HomeMy WebLinkAbout876813agreement with DAVID J JONES and CINDY JO~ES [Buyers] we agree to sell to them a parcel of ground situated in Lot 3, Block 2, of the grovsr Townsite, County of Lincoln,. State of Wyoming; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 2, ~rover, Lincoln' County, Wyoming; thenc~ Wsst 277 feet; more or less, to the highway right of way line; thence Southerly 156.5 feet along said right of way line; th~nc~ East 108 feet, more or less, thence South 100 feet; thence East 172.5 feet, more or less, to the East boundary line of said Lot .3; thence North 256.5 feet along said East boundary line to the point of beginning. Contains 1.4 acres, more or less. Together with all water rights, buildings and appertences appertaining thereto. The Principle.purchase price is $75,000.00 to be paid over a period of 180 months. Payments will be $600.00 per .month with $416.67 being applied to the Principle and $183.33 applied to th~ Interest each and every month. Buyers shall have the right to pay the entir~ Principle at any time with no early payoff f~ss. Interest will be charged only to the day of payoff. Buyors accepts the property, buildings and appertenanees as is. Buyers will maintain Insurance covering fire and liability protection at all tim~s. Buyers shall have the option of deferring 1 payment each year to be paid at the end of the. contract. In event of the death of the sellers the Trustee of the Trust shall honor this agreement.: Witness the hands of said Sell.rs and Buyers, this d. jbtday of 2000. Sta~e of {.Sj~.t ,j,.~ ] OERRELL N ANDERSEN - : SS " ' .... ~JEANETTE P ANDERSEN On thed.i4~day of ~t,,R, , 2000, e ore . ..... M ANDERSEN and JEANETTE P ANDERSEN and DAVID J~NES DAVID J JONES and CINDY JON~S and duly .~ . acknowledged that they are the signers .~04 % c~' of the above instrument. CIN~ONES 1 ~~w.s~S,~~ ,