HomeMy WebLinkAbout949395RECEIVED 9/11/2009 at 11:18 AM RECEIVING # 949395 BOOK: 731 PAGE: 677 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, Wy 0067 7 State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data RELEASE OF MORTGAGE ENTERPRISE BANK. N.A. , which is organized and existing under the laws of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and holder of that certain Mortgage made and executed by JAMES N. VARGASON AND TAMERA VARGASON as Mortgagor, and ENTERPRISE BANK. N.A. as Mortgagee on 06.24.2008 , certifies that the Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on 07.11.2008 , in the uERK'S OFFICE for LINCOLN County, Wyoming and is indexed as BOOK 699. PAGE 667 . The Mortgage having been complied with, the undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right, title and interest in the Property located at 95987 HIGHWAY 89, THAYNE. WY 83127 and legally described as: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" LENDER: ENTERPRISE BANK, N.A. TODD KOSKOVICH, VICE PRESIDENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT. (Lender Acknowledgment) STATE OF NEBRASKA , COUNTY OF DOUGLAS SS. This instrument was acknowledged before me this 8TH day of SEPTEMBER. 2009 by TODD KOSKOVICH as VICE PRESIDENT (Titles) of ENTERPRISE BANK. N.A. (Name of Business or Entity). My commission expires: -~111 (13 (S eal) (704~ (Notary Public) q~a U GENERAL NOTARY - State of Nebraska MANDY S. WSTGRAAF My Comm. Exp. Feb. 19, 2013 C pi ~ OiA78 ©'9U tract of [and locatedIn g the SEIJ4SW1/4 of Section 1, T 33 N, R 119 W, 61° P.M., Lincoln County, WyomJn& ing, being more particularly described as follows: CommeVc corner of said Section 1 and running thence S33 09'42" E, 4855.0 feet to the point of beginning said point of beginning being a Wyoming State highway U.S. 84 thence: S 24 4100" W, 132539 feet along said highway centerline Station 1229+32.2; 1325.39 feet along said highway ~ Of way; thence S 24 4100" W, 52'29" 9 et ale f y right of way, thence N 65 19'00" W 743. 23 feet-, thence N 16 W, 67.88 eet; thence N 32 24 42 W, 119.84 fleet; thcuce N 0 00'00" W, 805.63 feet, thence S 89 18'40" E, 1187.95 feet to a point on the West right--way said point being on a curve concave to the West s of line of Highway U. S. 89, southwesterly 5.61 feet along the arc of said having a radius of 1883.48 feet; thence, of 0 1014" to the point highway right-of-way curve through a central angle tangents thence along a jog in said highway right of way S 65 1900" E, 140.00 feet to the point of beginning. A tract of land located in the W1r2NE114NW114 and NWl/4SEI/4SWI/4 ofscction 12 arrd SWI /4SEI/4SW IA of Section 1, both in T 33 N, R 119 W, 6•P.M-, Lincoln County, w being more particularly desarab:d as follows: Commencing at the Northwest Corner of said hung, Section; running S 13 4077" IF, 6623.47 feet to a Wyoming State Hr wa De way marker 60 feat left ofFfrghway U.S. 89 Centerline Station 1203.+.00, T y H Parinunt rig373 ht 1, W, 15.00 feet along the r~ghway ri~-of way Jog to the point of be i ' THENCE ' N 65 nd along Highway right-of way fine N 65 37'31 W, 25.00 continuing feet; TT~1(;E N 000'00" A 2032.72 feet; THENCE S 24 4I 00 W. 425.17 feet; THENCE S 32 2442"E, 119.84 feet; THENCE S 16 52'29" E, 339.11 feet;nIENCE S 104,09- E, 344.16; TRICE S 102'55" E, 261.75 feet; THENCE S 12 57100" E, 207.67 feet; THENCE S81 5174" E, 40.00 feet; THENCE S 3 08'36"W, 421.42 feet to the point of beginning HEREINAFTER REFMUUD TO AS "TRACT A"; and The SWl/4SW1/4 of Section 1 and the W1/2NW1/4 of Section 12, all in T 33 N, R 119 W, 6m P.M., Wyoming, excepting therrfixan, however, lands previously for U.S. Highway Number 89 right-of-way. deeded to the State of Wyoming Also excepting the following descnbed panel, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast the Corner of SW 1/4NW1/4 of said Stxxion 12; nmaing North along North-South centerline of said NW 1i4, I056 feet; THENCE Weg 950 filet; 7104CE South 1056 feet to a SWl/4NW1/4; TBIENCE point on the South line of the along said South line, East 950 feat co the point of beginning, H .R.EINAFIER REFERRED Td AS '"TRACT B". Also Excepting Therefrom: Any portions of the above described herein: The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE4s144)rooff ses Section 1, T33N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. For information purposes only, the property address is purported to be: 05987 Highway 89 Thayne, Wyoming 83127