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Kem C. Gardner Family Partnership, LTD, A Utah Limited Partnership,
and Ciel Holdings, LLC, A Utah Limited Liability Company,
grantor(s) of Salt Lake City, State of Utah, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Phillip M. Adams, Trustee of the Phillip M. Adams Trust dated September 8, 2000,
grantee(s), whose address is: P.O. Box 58054 Salt Lake City, UT, 84158 the following described real estate, situate
in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
A portion of the former Lloyd and Bonnie Burton property as referred to in the deed recorded
in Book 91PR on Page 117 with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within the Southwest Quarter
of Section 11 and the West Half of Section 14, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, the metes and bound being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the East line of the West Half of the West Half of Section 14 of said Township 32
North, Range 119 West, said POINT OF BEGINNING, being a monument by Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1987
location for the NW1/16 Corner of said Section 14;
thence North 52 °14'23" East, along the Southeast line of Parcel 3, 1698.10 feet to the PE/LS
698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of Parcel 3;
thence South 0 °38'34" West, along the West line of the East Half of said Section 14, 1050.10
feet, to the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the CN1 /16 Corner of said Section
thence South 0 °41'22" West, along the West line of the East Half of said Section 14, 816.56 feet
to the PE/LS 698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of Parcel 1;
thence North 89 °25'01" West, along the North line of Parcel 1, 1331.02 feet to the PE /LS 698,
2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of Parcel 1;
thence North 0 °42'37" East, along the East line of the West Half of the West Half of said
Section 14, 813.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
ALSO, a portion of the former Lloyd and Bonnie Burton property as referred to in the deed recorded in Book
91PR on Page 117 with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within the Southwest Quarter of
Section 11 and the West Half of Section 14, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the metes and bound being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the South line of Section 11 of said Township 32 North, Range 119 West, said POINT
OF BEGINNING, being a monument by Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the W1/16 Corner between
said Sections 11 and 14;
thence South 89 °38'53" East, along the South line of said Section 11, 1328.66 feet to the Paul N.
Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the Quarter Corner between said Sections 11 and 14;
thence South 0 °38'34" West, along the West line of the East Half of said Section 14, 274.84 feet,
to the PE/LS 698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of Parcel 2;
thence South 52 °14'23" West, along the Northwest line of said Parcel 2, 1698.10 feet to the
Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the NW1 /16 Corner of said Section 14;
thence North 89 °33'59" West, along the North line of the South Half of the North Half of said
Section 14, 702.16 feet to the PE/LS 698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of Parcel
thence North 28 °37'30" East, along the Southeast line of said Parcel 4, 1500.97 feet to the
StreamLine Deed Warranty WY Rev. 9/9/2009
RECEIVED 12/8/ at 4:47 PM
BOOK: 737 PAGE: 689
ALSO, a portion of the former Lloyd and Bonnie Burton property as referred to in the deed recorded in Book
91PR on Page 117 with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within the Southwest Quarter of
Section 11 and the West Half of Section 14, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the metes and bound being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the East line of Section 15 of said Township 32 North, Range 119 West, said POINT
OF BEGINNING, being a monument by Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the N1 /16 Corner between
Sections 14 and 15;
thence North 0 °42'32" East, along the East line of said Section 15, 1318.87 feet to the Paul N.
Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the Section Corner of Sections 10, 11,14 and 15;
thence North 0 °20'26" East, along the East line of said Section 10, 174.76 feet, to a point
representing the Southwest Corner of Parcel 5, which is monumented by a Property Corner
Cap, inscribed PE/LS 698, 2006, located 30 feet Easterly along the south Iine of Parcel 5;
thence South 89 °44'28" East, along the South line of said Parcel 5, 1332.25 feet to the PE/LS
698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of said Parcel 5;
thence South 0 °36'14" West, along the West line of the East Half of the West Half of said
Section 11, 174.76 feet to the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1987 location for the W1/16 Corner
between said Sections 11 and 14;
thence South 28 °37'30" West, along the Northwest Iine of Parcel 3, 1500.97 feet to the PE/LS
698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of said Parcel 3;
thence North 89 °33'59" West, along the North line of the South Half of the North Half of said
Section 14, 628.69 feet to the POINT QF BEGINNING.
ALSO, a portion of the former Lloyd and Bonnie Burton property as referred to in the deed recorded in Book
91PR on Page 117 with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within the Southwest Quarter of
Section 11 and the West Half of Section 14, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, of the 6"' P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the metes and bound being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point in the East line of Section 10 of said Township 32 North, Range 119 West, said POINT
OF BEGINNING, being monumented by a Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2006 Witness Corner Cap located 10 feet
Easterly along a line between the South 1/16 Corner of Sections 10 and 11 and the SW1 /16 Corner of Section 11;
thence South 89 °41'33" East, along the South line of the North Half of the South Half of said
Section 11, 1337.50 feet to the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 2000 Location for the SW1 /16
Corner of said Section 11;
thence South 0 °36'14" West, along the West line of the East Half of the West Half of said
Section 11, 1142.03 feet, to the PE/LS 698, 2006 location for a Property Corner Cap of
Parcel 4;
thence North 89 °44'28" West, along the North line of said Parcel 4, 1332.25 feet to a point
representing the Northwest Corner of Parcel 4, which is monumented by a Property Corner
Cap, inscribed PE/LS 698, 2006, located 30 feet Easterly along the North line of Parcel 4;
thence North 0 °20'26" East, along the East line of said Section 10, 1143.14 feet to the POINT
Streamline Deed- Warranty WY 0 Rev. 9/9/2009
tCEL 6
ALSO, a portion of the. former Lloyd and Bonnie Burton property as referred to in the deed recorded in Book
91PR on Page 117 with the office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming within the Southwest Quarter of
Section 11 and the West Half of Section 14, Township 32 North, Range 119 West, of the 6 P.M., Lincoln County,
Wyoming, the metes and bound being more particularly described as follows: ��0;i91
BEGINNING at a point in the East line of Section 10 of said Township 32 North, Range 119 West, said POINT
OF BEGINNING, being monumented by a Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2006 Witness Corner Cap located 10 feet
Easterly along a line between the South 1/16 corner of Sections 1'0 and 11 and the Southwest 1/16 Corner of
Section 11;
thence North 0 °20'26" East, along the East line of said Section 10, 1317.90 feet to the Paul N.
Scherbel ILLS 164, 1987 location for the Quarter Corner between Sections 10 and 11;
thence South 89 °41'31" East, along the South line of the North Half of said Section 11, 1343.91
feet, to the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164,1987 Location for the CW 1/16 Corner of said Section 11;
thence South 0 °37'09" West, along the West line of the East Half of the West Half of said
Section 11, 1317.90 feet to the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 2000 Location for the SW1 /16
Corner of said Section 11;
thence North 89 °41'33" West, along the North line of the South Half of the South Half of said
Section 11, 1337.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING.
LESS AND EXCEPT the following described tract of land (described in Quit Claim Deed recorded April 5, 2000
in Book 443PR on page 661 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk):
BEGINNING at the West Quarter Corner of Section 11, Township 32 North, Range 119 West of the 6 P.M.,
Lincoln County, Wyoming, and, running thence South, 80 rods;
Thence East, 2 rods;
Thence North, 80 rods;
Thence West, 2 rods to the PLACE OF BEGINNING.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
Witness my /our hand(s) this 7 day of December, 2009.
Ciel H.. ings LL
By: a ter J Plumb III, Manager
Kem C. Gardilier Family Partnership, LTD
By: K C Gardner General Partner
State of 0
County of a� 1-
This Instrument was acknowledged before me on day of December, 2009.
By Walter J. Plumb .111, Manager ofC"ie'TH 1 dings, LLC.
State of
County of
StreamLihe Deed Warranty WY Rev 49/912009
(Signature o otarial
y Commission Expires:
y 2.1112.0I'2
This Instrument was acknowledged before me on day of December, 2009
By Kem C. Gardner, General Partner of Kem C. Gar. Partnership LTD
ignature of Notarial Officer
y Commission Expires: