HomeMy WebLinkAbout94892900V'A87 ASSIGNMENT OF OVERRIDING ROYALTY INTEREST N ► 5 Do C-%1'-" r-f4- ► 5 bP, ► IN J z X 025 Rz~. ~ ► n ~l ►zrDz✓p +r> 9 4 Sa o °I ~ ooK.: -I t S' Qo.CJ E+ 4 577 4 95 F, yg9f n crp rc.ct..EA#- L.~OI a.L D F_.5 C .1Z . ► p'T► N t STATE OF COUNTY OF 1-1 PJ CO L_PJ ) ss. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the undersigned IZu-rij 1W,tp LfA 17nhlt Rr=V L✓ rR11S7, whose address is k"3 6. DEVONSLY1 i, G - Z hereinafter referred to as ("Assignor"), for and in consideration of the sum o Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby confessed and acknowledged, does hereby convey, transfer, assign and set over unto lVare 12DU E`/ &WPon-11 ccr t.Ur~Ib t~nRti_ 21 / %qc3 ,whose address is 3E.0&046W/RCaih~~ea~rsn Ft~7di61 ' , hereinafter referred to as ("Assignee"), an overriding royalty interest, free and clear of all cost and expense of development and operation, in the amount of (Q_% of all oil, gas casinghead gas, and other hydrocarbon substances produced, saved and marketed from the following described land pursuant to those certain oil and gas leases, whether one or more, described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and situated in the aforesaid County and State. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the interest herein transferred and assigned unto Assignee, its successors and assigns, forever, subject only to the following terms and provisions: that A. The overriding royalty interest herein transferred is payable out of and only out of the oil and gas produced, saved and marketed, pursuant to the terms and provisions of the above-described oil and gas leases. 6. The overriding royalty interest herein provided for shall not, in any event, be paid or accrued upon any oil, gas, casinghead gas and other hydrocarbon substances used for operating, development or production purposes upon the above-described lands or unavoidably lost; and no overriding royalty shall be paid upon gas used for repressuring or recycling operations or pressure maintenance operations benefiting said lands. C. This Assignment of Overriding Royalty interest is made without warranty of title, express or implied, except as to_parties claiming by, through or under Assignor, but not otherwise. D. If Assignor's interest in the above-described oil and gas lease, lands or unit is Tess than the entire interest, or if said oil and gas leases cover less than the entire fee title, then the above overriding royalty interest shall be reduced proportionately. E. It is understood and agreed that Assignor shall have the right to pool the oil and gas leases and lands covered hereby, or any portion thereof, with other lands and leases into voluntary units, or into units as established by any governmental authority having jurisdiction, and if the leases, and the lands covered thereby, or any part thereof are pooled accordingly, then the overriding royalty interest herein conveyed shall be reduced in proportion that the acreage burden by the overriding royalty interest bears to all the acreage included in any pooled unit. IN WITNESS WHERE_PF, Assignor has executed d delivered this assignment of overriding royalty interest this(g ay of F'E.12 200 ASSIGNOR: R4,rt4 MGGoM13 17vnILFV RrV LV& I'KU!;I 61~~~ aontc-F~' B'ar-© u iQus~ ASSIGNEE: .1 ~~r~ 171~/ui J±v 01(4 FO R1) _rK(A5! (AI'q/p Iq PKIL °2 CY i~lrlr R~ TRUsirr' DO1qL RECEIVED 8/14/2009 at 4:12 PM RECEIVING # 948929 BOOK: 730 PAGE: 25 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Q r uq a' 0 O N r- N 0 Q ll ul) W ~ U Y W O O M cr_ W tY W W Y Y Ir- W J U Z O U Z J O U Z J W W Z 0 Q W Z ZQ LL1 00Cy488 ~O-"'026 CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ss 4 . Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this _ day of , 20_, personally appeared to me known to be the identical person who subscribed the name of the maker thereof to the foregoing instrument as President of and acknowledged to me that executed the same as free and voluntary act and deed, and as the free and voluntary act and deed of such corporation, for the uses and purposes therein set forth Given under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: Notary Public Notary Address: INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF Ac (Z , k "LO n CL- ) COUNTY OF hAP t -I 0-09pr ) ss Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this L+ d y of 2oOnpersonally appearec~1n %w-, IIZ-' 0 ZX-~k to me known to be the identical person who executed the same as V L free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires: 4tNary Public Notary Address: NOTARY PUI3,_!C STATE OF ARIZONA Pinal County *JEANNINE MARIE ALLEN My Commission E)#res 11/09/2012 (~Oi'.V~02 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed and delivered this assignment of overriding interest this ri'0-day of ~q 2009. ASSIGNOR: Ruth McComb Donley Rev. Lvg Trust an Donley inford, rustee ASSIGNEE: Jean Donley Binford Trust U/A/D April 21, 1998 can Donley Binf , Trust INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF: Arizona COUNTY OF: Maricopa Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, on this ai" - day of et&A 2009 personally appeared =F-j~,t4 me known to be the iden cal person who executed the same as free anti voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and seal the day and year last above written. My Commission Expires NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF ARIZONA Pinal County *JEANNINE MARIE ALLEN My Commission Expires 11/09/2012 N tary Public Notary Address: -13 -7 3 jZ" n a 7`S cLc~Q 2r ~5 a S~ UnV NH txpl'n F'rod Go SCHEDULE "A" Venture/DOI: 4666/3 Venture Name: BRUFF UT (MOXA) TRACT 4 State: WY County/Parish: LINCOLN Effective Date: 12/01/2000 Product: Oil, Condensates Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; T019N - R112W: SEC 22: SE4 NW4, E2, E2 SW4 (440. acres) SEC 27: NE4 NW4, N2 NE4 (120. acres) Wyoming/Sweetwater SEC 23: S2 NW4, SA14, NW4 NW4 (280. acres) SEC 26: NW4 NW4 (40. acres) 0OCY489 02503MAL `028 Owner No/ Owner Owner Name / Add.reus TntVrest Uec:i.rrwl Interest. Pay Status Taxpayer Ill TnteresC Type Sequence - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8029498 1 JEAN D BINNORD OR 0.00041670 PAY ON FILE SUBTOTAL OR INTEREST 0.00041670 DIVISION ORDER TOTAL 0.00041670 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description: T019N - R.112Z SEC 22: SE4 M114, }E2, E Sl-14 (44 C1. acres 52C ' 27. NE4 1,811, 1,126 1QE4 (120. acre, w; ol',',a-og!StvcctL,vat:e,. SEC 2s: S2 14414, :3114, D!W4 1,`A4 (2,80. aczWs) 1.6 -7fl 7., ,JLy •.0^~ Couat;,~/Farish: LINCOLN Legal Des-cript±on: PRIMARY LIES CRIPTI, o~l; i01:9S, - 81125^+. SEC 26: _ALL rnri7.rrr - C~ C7f L70 7 ° Ci County/Parish; IMI-01.1,1 Legal. Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; i019N - F-112j'I: SEC --A. ALL (640. acres) From 11,290 to 11,410 ft and/or FRONTIER y. C"_ounty./Pariah l,:f.; "dC~C} t'J Legal Deocription.: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; T-`)719`41 - R112W . S1:C 28 A'L7 k 0540. a c.:. e.'' ) Frc,,,rt 11,28G to 11,340 ft~ WId/0'r FF.Of4T 1 ER I tom 11., 74 to 11., 92 0 'f t_ ar,cl ;7e:`C: in7 i. Tr; r,=r.=8*, O , 10 D 0 01 0 1...-) 0 County /Parish: LINCOLN a X029 0 from t_op FRMITIER too bott4:ati1 from tr:•p I;.'lKGDTa. Pagc I u1'3 Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; FrOM 11,25D to 11,410 ft and/or FRONTIER, 0.• Cat 00725~G County/ Farish: LINCOLN Legal Description: PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; Wyoming/ Lincoln TO 9N R112W : SEC 14 ALL (640. acres) From 11,858 to 11,960 ft and/or County/Parish: LINCOLN Legal Description: 1;1R1T4A,R'x' 1)ESC-HIP TION; i 41, r~• C~fTt~. ti ~~~lg,~yiTIC:Ul7, From 11 , 324 Co 11,380 f and/or FRONTIER inc W71 7.:nwrew 0.00000120 County/Parish: LINC'D01 ( :'G1",VO30 tram Lop FRONTIER no boLLom from top DAKOTA to bothom DAKOTA acres) from top FRONTIER tO bottcri Legal Description.:. PRIMARY DESCRIPTION; SEC 14; SE/4, swsw/ 4 SEC"_ 21: SE/ f1 SSC 22: E/2, SW/4, SEQNW& EC.; 23: W/2, W / 21~,x/ 2 , B„/ NE /-1. , N E. 4 S E / 4 EC 24: S•W/4, NEh/ S W/,4 SEC. 26: 87W/•4NW/ 4 SEC 27: NONEA, NWA SEC: «8< N FA CONTAINS 2160 ACRES County,/Parish: LINCOLN Page 2 of 3 Legal. Ile: cript ,L n: FPRIC"A Y l:','EG RTPII0I', ; SECTION 21. ALL SECTION 22: iti2SP M !34:~i.;n?1. arar,r,a Q i700CIG r yir County/Parish,: LINCOLN :Legal Description: 'y DESCRTPT TON, ST C`T OTT 3 Y : t1G;:,4v <<x SEC T','i N 3; : sic NE SIE County/Parish: L1NCOL2\1 11 0 Legal Desc.ripti0n: E~?~TfvfrT~`! J,)T;rCR7i.'TItw~N.: 5...C 1'.T.ON 2°r , C."1uTd P;.7.2Yi F~:; t;t7 Ft' N7 :_.;1 F W,: , of ltr T A8 I: AN U•:sCa.m7=. '7Ttr~>rrP- (~(7~rfjtir,~ 4"~ regal nescript on: P Iivlf0,Y DESCRIPTION, ZCTION 27, T1.93~7 8112/,, as to thy, WELLL•ORE of the F.AIAN DITCH 559-27E IJ-2cim7z' ;,nt(,rrsT O. 00fl,004,~j 3 County/Parish: LTNr'OLN Legal Description: T 11. 2 W R19N SECTION 21-.- ALL ,EC'TTOIXT 22: W2SW4 1.1c;f:i i11Z S. 7.n~'.Ey'Y!'g% O , OQnQU 2)O County/Parish: T. T.NCOLN Pa,ye 3 of '3