HomeMy WebLinkAbout949765PROMISSORY NOTE V8'77 In consideration of value received, the undersigned (hereinafter "Borrowers") do hereby jointly and severally promise to pay to Walker Land & livestock LLC.(hereinafter "Lender"), the amount of 1,500,000.00, from equity held in the Bear River Ranch, consisting of approximately 21,000 deeded acres (see exhibit A). Upon which interest will accrue at 6% percent. Borrowers agree to pay in conformity with these terms: Such payments shall be first applied to interest and then to the principal. This Note may be paid in full at any time without penalty charges. Lender reserves the right to demand payment in full or in part, together with interest accrued, at any time and for any reason as the Lender deems a breach of contract. In the event this Note shall be in default, and collection proceedings are instituted, then the Borrowers agree to pay all reasonable attorney fees and costs of collection. Payments not made within 90 days of due date shall be subject to a late charge of 5 points. The undersigned and all other parties to this Note, whether as endorsers, guarantors or sureties waive demand, presentment and protest and all notices thereto and further agree to remain bound, notwithstanding any extension, modification, waiver, or other indulgence by any holder or upon the discharge or release of any obligor hereunder or to this Note, or upon the exchange, substitution, or release of any collateral granted as security for this Note. Walker Land & Livestock LLC shall have the authority to assign its rights and or obligations hereunder without prior written consent of the other party to this agreement. Trout Unlimited Property M nagment Co., LLC Walker Notary Public KAREN BROWN NOTARY PJe County of SLincoln i W~1. My Commission Expires June Z ZECEIVED 9/29/2009 at 3:39 PM RECEIVING # 949765 BOOK: 732 PAGE: 877 JEANNE WAGNER r., ,-i ttou VFnnMFRER. Wy Ala, Illf~C L,~;fl~l i f ' C KAREN BROWN -NOTARY PUBLIC ✓.L/C - County of State of x.. Lincoln Wyoming ly Commission Expires June 30, 2013 000878 I'AlIMI I "A" l3l? 1R R11 H4 qvN( if i {eke:s ilic, ii ,s fx~tin Township 23 North Ranee 117 West of the 6th P Ivt Lincoln County. Wvr»ming Section 5: NW14SWI/4, SEI/4SWI/4 Section 6: Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18 & 19, S112NE1/4 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre, 119PR, Page 461) Section 7: Lots 7, 8, 9, 13, 14 & 15, SEI/4NE1/4, NI/2NEI/4 Section 8: NEI/4NE1,4, SW1/4NE1/4, W1/2SE1/4 Section 9: SWI/4NW1/4 Section 17: 1NE1/4NW 1/4, N1/2SW I /4 Section 18: Lots 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13, SWI/4NTI/4, NEl/4SE1/4 Section 19: Lots 13 15 Section 20: NW 1/4SW 14 Section 22: SW 1/4SW 1/4 Section 23: SWI/4SWI/4 Section 26: NW U4NW1/4, SW 14NWIi4 Section 27: SEI/4SWl/4 Section 28: NW1i4NE1/4, N-WI/4NV%1/4 Section 29: S112NW14 Section 30: Lot 10, Sli'2NEI%4 Section 32: NE1i4SWi/4, SEI/4NEI/4 Section 33: NW 1/4NE1/4 Section 34: NWI/4SE1/4, NW1/4SW 1/4 Section 35: SWI `4,NTW 114 Township 23 North Ranee 118 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln Connt Wyomin Section 1: Lots , 6 & 7, SlI2NEI,4, N1/2SE1/4, SWl/4SW1/4, SEl/4SEl/4, SWI/45EI/4 ~Lecs parcel deeded to Zebre, 119PR, Page 461) Section 2: Lots 5 & 6, SWI/4SEI/4, SWI/41v'EI/4, NW 1/4SE1/4 Section 4: Lots 5, 6, 7 & 8, SWI14NW1/4, SI:2SW1/4, NW1/4SWI/4 Section 5: Lot 5 Section 8: SE114NEI/4, El/2SEI/4 Section 9: NWI/4NW1/4, N112SW1/4, SW 1/4 SW 1,,,4 Section 11: SWI/4NEIA, NEIASEI/4, S-WI/4SEI(4, NW1/4RTEI/4, SWI14SWI/4 Section 12: IN-El/4NW1/4, WI/2WI!2, El/2SEI/4, SEIMNEI/4 Section 13: Nl/2SEI/4, Wi/2NWI/4, SEI/4NWI/4, El/2NEI/4 Section 14: SE`l4SWl/4, NEl/4SEI%4, SWI/4SEI/4, NE14N'tWIN Section 17: El/2, SW]/4, El/2NW1/4, SWI/4NW1'4 Section 20: NEI/4, El/2NW1/4 Section 2l: SW1/'4NW1/4 Section 24: SW14SE1/4,NE1/4SWI/4 Section 25: NEI/4NWI/4 Section 27- NEIt4NWt/4 Township 23 North_ Rangy 119 West of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County Wyornm¢ Lot 69 (Originally N1 "2SWI/4 Section 1 and N112SE1,4 Section 2) All that part of Tract 67 lying west of the Bear River. (Originally SE 1/4, S I/2NEI,,4 of Section 5 and NE 1/4 of Section 6) All that part of Tract 77 lying west of the Bear River. (Originally SW 1/4, S I/2N W I/4, Lots 3 & 4 of Section 5 and El/2SEI/4,SE1!4NEI/4, Lot I of Section 6 and NEI/4NEU4 of Section 7 and NI/2NW 114 of Section 8) Section 6: Lots 9, 10 & 11, SEI/4AIW 1/4 Township 24 North Ranzee I 18 West of the 6th P.M. Lincoln County, Wvomina Part of Tract 79 (Originally Lots 3 & 4 of Section 7) Part of Tract 80 ( Originally Lots 1 &2 of Section 7) Section 6: Lots 20, 21, 22 & 26, W I/2SEI/4, Lots 17 and 25, Part Lots 14 and 24 Section 7: Lots 5, 10 & I I, WI/2NEI/4, NW14SEi/4 Section 2l: El/2SE1/4, NEIASW114, SEI/4NEIA, W112EI/2, SEU4SWI/4, NW 114, NEIANE114 Section 22: SW 1/4SW U4 Section 27: NEI/4, NU2NWI/4, NW 1/4SEii4, Ei/ 2SE1/4 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre, I I9PR, Page 461) Section 28: NU2NEl/4, EI/2W112, SWI/4NEI/4, WI/2SEI/4 Section 33: SEI/4NWIA, Ei,12SWI/4, NEI/4, SEU4 Section 34: NE114NE114 (Less parcel deeded to Zebre, 119PR, Page 461) Towmship 24 North. Range 119 West of the 6th P.M.. Lincoln County, WVOmin{i Tract 42 (Originally EI/2Wir2 of Section 32) Tract 43 (Originally EI/2NEIA, El,,aSEI/4 of Section 31 and WI12MNU4, W1/2SW I/4 of Section 32) (Less parcel deeded to Etcheverry Sheep Company, 28PR, Page 429) Tract 44 (Originally WI/2 of Section 29) Tract 45 (Originally NEIr4 of Section 29) Tract 46 (Originally NW 1 /4 of Section 28) Tract 50 (Originally NU2NI 2 of Section 27) Tract 51 (Originally NE I/4 of Section 28) (Less portion deeded out) Tract 54 (Originally SEI/4 of Section 20) Tract 57 (Originally N1/2SW U4, SEU4SW 1/4 of Section 17 and N-E1,4NW I/4 of Section 20) Tract 58 (Originally SEI/4SEI/4 of Section 17 and NI/2NEI/4, SWI/4NE1!4 of Section 20) Tract 59 (Originally SE/14N IE-1/4 of Section 20) Tract 66 (Originally SWI4NEI/4, W 1,:?SE U4, NE U4SEI/4 of Section 17) Tract 67 Pt. (Originally NI/2NEI/4, Elr`NWI/4 of Section 17) Tract 68 (Originally W1/2SW I/4 of Section 8 and W V2N-V I/4 of Section 17) Tract 69 (Originally WL/2NEl/4, SEIANEl/4, NEI/4SE1/4 of Section 18) Tract 70 (Originally SW/I4SEU4 of Section 7) Tract 71 (Originally N112SE1/4, SEI/4SEI/4 of Section 7 and Nv.I/4NBI/4 of Section 18) (Less parcel to Roberb, 24D, Page 416) 0 0880 Tract 72 (Originally E1/2SW114 of Section 8) Tract 73 (Originally W112SEli4 of Section 8) Tract 78 (Originally Wl/2NW1/4, SWI/4, W 1,2SEI/4 of Section 12) Part of Tract 79 (Originally EI12SE1/4 of Section 12) Part of Tract 90 (Originally El/2NEIl4 of Section 12) 't'ract 81 (Originally W 122NE1/4, El/2NW I/4 of Section 12) Tract 95 (Originally NWI/4SWI/4 of Section 2 and NE1/4SEI/4 of Section 3) Tracts 97D, 97E, 97P and 97G (Less part conveyed to Thornock) Part Tracts 971, 971, 97J, 97K and Lot 46 in Section I. and Lot 38 in Section 2 (Prom Thornock) Tract 97C Section 1: Lots 20, 21, 24, 25, 33, 34, 37 & 45 Section 2: Lots 30, 33, 35 37, SWi/4SWI/4, SI/2SE1,4, SEI/4SW I/4 Section 3: Lot 43, SEl/4SEI/4 Section 10: NI /2SEIr4, NEI/4 Section 11: Nl,,2NW114, SWI/4NWIA.NWl;'4SWli4, Wl/2SEI/4,NWl%4:N-E1/4, NEI/4NE114, SI/2NN'Eli4, SEI/4N VI/4, EV2SWI/4, NEI,14SEN4, SEl/4SEI/4 Section 12: Lots 10, 11, 18, 21, 22 & 25 Section 13: Lot 3 Section 18: Lots 9, 10, 17 & 18, EI?2SW1.4 Section 19: Lots 5 & 6, El/2NW 1/4 Section 20: Lots 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15 & 27 Section 22: SE114NEL4, NI/2SEI/4 Section 23: Lots 10, 22 & 23, NV2SW I 4 (Except N 75° of E 2201) Section 26: NEI/4NEI/4 Section 27: Lots 12 & 15, Nl/2SW 1/4 Section 29: Lots 7 & 20 Section 30: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 & 10, N1/2NEI/4, NEI/4NW 1/4,1NMASEI/4 Section 31: Lots 6, 7,10,111, 14,15, 1 & & 19, W 1/2SE114, NEI/4SW i/4, SEI/4SWi/4. NW 1/4NE114, EU2 NW U4, SW IANE114 Township 24 North, Ranee 120 West of the 6th P'v1 Lincoln CogUn: Wyoming tract 39 (Originally S1/2NWIi4 of Section 13) Section 13: Lots I & 12, EIr2NEI/4, SEI/4 Section 24: Lots I & 14, SEI/4NEI/4, Eli2SEi/4, NI;2NE114, E1/2NW14, SWI14NE1/4 Section 25: NE114NWI/4, NI/2NE1/4, SE1.14NEI/4, NI/2SEI/4, NI/2SWI/4, WI/21N-/I/4, SWI/4NE1/4, SEI/4NWI/4 Section 26: NI/2SEV4, S1/2NEI/4, NI/2SWI/4, NWI/4 (Less parcel deeded to Etcheverry Sheep Company, 28PR, Page 429) Towushin 25 NL WJ , Range 117 West of tI•n 6th P.M., Lincoln CoMt Wvgrgj Section 8: Sl/2SEI/4, NI ?SEll4, SWI/4 Section9: SI.2SWI/4,NI/2SWi/4,SE1/4 Section 17: Elj2, Wl/2 Section 20: NE114, 5112, NWl/4 Section 21: WMINWI/4, SWI4, Wl;,2SEI/4, SEl/4SE1?4 Section-N: SNVL SWI/4,WP2N-Wl/4, NN-Wlr'4SW1/4 Section 28: NWI/4 Section 29: SETA, N112 Section 32: NW V4 Section 33: N1/2SEI/4, NI/2.NWIA, SEl/4NWV4, SWI14NWI/4 Section 34: SI/2, SWI/4NEU4, W 1/2NW I/4 Section35: Si/2SI/2,N1/2SWIA, SEI14NW1 4, SWI/4NEI/4,NI/2SEI/4 Containing 22,160 acres, more or less, as taken from the records of the Lincoln County Assessor. Legal description taken from sources considered reliable but legal description as provided by title insurance commitment shall prevail if different from that contained herein. N4 ater Rights: Ail of record to the deeded lands, herein described, by the Wyoming State Engineer, Cheyenne, Wyoming, including but not limited to the following; 11t FFORD Permit 7 Ditch SwIrce acres cfs Sate 6358 Kenyon Spring Creek 0.42 11/26/19,04 6811 V H Canal Pine Creek 640,00 9.14 7/10/1905 2211 Enl V H Canal Fine Creek 15124 2.19 4/06/1910 3226 Enl V H Canal Fine Creek 133.45 1.90 6111/1915 13760 V H House North Fork Sublette Creek 15.00 0.20 11;12;1915 Totals 971.69 1185 Well Permit # 613, Thompson 44, 403 feet depth, 1,200 gallons per minute, covers 220 acres. Supplemental supply to Permit # 6811 Terr Scoffers Sublette Creek 50.00 0.71 1882 Terr Abraham Stoner Sublette Creek 626.00 8.94 2x`0611882 Terr Mills & Tregea Bear River 315.00 4.50 10117/1882 Terr Forgeon Irr Smiths Fork 200.00 2.85 6/01/1.885 Terr Forgeeon Irr Smiths Fork 65.00 0.92 6/0111885 Terr Bourne Smiths Fork 105.00 1.50 1887 Terr Martin Smiths Fork 115.00 1.64 6,01/1887 Terr Mau Canal Smiths Fork 30.00 0.42 5/1011890 9249 Marks No. 1 Lost Creek 15.00 0.21 8/02/1909 9250 Marks No. 2 Lost Creek 25.00 0.36 810211909 4561 Enl Covey Canal Smiths Fork 99.60 1.42 9/27x`1927 5719 Enl Pbdey Bear River 436.74 6.24 4x2411930 5719 Ent axley Sear River 206.20 2.95 4/2411930 Totals 27288.54 32.66 Well Permit # 341, Thompson 41, 203 feet depth, 1,200 gallons per minute, 220 acres under pivot, in addition to water rights noted above.