HomeMy WebLinkAbout948783RECEIVED 8/5/2009 at - I RECEIVING # 948783 BOOK: 729 PAGE: 299 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT 00699 O O I, Dickie R. White, being duly sworn upon my oath depose and state as follows: w~ 1. That I am a Successor Trustee named in the White Family Trust dated September U G) ~ 4, 1992. E" 2. That on September 4, 1992 in Book 315PR on page 111 of records of Lincoln a County Clerk was recorded a QuitClaim Deed from Ralph V. White and Caroline J. White and Ralph V. White and Caroline J. White, as Trustees of the White Family Trust conveying the following described land: The South 15 feet of Lot 4 Block E, Riverview Addition to Tulsa, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official plat thereof. 3. The QuitClaim Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly defined as required by W. S. 34-2-122 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown. The date of the Trust is September 4, 1992. 4. Ralph V. White died on Pursuant to W.S. 34-2- 123 (1977) and according to the terms of the Trust, successor trustee is Dickie R. White of 219 S. Jones Avenue, Rangely, Colorado 81648. Attached is a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as trust and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Affiant is lawfully serving in capacity of successor trustee. Caroline J. White died on ~-77 1 1 , p (2 . Pursuant to W.S. 34-2-123 (1977) and according to the to s of the Trust, successor trustee is Dickie R. White of 219 S. Jones Avenue, Rangely, Colorado 81648. Attached is a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as trust and correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Affiant is lawfully serving in capacity of successor trustee. Dated this day of 2009 Z t1 d A/ Dickie R. White, Successor Trustee State of Colorado County of Rio Blanco I, Dickie R. White, do solemnly swear that I have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed by me; that I know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein contained are true. Dickie R. White, Successor Trustee The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by Dickie R. WJte, Successor Trustee of the White Family Trust dated September 4, 1992 this day 2009 W s my haN' and official seal. BRIELLE I.. CARLSON a Notary Public MY xpires: 07/08/2013 ~A7f Vw, s STATEOF COLORADO COLORADO DEPARTMENT; OF>PUBLIGHEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT I mt-", HOLD TO LIGHT To VIEW WATERMARK STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICATE O>F DEATH STATE FILE NUMBER ~ 0~(3UU a a 1. Utctutrl I'S NAME (First, Middle, Lest) 2: SEX 3. DATE OF DEATH(MOnfh, Day; year) Ralph V.-WHITE Male ..July 17, 2008. - 4. SOCIAL SECU ITY Se. AGE-Last SD UNDERI YEAR 5c UNDERI DAV (DATE OFBT !R 1 NUMBER Btnhday (Years) 7. BIRTHPLACE (Co and State or Foreign Mos. Days His (Mina (Month, De " 79 Country) Mar 19, 1929 Thayne WY 9. WAS DECEDENT EVER IN PLACE OF TH ' ec nl one), - C ARMED FORCES? HOSPITAL ®YSS ❑ No : - Inpatient ERIOUtpe(ient CI DOA OTyER: 1 U Nursing HOfne 0 Ree'dence ':19 Omer(Specify) A9sisted: Living FACILITY NAME (If not minfru(ton, give street end number) 9c. CITY, TOWN, OR LOCATION OF DEATH. 911. COUNTY OF DEATH The Oaks Fruita Mesa 10a. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION.' '(Give kind of work:done during: most of working tire 10b, KIND OF BUSINESSfINDUSTRY' 11. MARITAL SYATUS Mertietl, 12, SPOUSE (tl wife, give ma/den'name) . Do at use.tedrad): Neber MeniedWidowed, OiVOced (Spedlfy) Senior Meter Tech Gas Company Widowed Carolina J P ohl 138. RESIDENCE -STATE 136. COUNTY 13c. CITI', TOWN OR LOCATION ' . 13d STREET AND NUMBER.. CO Mesa Fruita B05 '4t. Ottle 13e: INSIDE CITY 73f ZIP COD E 11A_1 DECCDENT OF HISPANIC ORIGIN? if No or Y - I! 1b RACE--Amencen lndion\ 16. DECEDENTS'EDUCATION(Speclfy only highest LIMITS? = y es yea speclly Cuban, R can tc) Black,. VJllde, etc (Spetly) ggratle COmppl.I- Elementary or secondary h 12 ll C 13 Ig Yes N oyes g ) o ege ( 1hr0uph 16 or 17+) O"° 8152 White 14 17. FATHER-NAME .'(First, Middle, Lad) 18 MOTHER~NAME (fuss, Middle, LaV(Melds,), 19. INB J RMANT-NAME and relationship to decreased. Orlan"Alma .Whate Laura Bell Swenson Dickie R. White-Son 20a. METHOD OF DISPOSITION 200, PLACE OF DISPOStTION(Name ul cemeterycrematory, 0 20c 1- CATION-City, Town, Stele • Burial otherplecal.. . ❑-Cremellon no Removal from Stale . ❑Don.. ion q Other(speaty) Viola Cemete La .3arga:, WY 214. SIGNATURE OF FUNERAL DIRECTOR ORPERSON ACTINGAS 5UCH . 21 b. NAME AND ADDRESS OF FACILITY:' ' Snell-McLean d Home,LLC , 729 37 3/10 Road.,. , 1 Q~ 1 . 1 PCO zip'81526? 22e; EGISTRAR' SIGNATURE 22b. DATE FILED (Month, Day, Year): 23.'TIME EAT 24, DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD ABC O ER NOTIFIED? Month - Day Yea, Hdur (Yes.tlr o) ' 4;0511P M Jul 17 2008 405 PM - No TO.BE COMPLETED O 6Y:GERTIFYING PHYSICIAN ''--TO BE COMPLETED BY CORONER 2e. To laa seal f hn etl 6s, death oaeumU al I a 1 e, date .ne plecn, eM Jun w Ina Gues(s) .;m m Nalea c ins...Is ar s......lbn aMl.r Inva,lipatl.n. In my oplnlan Oaatn 9-d al IM ee ls and p ace, eM aue to the uuee(.) uM manner ae stelae. Signature'- Sqnblurd 1 20.E DATE SIGNE (M Ih, Day, Year) 29 DATE 5IC,NED (Manlh, Day , .Year) _ 30. NAME, TITLE.AND. ILI ADDRE SS F CERTIFIER/CORONER (T e/PrIM 4:_ 5. Michael Hughes,, M.D.: 281 :North;Pluin Truita, C0' zip' 81521: 31. NAME OF ATTENDING PHYSICIAN IF OTHER THAN CERTIFIER (Type/Print) .32. MANNEROF'DEATH - 33a. DATE:OFINJURY 33b. TIME'OF. 33c. INJURY AT 33d:'D.EBCRIBE`HOW INJURY OCCU..RED PeadI.e (Month, Day, Year) INJURY!? WORK? ~Nelerel:: ❑ ' ' - Ipvealip non UmIslmmined M Manner 9u1dda 33e. PLldinp si INJURY -y) t home, fans, •ireel; factory office 33f. LOCATION (Street and Number or Rural Route Number, City, County, Slate) ❑ Homicide • PART 34.; IMMEDIATE CAUSE (ENTER 0 Y ONE CAUSE PER LINE FV b), I. not ~nler made of (lying,a g.Coroiac or Respiratory Arrest) imersl balweea-.] ea L D J/ I (a) a death CONDITIONS DUE TO OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF IF ANY WHICH n em e n onset GAVE RISE TO : (b .nd a..tn IMMEDIATE CAUSE: STATING THE `;DUE TO OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF marvel eeMasn Dose NG CAUSE - UNOERLY (C) - . : nddestn LAST (c) PART OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS-Condillons contributing to death but not reletad'to cause in II PART I (e g alcohol ab b it 35. AUTOPSY F YE d S were findings abnsideretl 38. i i' . use;: o es y, smoker);: (Yes or No) .l n determinlnp causeof death? JUL 2 2 2000 DATE ISSUED RONALD S. HYMAN:> THIS IS A TRUE CERTIFICATION OF NAME AND FACTS AS , STATE REGISTRAR f RECORDED IN THIS OFFICE. Do not accept unless prepared on security paper with der displaymg the Colorado state seal I $ Regis and signature of the Registrar. . P PENALTY BY L #W, 2S 2.118 I II I I I LI I I I II f I I II I II I II I I III ~ I ~ I IIII II I IIII / ( Colorado Revised Statutes, 1982, if a person alters uses, attempts io- I use or furnishes to another for deceptive use any vital statistics record. 0 0 3 3 8 0 0 3 8 ' NOT VALID IF,?HOTOCOPIED rf € i, REV 07706 -