HomeMy WebLinkAbout9503944727 6, WLN RECORDED RETURN TO none: Addresr. MORTGAGE Doty:ILA! P. mccLuRc and JOLAJNE FL MCCLURG, husboud and wife, a4 tenants by the witirefies, likagarff cif HTIRVIvillIC, Cony ,f, State of Tital, hiretty tnortgar IVINC;Tni' Pitglegt Snd Ft 1 INGSTOM. ri tifidivided Vis fanSittst frt COrrarnW,, Mortgagee of 575 Eat 4500 South, Ste B-180, Satt Lake City, UT 84107, for the sum of Ninety Four Thousand dollars and Zero cents ($94,000,00) the following described tract of land in Lhicoln County, State of Wyoming, &vary releasing and APaiving all tights under and by Virtile ache homestead exernpdon laws of the State, m wit: Lot 5, WICKI-UP ESTATES, within the NW 1/4 of Section 18, Township 31 North, Range 118 West, recorded June 9, 20CA as Receiving N. 939634 in foe Records of the Clerk of Lincoln. County, Wyoming. This mortgage is given to seem the following indebtedness: one note of even date herewith for $94,000,00 made payable at the times and place and at the rate specified in the note This mortgage is intended to over the rents and profits of said property. and consent is hereby given after default, for the appointment of a receiver by any competent court and tbe receiver is hereby authorized to rent the said property and apply the proceeds on this obligation. The Mortgegors agree, to keep the buildings riew on mid premises or heres erected theren blly nsured against less by tire in. :Zorne fire insurance company approved by the mortgagee. with lass, f any payable: te mertgairee during the t this mong3F... Thc MortEnemiu also agree m pay all Taxes arid aF;; CM) said prent)ses. Inandias any asseszments that =ay he Walef rigo 12:17 In.E. ILE 4rg.. al.ai may .:3tica by reAmin x:ii• the debt. ,?.2ohnd. !hereby, and reasrlabte etterrtty' r fees in cane of foreclosure, or the commencement of any tegai proceeding,s for :foreclosure of thn anm, and mid gliorricy';3 recz; shell be kleled h Ike amount due on dir.i mr.wh. r22tht i7 r?te.ffaf•;t3 herr:mt. 117.11 Tzitic,14 tzz 1,7.7.'7., 41,- "..71:4 71 r.,HE nriv c:nntkini, pnyrthha ben imerest fne rrrir rk.terni.peT ennurn front the tinie of :loin! default and net, inefitidge ieleuloseti 74 114.: tii.cieiiise the; 4.7 (\t)r ZCO )1,J.LAINCE. Lac; sTI:ArrE: r'et?' T.:0774TV 01 U tt cAL 7001 pro:sr:or:4;y -Tremor:TN-74Mo Trio, IN7I477. MCCLUT“.3 and .TOLAINE II. MCCLURG, husband and trm antrimer, who acknowl-air4 to sae th= Iteisheitim executed fin! eorile_. Wilms:Ks my hand and cif otaty My commission expires 5e ROGER L. LIVDIGSTON L1T3Cniy Fitz Maralwr: 62.1.65if Mortgage Buyer Ind 1 7 1+ 'zct So; jandTitle ..GDmpany RECEIVED 11/5/2009 at 2:56 PM RECEIVING 950394 BOOK: 735 PAGE: 246 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY NOTARY PUBLIC THOMAS J. FRISBY Commission 575738 My Commission Expires September 1, 2012 STATE OF UTAH