HomeMy WebLinkAbout948627WARRANTY DEED 000680 Leonard Mark Keeling, III and Joyce M. Keeling, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties, grantors, whose address is: 4936 West Mandan Avenue, West Valley, UT, 84120, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and Other Good and Valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does Convey and Warrant To Brace AL Davis, a married man, grantee, whose address is: 406 Hillview Drive, Afton, Wyoming, 83110, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit: That part of Sections 7 and 18, Township 33 North, Range 118 West of the 6'h P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A labeled "Willow Creek Ranch-Lot 5", Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. Witness our hands this day of 0 ' 2009 Leonard Kee ' M oyce M. Keeling State of Utah ) )ss County of Salt. Lake ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this_dday of AL~ , 2009, by Leonard Mark Keeling, III and Joyce M. Keeling. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: l ""Ot T~e"a NOTARY PUBLIC AAt DARREN ALLEN 4065W s13500 South l Yt` Sall Lake City. UT 84120-3201 Notary l'ubhC :•`?r My Commission Expires: 4-18-2011 Slate of Utah RECEIVED 7/30/2009 at 8:54 AM RECEIVING # 948627 BOOK: 728 PAGE: 680 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Description: Willow Creek Ranch - Lot 5 A portion of the property as referred.to in the Deed recorded In Book 493PR, on Page 384, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, within the SWIM of the SE114 of Section 7 and the N1/2 of the NE1/4 of Section 18, T33N, R118W, of the 6th. P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming, the Metes and Bounds being more particularly described as follows: 00 681 BEGINNING at B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698,1998 location for the Northeast Comer of said SW114 of the SE1/4; thence SO'39'34"W, along the East line of said SW114 of the SE114, 1,30524 feet to the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PEJL.S 698, 1998 location for the Northwest Comer of the NE144 of said NE1/4; thence S89'44'44"E; along the North line of said NE1/4 of the NE1/4, 238.10 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe; thence SWE 1,08927 fit to a point in the approximate Center Line of Willow Greek: thence Westerly, along said Center Line the following: 881'49'51'W 12.03 feet, N8913T01 "W 113.11 feet, N42'1 1'51'W 151.58 feet, N75'42'55W 129.13 feet, N88'1 658'W 91.54 feet, N77"1431'W 118.66 feet, N61.11'3 -W 273.89 feet and N67°31'12V 43.05 feet; thence NO'E 2,039.57 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iran Pipe marking a point in the North line of said SW1/4 of the SE1/4; thence S89'33'1 5"E, along said North line, 589.54 feet, to the Point of Beginning, containing 35.000 Acres of land. TOGETHER WITH: The 60 feet wide Easement, as referred to In the Easement recorded in Book 493PR, on Page 386, with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: The 30 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, as referred to in the Affidavit Certificate of Owner, recorded in Book 460PR, on Page 738, with said Office. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 60 feet wide Non-Exclusive Access Road and Utility Right- of Way Easement, being 15 feet Southerly and 45 feet Northerly of the following described line: BEGINNING at a Point in the West line of the SW1/480/4 of Section 7, said Point of Beginning being 73829 feet N0042'47"E, along said West line from the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698; 1996 location for the Southwest Comer of said SW1/4SE114; thence N82"34'05"E 297.67 feet, thence-S89.06'20"E 98.76 feet; thence S78609450E 12163 feet; thence 874'09'2VE 157.44 feet; thence S66'3322"E 706.63 feet to a point in the East line of the above described Lot. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 60 feet wide RighW Way Easement, along a portion of the Easterly boundary of the above described Lot, the Left line being more partiadarly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Point in the East line of the SW1/4SE7/4, said Point of Beginning being 431.79 feet NO'39'34"E, along said East line, from the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1898 location for the Southeast Comer of said SW1/4 of the SE1/4; thence S0"39'34"W, along said East line, 431.79 feet to a said Monument; thence 88904444"E, along the North line of said NE114, 686.38 feet to an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a comer in the Westerly line of Lot 6. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 40 feet wide Right-of-Way Easement, along a portion of the East line of the above described Lot, the Center Line being more particularly described as fnilows: BEGINNING at an Aluminum Cap on an Iron Pipe marking a point in the North line of the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 18, said Point of Beginning being 238.10 feet S89°44'44"E; along said North line, from the B.L.M. Type Monument marking the Lloyd B. Baker PEILS 698, 1998 location for the Northwest Comer of said NE1/4NE1/4; thence SO'E 1,08927 feet to the Southeast comer of the above described Lot. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: A 80 feet wide access Easement, along Willow Creek, through Willow Creek Ranch. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record.