HomeMy WebLinkAbout876887 S~tc of Wyoming Comer Record (In compliance wkh thc CORNER PEI't. PI:'TUATIONAND FILINGACT. Wyominl~ St~ul~, 1977. Scdlnn 33-29-140,et seg.m~d thc Rules ad Rcgul'~itx-~s of the Bo~rd of Rcs~'~tion for Professional 'En~,imec:,,md Pro£c~i~al l~d Suvvcy~r~) Rcvcr~e side o£ ~hia form may be used if more space ia needed. Record of original survoy and oitation of sour¢o of historiOal information (if oornor is lost or obliterated). Dcsoription of comer monumcntation cvidcno~ found and/or monumcnt'and a¢ocssorios ostablishcd to porpotu~to tho loc~tion of this cornor. Skotoh of rohtivo lo¢-tion of monument, ,,oo~ssori~s, ~nd r~f~r~no~ poiat,, with oom's~ and dist~n¢o to ,,dj~¢ont corner(s) (if determined i~ this survoy). Method ~nd rational~ for roost,,blishmoat of lost or obliterated corner. Record:-- The center'south one-sixteenth corner of Section 20. Found:-- A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30' ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown. Monument is 0.4 ft. above ground with a mound of stone around. Set:-- Reset Baker monument, with Mr. Baker's permission, NiO°W, 0.93 ft. from its original position. 0+00 C¼ S.20 13+23.20 C S 1/16 S.20 26+46.40 S¼ S.20 ::~ :'::~!::: ~? .... :'~ BAKER ENGINEERS ~ :,~ ~ :~ /~u~ R118W --: C S 1/16 ~S20 i~] 1978 P[/LS 698 cc: County 0ff~ce -gfton SSklD -gfton DateofFi,ldWork: 18 ~ovember 1999 ~r~,: ~Book Z~-25, pa~e 15, CROSS INDEX DIAGI~ F~Agm~, Ad~ 2 ~ 4 5 ~ ? ~ ~ I0 I1 I~ I~ 14 I~ 14 17 18 lgZO~l ~ ~24 ~ by mc or ~d~ my ~re~ ........ ~ , , , 3Ed L & 3]GN/t TURE , , , :~ ...... ~ , ~ Box 725 ................. L.,..~ .... L .... : .... 2 .... L .... :..k_2..~ : : : : : : : : : : .~_ : , Third Avenue . , ,, ,, -- :-- ,, --, , .... ,,-.~--,-- , .... ..... .... 5;[:5 :l' ~-~ -~ ~ ~:: ~ ~':' ' 733-5903 ............: , ¢, .... ;> .... ,: ................ , : ~ .... ~, ...., ,,~ .... ~, .... ~", FAX 733 590~~- '" .... ;-' -q .... ~-' ' .... ] ' ' .-q--'o , .............................. --~-q--; ...... ;--L-4 .... ~ --:-. -q-- ~ '-- u ' ' ' : : I : , ........ q..V.L .................. kI~C0k~ co,,~-~N~,,,:: C S 1/16 i s~im: 20. T 30N ~l18R 6thr. N~.C,o~-I,,o:xNo.:. ..~-7 SBRI I]~I I..S~ l. SW:March 199,1