HomeMy WebLinkAbout876830'..'_.,¥. ......... P}t I:V,.CJE ......... 7 ..... A F F I D A V I T ' 876830 STATE OF COLO~DO ) COUNTY OF LA~MER ) COMES NOW, Colleen D. Jenson, Successor Trustee, Young Family Trust, dated 11 November 1999, whose ad&ess is 5012 Timber Creek Court, Fort Collins, Colorado 80528, who, being duly sworn on oath according to law, does hereby make the following statement of facts and affirm: 1. That The Young Family Trust is an owner of all of the land described under the Certificate of Surveyor on the plat titled, "ROCKBRIDGE MEADOWS SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE NW¼NE¼ Section 30 T32N Rl l8W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING". 2. That on behalf of the Young Family Trust, dated 11 November 1999, the undersigned has reviewed said plat. 3. That she has read and understands the provisions of the Certificate of Owner thereon and the imPlications thereof. 4. That this affidavit is signed in the stead of and has the same effect as if the original mylar of said Subdivision had been signed. DATED this I Z~day of October 2001. Colleen D. Jensm~essor Trustee The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by · ~ ~/v,....t~-~..~ this 10,'~'k day of October 2001. Notary Publi ~' ; "'~ My commission expires: ~/~ ~ ', '~".. ..' ·