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,J11..Aucelitl4-and Escrow of Wyorning,
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We, John W. Andersen and Peggy F. Andersen, being first duly sworn upon my oath depose
and state as follows:
1. That we are joint Trustees named in the John W. Andersen and Peggy F. Andersen
Family Trust dated l al , , i 2 za
2. That on May 19, 1999 in Book 430PR on page 406 of records of Lincoln County
Clerk was recorded a Warranty Deed from Anita B. Savage, a single woman, to John W. Andersen
and Peggy F. Andersen, Trustees of the John W. Andersen and Peggy F. Andersen Family Trust
conveying the following described land:
Lot 44 of Star Valley Ranch Plat 6, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the official
plat thereof.
3. The Warranty Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly defined as
required by W.S. 34-2-122 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown. The date of the
Trust is 1,:,7, !L
Dated this .3 * day of September, 2009,
RECEIVED 9/$/2009 at 3:40 PM
RECEIVING # 949345
BOOK: 731 PAGE: 391
State of Wyoming }
County of Lincoln )
John W. Andersen
Peggy F. Andersen
1, John W. Andersen, do solemnly swear that 1 have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed
by me; that ! know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein contained are
J'r- ~J~
John W. Andersen
1, Peggy F. Andersen, do solemnly swear that 1 have read the foregoing Affidavit subscribed by me;
that l know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein contained are true.
Peggy F. Andersen
The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me by John W. Andersen and
Peggy F. Andersen this 3 RD day of September, 2009.
Witness my hand and official seal.
y _
C'~ o-11-0y of
Notary Public
My Cor......~,~n Expires: