HomeMy WebLinkAbout950939Wellbore Name "Incorrect Wellbore Assignments" Recordation Data "Correct Wellbore Assignments" Recordation Data Whiskey Buttes Unit 201 -15E Book 561, Page 681 Recorded July 13, 2004 Book 658, Page 407 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 202 -21E Book 561, Page'686 Recorded July 13, 2004 Book 658, Page 413 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 203 -21E Book 561, Page 671 Recorded July 13, 2004 Book 658, Page 419 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 204 -33E Book 561, Page 691 Recorded July 13, 2004 Book 658, Page 425 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 205 -13E Book 561, Page 701 Recorded July 13, 2004 Book 658, Page 431 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 207 -03E Book 561, Page 696 Recorded July 13, 2004 Book 658, Page 443 Recorded June 1, 2007 Correct Wellbore Assignments Wellbore Name Recordation Data Whiskey Buttes Unit 201 -15E Book 658, Page 407 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 202-21E Book 658, Page 413 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 203 -21E Book 658, Page 419 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 204 -33E Book 658, Page 425 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 205 -13E Book 658, Page 431 Recorded June 1, 2007 Whiskey Buttes Unit 207 -03E Book 658, Page 443 Recorded June 1, 2007 RECEIVED 12/8/2009 at 2:54 PM RECEIVING 950939 BOOK: 737 'PAGE: 668 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CORRECTION OF DUPLICATE RECORDATION '0 668 WHEREAS, certain Wellbore Assignments from BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 3092, Houston, Texas 77253 -3092 "Assignor to EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 600 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1000N, Denver, Colorado 80202 "Assignee conveying the identical interests with identical effective dates but having different execution dates and using different forms were recorded twice in the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Assignor 'and Assignee may hereinafter be referred to as the Parties "Parties WHEREAS, this duplicate recording may create confusion as to the exact ownership of Assignor and Assignee in and to the wellbores identified below: NOW, THEREFORE, for the purpose of resolving the uncertainty in the ownership of the wellbores caused by the above listed duplicate recording, the Parties to these Wellbore Assignments agree that the Incorrect Wellbore Assignments referenced above and recorded on July 13, 2004, shall be considered null and void and shall not affect ownership of Assignor and Assignee. The only Wellbore Assignments that the Parties hereby agree are in full force and effect are identified below: 1 00x669 The interest of Assignor conveyed by the Correct Wellbore Assignments is derived from the oil and gas leases described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Leases insofar and only insofar as the Leases cover the lands described on Exhibit A (the "Lands under the Whiskey Buttes Unit and the Unit Operating Agreement for the Whiskey Buttes Unit, No. WYW 109754X. Assignee hereby releases, quitclaims and assigns to Assignor any and all interests received from Assignor in the Incorrect Wellbore Assignments described above covering the Leases and Lands, but the Parties hereby ratify, adopt and confirm the terms of the Correct Wellbore Assignments as of the dates therein provided. EXECUTED on the dates contained in the acknowledgments of these Assignments 2 ASSIGNOR: BP AMERICA P ION COMPANY Stacey J. Garvin Attorney in Fact A Own Mich �r 1 ent nd Atte in Fact ASSIGN EOG RE J. 1 E: OU STATE OF TEXAS ss. COUNTY OF HARRIS The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this oZ 0 day of !eCFnme ER 200 9 by Stacey J. Garvin, as Attorney in Fact for BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: oo!o CHARLES T. DAVIS, JR. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES April 19, 2010 STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER) ss. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: c. Ii ,3 /aO /i) Acknowledgements 3 e0i:i670 di.7-4 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of be ig&200 e by J. Michael Schween, as Agent and Attorney in Fact of EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation. .t n y F S', .:I k,.,.. `f Y'�, 0 M/ C! Y Q 1. T'O y AND y MADE,A P YY 1 p d 1C T fft W LLBORE ASSIGNMENT �k i1J�' 4?15 �T' i. k1 ry 3 t� BP AMERICA CA PRO Di4C MEAAN AS ASSMNOR AND EOG RESQURCES NC., +a i ASSIG N,IEE'.: t w "LANDS" Lincoln County,, Township 20 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M. Wyoming: Section 4: Lots 2 -4, SENW Township 20 North, Range 113 West, 6th P.M. Section 1: Lots 3, 4 Section 2; Lots 1 -3 Township 21 North. R 111 West, 6th P.M. Section 6: Lot 14, SESW Section 7:. Lots 1 -4, E2W2 Township21 Range 112 West. 6th P.M. Section 1: Lots 3, 4, SWNE, S2NW, S2 Section 2: Lots 5 -8, S2N2, S2 Secticn 3: Lots 1 -4, S2N2, S2 Section 4: SENE, SESW, SE Section 8: SENE, SESW, SE Section 9 ALL Section 10: ALL Section 11'. ALL Section 12: ALL Section 13: ALL Section 14: ALL Section 15: ALL Section 16: ALL Section 17: ALL Section 18: SENE, E2SE Section 19: E2E2 Section 20: ALL Section 21: ALL Section 22: ALL Section 23: ALL Section 24: ALL' Section 25: ALL Section 26: ALL Section 27: ALL Section 28: ALL Section 29: ALL Section 32: ALL Section 33: ALL Section 34: N2NE, NW, NWSW Section 35: NE, N2NW, SENW, N2SE, SESE Section 36: ALL Sweetwater County, Township 21 North, Range 111 West Wyoming: Section 7: NWNE, S2NE, SE 4 Unit Gross BP Lease Tract Lease Number Lessor Legal Description Acres Number 11 WYW 0310645 USA 12 WYW 0310646 USA 13 WYW 0310647 USA "LEASES" Township 21 North, Range 112 West Sec 8: SE, SESW Sec 10: ALL Sec 14: ALL Sec 22: N2NE, SENE Township 21 North, Range 112 West Sec 22: SWNE, W2, SE Sec 26: ALL 5 000672 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE 1,600.00 L- 608024 1,160.00 L- 656799 Township 21 North, Range 112 West 910.32 L- 656798 Sec 2: Lots 5 -8, S2N2, S2 Sec 4: SENE, SE, SESW Sec 8: SENE 16 WYW 0311096 USA Township 21 North, Range 112 West 640.00 L- 608025 Sec 20: ALL 23 WYW 0315714 USA Township 20 North, Range 113 West 45.96 L- 601608 Sec 2: Lot 1 43 WYW 0322061 USA Township 21 North, Range 112 West 120.00 L- 672902 Sec 18: SENE, NESE, SESE 70 WYW 038884 USA Township 20 North, Range 112 West 40.00 L- 656800 Sec 4: SENW 77 ST 64 -9261 State of Wyoming Township 21 North, Range 112 West 320.00 L- 608028 Sec 36: S2 Unit Gross BP Lease Tract Lease Number Lessor Legal Description Acres Number 83 FEE Champlin Petroleum FEE Company 2L• °rx; gar ::9' x IW1BI1i .(69i =ir 5 ,R AT,TAC67IED TGi AND'M. aDE' A PART t 'TfIADBEIZTA NIVIELLBORE ASSIGNMENT �..r i r r ":'BC_ AND:•tiE'`E-WEEIN BP AptAtERICA PRO-OLICTIONOOIVOANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND Ot RESOURCES, 1NC.;"AS.ASSI6biNEE s: Thomas S. and Lillian E. Harrower, et al Joe S. Valeria' Marland Albert W. Margaret Fay Marland Grace Elizabeth Marland Eric Innis Janette Clifford Alfred Eugene Joanne Marland Harry Russell Elaine A. .Marland Champlin Petroleum FEE Company "LEASES" Township North, Range 112 West Sec 32:. W?SW; SESdW;. Township 20 North, Range 113 West Sec 2: Lots 2, 3 Champlin Petroleum 84 FEE Company Township 21 North, Sec 7: Lots 1 -4, E2 Township 21 North, Sec 1: Lots 3, 4, S2 Sec 3: Lots 3, 4, S2 Sec 9: SE Sec 11: W2, SE Sec 13: W2, SE Sec 15: W2, SE Sec 21: W2, SE Sec 23: W2, SE Sec 27: W2, SE Township 20 North, Range 113 West 94.20 L- 600289 Sec 1: Lots 3, 4 6 Range 111 West W2, SE Range 112 West S2NW S2NW 00i:1693 120.00 L- 601587 -A L- 601587 -B 91.74 L- 601587 -C L- 601587 -D L- 601587 -E L- 601587 -F L- 601587 -G 491.84 L- 600242 4,311.35 L- 600228 Unit Gross BP Lease Tract Lease Number Lessor Legal Description Acres Number "A" e 00674 EXHIBIT A ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE FEE FEE Champlin Petroleum Company "LEASES" Township 21 North, Range 112 West Sec. 17: W2, SE Sec 19: E2SE Sec 29: W2, SE Sec 33: W2, SE Sec 35: N2NW, SENW, N2SE, SESE Champlin Petroleum Company Township 21 North, Range 112 West 480.00 L- 600242 Sec 25: NW, S2 7 1,760.00 L- 600289