HomeMy WebLinkAbout949420STATEMENT OF TRUST AND IDENTITY OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN Pursuant to W.S. 34-2-123 ss. Gwenna B. Nelson of PO Box 3005, Alpine, WY 83128, upon her oath deposes and says: 1. That she makes this affidavit as her recorded statement, duly verified, pursuant to the provisions of W.S. 34-2-123 and in connection with the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: BEGINNING at a point N90100'E, 330 feet from the SW Corner of Section 28, T37N, R1 18W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, and running thence NO°0'E, 330 feet; thence N90°0'E, 330 feet; thence S65°12'E 792 feet; thence SO°0'E, 25 feet; thence S9010'W, 990 feet to the point of beginning. ALSO: BEGINNING at a capped reinforcing bar found at the SW Corner of Lot 8 of Three Rivers Meadows Estates Subdivision "A", said point being approximately 233.73 feet North and 881.02 feet East from the SW Corner of said Section 28; thence running S75043'23"E, 50.37 feet; thence S89014'23"E, 185.23 feet to a fence; thence S68010'50"E, 224.24 feet to a fence corner located on the East line of said SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 28; thence South along said East line 98.41 feet to a point 25.00 feet North of a Brass Cap Monument marking the SE Corner of said SW1/4SW1/4 of Section 28; thence running N66001'36"W, 483.96 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.670 acres of land, according to the official plat thereof recorded in the County Recorder's office, State of Wyoming. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: BEGINNING at a reinforcing bar found marking a corner of the Monty Nelson Tract and a corner between Lots 5 and 6 of Three Rivers Meadows Estates Subdivision "A", said point being approximately 322.15 feet North and 333.05 feet East from the SW Corner of said Section 28; thence running N89024'50"E, 330.01 feet; thence S67009'45"E, 236.51 feet to the SE Corner of said subdivision; thence N75043'23"W, 245.60 feet; thence N10019'W, 10.18 feet; thence S89024'50"W, 308 feet; thence N0016'12"W, 30.00 feet to the point of beginning., containing 0.320 acres of land.. RECEIVED 9/14/2009 at 11:27 AM RECEIVING # 949420 BOOK: 731 PAGE: 715 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY UW71G EXCEPTING THEREFROM all lands thereof included in the following conveyances: (1) Warranty Deed dated October 21, 1991, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on October 23, 1991, in Book 303 PR, page 10. (2) Warranty Deed dated January 6, 1992, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on January 8, 1992, in Book 306 PR, page 21. (3) Grant Deed dated January 23, 2009, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on February 4, 2009, in Book 714, page 737. 2. That the names of the grantee in that Quit-Claim Deed dated March 24, 1981, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on April 2, 1981, in Book 174 PR, page 535, conveying the above-described real property is hereby stated to be as follows: Monty Nelson and Gwenna B. Nelson, Trustees, under the terms of such Declaration of Trust, dated March 24, 1981. 3. That her name and address is Gwenna B. Nelson, PO Box 3005, Alpine, WY 83128. 4. That she is a beneficiary of the trust referred to, that Monty Nelson became deceased on September 10, 2003, that upon the death of Monty Nelson, she became the sole surviving trustee under said Declaration of Trust dated March 24, 1981. 5. That as of September 10, 2003, the date of death of Monty Nelson, Gwenna B. Nelson became the sole surviving trustee under the Declaration of Trust dated March 24, 1981, including its ownership of the real property described above, and that she is currently lawfully serving in that capacity. 6. That she hereby verifies that the information contained in this affidavit is true and correct according to her information and belief. DATED as of the 2nd day of September, 2009. Gwenna B. Nelson 2 i 4.. G9717 Subscribed and sworn to by Gwenna B. Nelson before me this day of September, 2009. ;.My commission expires 3