HomeMy WebLinkAbout950273300777 WHEREAS, a mortgage was given by Samuel W. Taylor, a married man, mortgagor, in favor of First Horizon Home Loan Corporation, mortgagee, dated July 7, 2006, recorded July 10, 2006, in Book 625, at Page 872. as Instrument Number 920092, in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, given to secure payment of a note in the in the amount of $149,000.00; and 1 STATE OF WYO U`h COUNTY OF E-A4‘4,14±E My Conunission Expires: M. ASK.,..:y NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF 0100S,3i y4•e■ CORRECTED SHERIFF'S DEED WHEREAS, said note and mortgage having been assigned to the Wyoming Community Development Authority by instrument dated August 18, 2006, and recorded August 21, 2006, in Book 631, Page 28, as Instrument Number 921536 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County Wyoming; and WHEREAS, said Mortgage being in default, the undersigned Sheriff, pursuant to the request and direction of the Wyoming Community Development Authority, as Mortgagee, proceeded to advertise and sell said real property pursuant to the power of advertisement and sale set forth in said Mortgage and the laws of the State of Wyoming, on the day of December, 2008, at 10:00 a.m., at public auction at the front door of the Lincoln County Courthouse; and WHEREAS, Wyoming Community Development Authority made the highest bid for said property and said property was sold to the Wyoming Community Development Authority and a Certificate of Sale having been issued to said Wyoming Community Development Authority, dated December 2, 2008, recorded December 2, 2008, as Receiving Number 943940 in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and a Corrected Certificate of Sale having been recorded on October 9 2009, as Receiving Number 6 1507 1) and WHEREAS, no one having appeared and redeemed said property under the laws of the State of Wyoming and the time for any such redemption having expired; NOW, THEREFORE, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, in consideration of the premises, have granted, bargained, sold and do hereby transfer and convey to Wyoming Community Development Authority, P.O. Box 10100, Casper, Wyoming 82602, the following described real property situated in Platte County, Wyoming, to wit: A PARCEL OF LAND WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 34 NORTH RANGE 119 WEST OF THE 6' P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, BEING THE SANE PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 69PR ON PAGE 241 AND THE PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 174PR ON PAGE 439, LESS THE LAND REFERRED TO IN DEED RECORDED IN ROOK 406PR ON PAGE. 598 1N THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, THE METES AND BOUNDS BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE COTTON GIN SPIKE SET AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE MERICA PROPERTY REFERRED TO IN THE DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 406PR ON PAGE 598, SAID SPIKE BEING 60.00 FEET NORTH 89 °36' 10" WEST, FROM THE B.L.M. TYPE MONUMENT FOUND MARKING THE LLOYD B. BAKER PE /LS 698, 1995 LOCATION FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER; THENCE NORTH 88 °36' 10" WEST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 86.67 FEET TO A COTTON GIN SPIKE SET; THENCE NORTH 1 °08'17" EAST, PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER, 293.33 FEET TO AN ALUMINUM CAP ON AN IRON PIPE SET AT A POINT IN THE STOKER PROPERTY .REFERRED TO IN THE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE RECORDED IN BOOK 132PR ON PAGE 70; THENCE SOUTH 88`36'10' EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE AND PARALLEL WITH SAID SOUTH LINE 86.67 FEET TO AN ALUMINUM CAP ON AN IRON PIPE SET AT MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID MERICA PROPERTY; THENCE SOUTH 1'08'17 WEST ALONG THE EAST LrNE OF SAID MFRR'A PPflPFRTY 293.33 FEET, TO THE RECEIVED 10/29/2009 at 5:00 PM RECEIVING 950273 BOOK: 734 PAGE: 777 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY POINT OF BEGINNING. which has the address of 326 Dana Street, yne, Wyoming 83 127. ober, Witness my hand and seal thi day of Oct n 009. $TATE or WYOMING PE.CEM9FR 4, 2011 ing Sheriff's Deed was acknowledged before me thi brownie County Sheriff t Sherfiff Notary Public 2009, by: