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FILED BY - IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT S 1 1 T&J SERVICES, LLC T.J. HOFFMAN Plaintiff, V. Kimball Roofing Kimball Strickland Defendants. E-~~e,' r}a p rs ^.I Tai C , =r- = T Case No. 2009-206 LINCOLN COUNTY, sTi=ti's E Ot VVYOMIN' CA0 39'r ORDER REGISTERING FOREIGN JUDGMENT This matter having come before the Court on the Petition of T&J SERVICES, LLC., and pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 1-17-701 et seq, the Court hereby registers the Default Judgment that was entered with the by the Honorable O. Lane McCotter, Wasatch County Justice Court, Wasatch County, Utah, on April 22nd, 2009, as a foreign judgment in the District Court, Lincoln County, Wyoming. r Dated th' day , 2009. RECEIVED 9/22/2009 at 2:21 PM RECEIVING # 949638 BOOK: 732 PAGE: 397 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK; KEMMERER, WY 2...: ATE CF ~,JY01k,r"sIF"?~ ~ SS. ;0UNT'v OF LIiNllGO ..l:l Kenneth D. @ CA'v-) °'-1" :1: e~~i the Third Judicial DistriC a x ~ ? and foresaid countye and ir: ~ o oro5aid, do hereby ccrt, ,trig to he a full, true, acid cornp,"'- SIGNED .~~~L~.+{~~c~~j`~td~7tl~ WASATCH COUNTY JUSTICE COURT 1361 S HWY 40, PO BOX 730 HEBER CITY, UT 84032 435-654-2679 Plaintiff VS. Defendant AND Defendant SMALL CLAIMS JUD GM ENT (FORM H) Case No. 9fYI- 6©0 1 DATE OF TRIAL: PARTIES APPEARING: VJi Plaintiff f W+(4ri, [ ] Defendant [ ] Defendant THE COURT ORDERS JUDGMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ON THE PLAINTIFF'S CLAIM: A. ;4 FOR PLAINTIFF $ ~i 3~ • ~u Principal (including pre judgment interest if qualified) $ (1. Court Costs $ CA] L. ob Total Judgment [ ] at percent per year interest (the current state post judgment rate) OR [ ] at percent per year interest (pursuant to the contract between the parties). B. [ ] FOR DEFENDANT 2. ON THE DEFENDANT'S COUNTERCLAIM: A. [ ] FOR DEFENDANT Principal (including pre judgment interest if qualified) Court Costs Total Judgment [ ] at percent per year interest (the current state post judgment rate) OR [ ] at percent per year interest (pursuant to the contract between the parties). B. [I FOR PLAINTIFF 3. [ ) THE COURT FURTHER ORDERS: Date NOTICE OF JUDGMENT X399 Judge's Signatur I certify that I [ ] mailed M delivered a copy of this judgment top] plaintiff [I defendant at the address on file with the court. Date Clerk's Signa "re I certify that I mailed a copy of this judgment to [ ] plaintiff [ ] defendant on (date) at the following address: Date Party's or Agent's Signature 23