Inc., a Wyoming Nonprofit corporation, Defendants, whereby the parties hereby to agree and stipulate as follows: 1. Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties hereby agree that the Plaintiff and the Defendant are entities incorporated in the State of Wyoming and that the property subject to this suit for condemnation is located in Lincoln County, Wyoming. The parties further stipulate and agree that Plaintiff is a body corporate and politic of the State of Wyoming, organized for the purpose of exercising public and essential governmental functions, including the power of eminent domain, pursuant to W. S. 1-26-101 et seq. 2. Description of Property. The parties hereby agree and stipulate that the Defendants are the record owners of the real property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated as part of this Stipulation. 3. Public Interest and Necessity. The parties hereby agree and stipulate that the Plaintiffs' acquisition of the real property described in Exhibit A is in the interest of the public and that the Plaintiffs use thereof is necessary and in accordance with the requirements set forth in Wyoming Statute §1-26-504. 4. Plan and Location of Road-Ways. The Plaintiffs hereby stipulate and represent that the property described in Exhibit A shall be used as public roads and rights of way. The parties hereby stipulate that the use of the property described in Exhibit A is most compatible with the greatest public good and affords the least injury to the private interests of the Defendant. 5. Necessity for Road-Ways. The parties hereby agree and stipulate that the property sought to be acquired in the Plaintiffs' Complaint for Eminent Domain is necessary for the roads, streets and public access through the Plaintiffs' incorporated boundaries. 6. Negotiation for Purchase Prior to Suit. The parties hereby stipulate and agree that the Plaintiffs and the Defendants have made attempts to negotiate in good faith for the purpose of determining the value of the real property, described in Exhibit A, and have determined that the described property has value, at the present time, only as road ways and access. The parties hereby agree and stipulate that whereas the property is only useful as a roadway and that the Defendants, at the present time, do not have the financial means to maintain said property so as to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the Defendants' members who fall within the jurisdiction of the Plaintiffs, that it is in the best interests of both parties and the public that the ownership, control and maintenance of said property be relinquished to the Plaintiffs, 7. Compensation for Real Property. The parties hereby stipulate and agree that during from the period of time commencing February 1, 2006 until the date of the Plaintiffs' commencement of this action, that the Plaintiffs have. expended the amount of Six Hundred Twenty-One Thousand Dollars ($621,000.00) in maintaining the property described in Exhibit A. That said maintenance has been beneficial to the Defendants' property and that in the event judgment for the Plaintiffs in said amount were to be awarded the Defendants would have no means by which to compensate the Plaintiffs for said maintenance. Wherefore, the parties hereby agree and stipulate that said amount shall be deemed as compensation in kind to the Defendants. WHEREFORE, the Plaintiffs and the Defendants hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 8. That all right, title and interest in the property described in Exhibit A, located within the incorporated boundaries of the town of Star of Star Valley Ranch, Wyoming be. vested in the Plaintiffs. Said right, title and interest shall be vested, in the Plaintiffs subject to all easements of record. The transfer of said right, title and interest shall in no way be interpreted to extinguish any easements held by the Defendants, its members or Leisure Valley, Inc. 9. It is further agreed that the Defendant shall have no right, title, interest, claim or demand in the described real property. The Defendant is hereby forever barred from asserting any right, title, interest, claim or demand in said property. The Defendants shall not be liable for any claim of liability arising from the Plaintiffs' ownership and control of said property. 10. It is further agreed that the Plaintiffs hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Defendants harmless from any and all claims arising from the Plaintiffs ownership and control of said property. 11. The Plaintiffs hereby agree to continue to allow the members of the Defendants' corporation to operate golf carts upon said Property as long as said use does not violate state and local laws. 12. Governing Law. The laws of the State of Wyoming shall govern the validity, performance and enforcement of this Stipulation. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision hereof shall not affect or impair any other provision. 13. Grammatical Usage. In construing this Stipulation, feminine or neuter pronouns shall be substituted for those masculine in form and vice versa, and plural terms shall be substituted for singular and singular for plural in any place in which the context so requires. 14. Additional Instruments to be Executed. The parties shall execute and deliver any instruments in writing necessary to carry out any agreement, term, condition, or assurance in this Stipulation whenever occasion shall arise and request for such instruments shall be made. 15. Captions for Convenience. The captions of this Stipulation are for convenience only, are not a part of the Stipulation, and do not in any way limit or amplify the terms and provisions hereof. 16. Entire Agreement. This Stipulation contains all of the agreements and representations between the parties. 17. Authority to Execute Stipulation. The parties hereby represent that each has the authority from their respective boards or councils to enter into this Stipulation and to bind their respective entities to the terms and conditions contained herein. 18. Successors and Assigns. This Stipulation shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties, including their successors and assigns. 19. Breach. In the event that any party shall breach any obligation hereunder, the party in breach shall be liable to the other party for all reasonable expenses, including attorneys' fees, incurred in the enforcement of the obligations created by this Stipulation. 20. Voluntary Agreement. Each party acknowledges that it has voluntarily entered into this Agreement. Each of the parties has read, understands and approves the same after receiving or having the opportunity to receive the advice of counsel. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. TOWN OF STAR VALLEY RANCH STAR VALLEY RANCH ASSOCIATION,;Ne ~ Chairman SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Boyd Siddoway, who appeared before me and was personally known to me, and was by whom duly sworn and upon oath represented that he was the Mayor of The Town of Star Valley Ranch, that the instrument was signed on behalf of The Town of Star Valley Ranch, by the authority of the board of directors or trustees thereof, acknowledWd the instrument to be the free act and deed of The Town of Star Valley Ranch, this -22 day of May, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. W. A. MOFFETT, JR. - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JAN. 18, 2010 NOTARY PUBLIC THE STATE OF WYOMING ) My Commission Expires: THE STATE OF WYOMING ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Joseph W. Angelovic, who appeared before me and was personally known to me, and was by whom duly sworn and upon oath represented that lie was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc., that the instrument was signed on behalf of Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc, by the authority of the board of directors or trustees thereof, acknowledged the instrument to be the free act and deed of Star Valley Ranch Association, Inc, this Z1:5~L day of May, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. SKVM L. BACKUS - NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of 1Jncotn Wyoang NOTARY PUBLIC O nd: tElres 13, 2009 My Commission Expires: I3 r 24'x9