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DAVID M. SIMPSON and R. SIMPSON, husband and w fe
Grantors of Alpine, County of LincoIn, State ~f Wyoming
hereby CONVEY and TO:
OARY A~H, a single and PATRICIA GOE, a single woman, each. party an
undivided one-half retest, as joint 'tenant's wi:h full rights of a
Grantees of PO Box 3~ , Jackson, WY 83001
for the sum. of Ten Do; and other good and Valuable consideration
the following descrit tract of land in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming,
hereby releasing and iiving all rights under and by %'irtue of the homestead
exemption laws of th, ~tate, to-wit:
Lot ¢ of tbs Re~_~ £ub ~ision, aa shown b.¢ the official plat thereof recorded
Septer~ber 1, 1955 in Office of the recorder of Li%coln Co~tnny, Wyom'i.ng,
and being part of tt North half of the Southeast (,uarter (N1/2SE1/4) of
Section 20, Townshi' 37 North, Range 118 W~est o~ the Sixth principal
Subject to reserver and restrictions contained in the United States
Patent and to easeme and ri~hts-of-way of record in use.
To~ebher with all and appurtenances thereon.
WITNESS, the hand of !id grantors, this ~ day of September, A.D. 2001
Tracey ~ Simpson
County of
On the;~0~h day f September A.D. 2001, persona~ly appeared beforo me,i
David M, Simpson and racey R. Simpson, known, or, identified to me to be the'~
· ~ersons whose names Subscribed to the within instrument, and. aokn'Owled~ed
to me that they t the same, I '~'~" ' "'"'