HomeMy WebLinkAbout948397SHERIFF'S DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms and conditions of a certain mortgage dated August 17, 2007, made and executed by Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, Larry G. Miller, Member and Lance B. Miller, Member, as mortgagor, to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., as mortgagee, which mortgage was duly recorded on August 21, 2007, in Book 669 at Page 664, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming to secure the payment of a Promissory Note in the amount of $1,121,200.00 of even date therewith, which mortgage further secured the renewed and extended obligations of the borrowers to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A., pursuant to the Promissory Note in the amount of $700,000.00 dated August 17, 2007, both of which notes were executed by Antelope Ridge Development, LLC, Larry G. Miller, Member and Lance B. Miller, Member, and Larry G. Miller, individually and Lance B. Miller, individually; a Partial Release of which Mortgage was recorded on August 21, 2008, in Book 702 at Page 762, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and a second Partial Release of which Mortgage was recorded on September 22, 2008, in Book 705 at Page 337, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming; and pursuant to a Notice of Real Estate Mortgage Foreclosure and Sale of Personal Property Subject to a Security Interest of said mortgage which was duly published for a period of four consecutive weeks on February 5, February 12, February 19 and February 26, 2009, in the Kemmerer Gazette, a newspaper of general circulation, published in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming; on March 10, 2009 at the hour of 10:00 a.m., Lincoln County Deputy Sheriff, J. Starcevich, did sell, at the Lincoln County Courthouse, Kemmerer, Wyoming, the following-described real and personal property, to-wit: A parcel of land located in the southeast '/4 of Section 15 and the southwest Y4 of Section 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06'45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450'"; Thence N 88° 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; RECEIVED 7/20/2009 at 12:11 PM RECEIVING # 948397 BOOK: 727 PAGE: 754 JEANNE WAGNER ~ei I ilkrrv ni C'ol! vannnnco1=o Inrv X751 Thence N 00° 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 27° 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 63° 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thence, continuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS,; Thence N 89° 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the west line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thence S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Less and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; AND ALL INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT, ACCOUNTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL HEALTH CARE INSURANCE RECEIVABLES), CHATTEL PAPER, INSTRUMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PROMISSORY NOTES), LETTER OF CREDIT RIGHTS, LETTERS OF CREDIT, DOCUMENTS, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, MONEY, OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE, AND GENERAL INTANGIBLES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL SOFTWARE AND ALL PAYMENT INTANGIBLES); ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS BEFORE EXTRACTION; ALL OIL, GAS, OTHER MINERALS AND ACCOUNTS CONSTITUTING AS-EXTRACTED COLLATERAL; ALL FIXTURES; ALL TIMBER TO BE CUT; ALL ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSIONS, ACCESSORIES, FITTINGS, INCREASES, TOOLS, PARTS, REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AND COMMINGLED GOODS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL ADDITIONS, REPLACEMENTS OF AND SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL INSURANCE REFUNDS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL GOOD WILL RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL RECORDS AND DATA AND EMBEDDED SOFTWARE RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY AND SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS AND DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA; AND ALL SUPPORTING OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED OR WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS IN THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; AND ALL PRODUCTS AND PROCEEDS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL INSURANCE PAYMENTS) OF OR RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, AND WHEREVER LOCATED: (A) ALL ACCESSIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSORIES, TOOLS, PARTS, SUPPLIES, REPLACEMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO ANY OF THE COLLATERAL DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER ADDED NOW OR LATER; (B) ALL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCE OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COLLATERAL SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (C) ALL ACCOUNTS, GENERAL INTANGIBLES, INSTRUMENTS, RENTS, MONIES, PAYMENTS, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, ARISING OUT OF A SALE, LEASE, CONSIGNMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF Page 2 00(41756 ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (D) ALL PROCEEDS (INCLUDING INSURANCE PROCEEDS) FROM THE SALE, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, AND SUMS DUE FROM A THIRD PARTY WHO HAS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED THE COLLATERAL OR FROM THAT PARTY'S INSURER, WHETHER DUE TO JUDGMENT, SETTLEMENT OR OTHER PROCESS; AND (E) ALL RECORDS AND DATA RELATING TO ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF A WRITING, PHOTOGRAPH, MICROFILM, MICROFICHE, OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA, TOGETHER WITH. ALL OF GRANTOR'S RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST IN AND TO ALL COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUIRED TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS OR DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA. AND WHEREAS, a "Sheriff's Certificate of Purchase" was duly executed and delivered by Lincoln County Deputy Sheriff, J. Starcevich, on behalf of Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 10, 2009, and recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 10, 2009, in Book 717 at Page 205; and in said Certificate of Purchase it was provided that the Purchaser, Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. would be entitled to a Sheriff's Deed to said property, provided said foreclosed mortgage was not redeemed, as provided by law; and the period of redemption having expired, and more than four (4) months having passed since the date of sale without redemption. NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THIS DEED, that I, Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the premises have granted, bargained, sold, and do hereby convey to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. whose address is P.O. Box 3000, Rock Springs, Wyoming 82902, its successors and assigns, the following-described tract of land and personal property: A parcel of land located in the southeast '/4 of Section 15 and the southwest % of Section 14 of the resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., of the Sixth P.M., City of Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Tract 56 and the Northwest corner of Tract 55 in said Section 14 for the Point of Beginning where is found a standard GLO brass cap; Thence, along the west line of said Tract 55, S 00° 06' 45" W for 765.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 68° 17' 52" W for 298.48 feet to a point on the common line of said Sections 14 and 15, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence, along the common line between said Sections 14 and 15, N 00° 09' 19" W for 505.77 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 88° 01' 55" W for 501.40 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 00° 03' 11" W for 301.11 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Page 3 r Thence N 55° 36' 32" W for 283.27 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence S 62° 31' 09" W for 284.00 feet, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 27° 28' 50" W for 540.56 feet, to the southerly right of way of U.S. Highway 30, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped "Pence Surveying, LLC, PLS 6450"; Thence N 63° 57' 00" E for 1455.09 feet, along said southerly right of way, to a standard concrete highway right of way monument; Thence, continuing N 63° 57' 00" E along said southerly right of way for 6.33 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Tract 64 in Section 14, of the Resurvey of T. 21 N., R. 116 W., where is found a 2" aluminum cap stamped CC[, PE&LS,; Thence N 89° 46' 56" E along the southerly boundary of Tract 64, for 201.16 feet, to the southeast corner of said Tract 64 and being on the west line of said Tract 56, where is found a 3" aluminum cap stamped CCI, PE&LS; Thence S 00° 06' 50" E along the westerly boundary of said Tract 56, for 1320.27 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description. Less and except the following: Lot 6 of Block 1 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof Also, less and except the following: Lot 2 of Block 4 of the Antelope Ridge Subdivision, Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof; AND ALL INVENTORY, EQUIPMENT, ACCOUNTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL HEALTH CARE INSURANCE RECEIVABLES), CHATTEL PAPER, INSTRUMENTS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PROMISSORY NOTES), LETTER OF CREDIT RIGHTS, LETTERS OF CREDIT, DOCUMENTS, DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS, INVESTMENT PROPERTY, MONEY, OTHER RIGHTS TO PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE, AND GENERAL INTANGIBLES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL SOFTWARE AND ALL PAYMENT INTANGIBLES); ALL OIL, GAS AND OTHER MINERALS BEFORE EXTRACTION; ALL OIL, GAS, OTHER MINERALS AND ACCOUNTS CONSTITUTING AS-EXTRACTED COLLATERAL; ALL FIXTURES; ALL TIMBER TO BE CUT; ALL ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSIONS, ACCESSORIES, FITTINGS, INCREASES, TOOLS, PARTS, REPAIRS, SUPPLIES, AND COMMINGLED GOODS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL ADDITIONS, REPLACEMENTS OF AND SUBSTITUTIONS FOR ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL INSURANCE REFUNDS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL GOOD WILL RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL RECORDS AND DATA AND EMBEDDED SOFTWARE RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY, AND ALL EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY AND SOFTWARE TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS AND DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA; AND ALL SUPPORTING OBLIGATIONS RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; ALL WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED OR WHETHER NOW OR HEREAFTER SUBJECT TO ANY RIGHTS IN THE FOREGOING PROPERTY; AND ALL PRODUCTS AND PROCEEDS (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL INSURANCE PAYMENTS) OF OR RELATING TO THE FOREGOING PROPERTY. AND ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WHETHER NOW OWNED OR HEREAFTER ACQUIRED, WHETHER NOW EXISTING OR HEREAFTER ARISING, AND WHEREVER LOCATED: (A) ALL ACCESSIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ACCESSORIES, TOOLS, PARTS, SUPPLIES, REPLACEMENTS OF AND ADDITIONS TO ANY OF THE COLLATERAL DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER ADDED NOW OR LATER; (B) ALL PRODUCTS AND PRODUCE OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COLLATERAL SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (C) ALL ACCOUNTS, GENERAL INTANGIBLES, INSTRUMENTS, RENTS, MONIES, PAYMENTS, AND ALL OTHER RIGHTS, ARISING OUT OF A SALE, LEASE, CONSIGNMENT OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007; (D) ALL PROCEEDS (INCLUDING INSURANCE PROCEEDS) FROM THE SALE, DESTRUCTION, LOSS, OR OTHER DISPOSITION OF ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, AND SUMS DUE FROM A Page 4 00075s THIRD PARTY WHO HAS DAMAGED OR DESTROYED THE COLLATERAL OR FROM THAT PARTY'S INSURER, WHETHER DUE TO JUDGMENT, SETTLEMENT OR OTHER PROCESS; AND (E) ALL RECORDS AND DATA RELATING TO ANY OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT DATED AUGUST 17, 2007, WHETHER IN THE FORM OF A WRITING, PHOTOGRAPH, MICROFILM, MICROFICHE, OR ELECTRONIC MEDIA, TOGETHER WITH ALL OF GRANTORS RIGHT, TITLE, AND INTEREST IN AND TO ALL COMPUTER SOFTWARE REQUIRED TO UTILIZE, CREATE, MAINTAIN AND PROCESS ANY SUCH RECORDS OR DATA ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said described premises and personal property with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to Commerce Bank of Wyoming, N.A. its successors and assigns forever. WITNESS my hand this ~ day of July, 2009. SHANE JOHNSON, SHERIFF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING By: 'Sheriff STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ss. a Notary Pub iic in and-for/the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, do hereby ertify that QQNAr!, , who is personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Sheriff's Deed and (Deputy) Sheriff of the County of Lincoln, St to of Wyoming, and designated therein as such officer, appeared before me this day of July, 2009, in person and acknowledged that _he signed, sealed and delivered said instrument, in writing, as h free and voluntary act as (Deputy) Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for the use and purposes therein set forth. Witness my hand and official seal. 4' Ofi- ASHLEY NOTARY PUBLIC Gc;ktt!E , A ~F~ STATE of f s~ vYUMINc Notary Public iv9Y Cc7M~i15 ii0i i DOM::S DECEMBER A, 2011 My Commission Expires: V4.6 Page 5