HomeMy WebLinkAbout949253PARTIAL RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE X12 7 For valuable consideration, I" Bank, whose address is 314 South Washington Street, P.O. Box 1620, Afton, Wyoming, 83110, as the beneficial owner of a Mortgage bearing the date of November 14, 2008, made and executed by Selanie A. Sanone-Leavitt and Shawn W. Poulson as mortgagors, as security for the payment of debt, as therein stated, which Mortgage was recorded in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming on November 18, 2008 in Book 709 at Page 332, hereby releases any security or mortgage interest it has in and to the portion of the real property encumbered by the Mortgage, more particularly described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference The Mortgage remains in full force and effect with respect to the remainder of the real r property and improvements encumbered thereby. DATED this +-V day of f , 2009. ,t 1sT BANK By: STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF L2%kt,~ ) The aforegoing document was acknowledged before me, a notary public, by ,a!; d-,- of 1 s` Bank on this ( ! day of 6,-- S , 2009. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ' 4-e~~ i~t~ITHaftowti.rjCyjMyP;.3:.~;. U^ NOTARY PUBLIC n Cow Val Chatx~ My Commission Expires: 4(. ~ q, a, 0 1 ~ My rC etw,~r1s xS, lA~sr31°~~ - RECEIVED 9/3/2009 at 2:38 PM - RECEIVING # 949253 BOOK: 731 PAGE: 127 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY A, parcel of land located in thy-•_': -_west quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 24, Townsh=ip 28 North , Range 120 West, Sixth Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Z28 Wyoming and further described as follows: B i eg nning at the West gTtafter corner 6f said Section 06` 24 from which the. East quarter corner of Section 24'bears - " south "8 9°57'20" East 3830.92 feet; Thence South 87057'20"East 1149.09 feet to the Northwest Corner Of S3I d 7rt?1::est , t of thu- qua~ er e so:utI ,east of Section 24;' TuEIICe South g0°33'27" West 165.47 feet a?onc the west ne o~sa n X&rIQhwes~- glia-rter -of the Southeast" u. ---ter, the True Point of Beginning .said point being the inter-section of-said-west line and-the southerly .r . j t of._ way_!Ine or Star Valley Highway; . - Thence North 73°551-3-6" East 148.81 feet along said right of way line to a fence line; Thence South 14'53101" East 210.50 feet along said fence line; Thence South 03°24'45" West 4.44 feet along said fence line to the south line of the north half of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 24; Thence North 89°57'00" West 198.42 feet along said south line to. said west line of the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter; Thence North 00°33127" East 166.50 feet along said west line to the True.Point of Beginning. Containing 0.8 acres of land, more or less. • TOGETHER WITH all improvements and appurtenances thereon a7 situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all reservations, restrictions, exceptions, easements and rights-of-way of record. .1