HomeMy WebLinkAbout951571Do not write or type above this line; for recorder use only. RETURN TO PREPARER: Farm Credit Services of America PO Box 878 Casper, WY 82602 -0878 CTL 2: 104 CTL 3: 401 CIF: 53151 Note No: 106 Farm Credit Services of America MORTGAGE ADDENDUM V Cross Cattle Company, a Corporation (Mortgagors) under a certain Mortgage executed and delivered to Farm Credit Services of America, PCA (Mortgagee) dated December 30, 2008, on the following described security in Lincoln County, Wyoming: Resurvey Township 24 North Range 114 West of the O P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming Tracts 51, 52, 53, 55, and 56 That part of Tract 49 formerly described as Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; Section 3: That part of tract 50 formerly described as South half of the Northwest Quarter and Section 4: Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter Township 24 North Range 114 West of the 6 P.M. Lincoln County, Wyoming Tracts 37 and 38 Except a parcel of land located in Tract 51, Section 4, Township 24 North, Range 1I4 West, of the 6'` P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southeasterly corner of said parcel, an Aluminum Cap Monurnnet hereinafter abbreviated "ACM" lying North 33 °03'53" West, 434,65 feet from corner number 2, Tract 51 Section 4 said corner 2, being a GLO brass cap monument per the approved resurvey plat; thence North 73 °10'46" West, 230 feet along the Southwesterly boundary of said parcel, to an ACM for the Southwesterly corner said parcel, thence North 16 °49'14" East, 189.39 feet to an ACM for the Northwesterly corner of said parcel; thence South 73°10'46" West, 230 feet to an ACM for the Northeasterly corner of said parcel; thence South 16°49'14" West, 189.39 feet to the point of beginning; which was recorded January 5, 2009 in Book 712 Page 395 in the mortgage records of said county, now for good and valuable consideration and at borrower's request and by agreement of the parties thereto, execute this Addendum for the purposes of filing notice in said County of the following changes to said Mortgage: It is understood and agreed between Mortgagor(s) and Mortgagee that this Mortgage is given to secure the repayment in full of the following described obligations, regardless of whether Mortgagor(s) is(are) liable thereon, and all future and additional loans or advances, protective or otherwise, which may be made by Mortgagee, at its option, at the request of, and to or for the account of Mortgagor(s), the parties liable under the note(s) or credit agreement(s) or any of them, for any purpose, plus interest thereon, all payable according to the terms of the note(s), credit agreement(s), or other instrument(s) modifying the same. Date of Note(s) or Credit Agreement(s) Principal Amount January 4, 2009 RECEIVED 1/12/2010 at 11:06 AM RECEIVING 951571 BOOK: 739 PAGE: 839 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY $1,220,000.00 Sec. Twn. Rg. 000839 FORM 5061 (12 -2009) Provided, however, that the total principal indebtedness outstanding and secured hereby at any one time will not exceed the sum of $1,220,000.00, exclusive of interest and protective advances authorized herein or in the loan agreement(s). NOTHING CONTAINED HEREIN SHALL CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO MAKE FURTHER OR ADDITIONAL ADVANCES IN ANY AMOUNT AT ANY TIME, WHETHER OR NOT THE TOTAL PRINCIPAL INDEBTEDNESS ABOVE HAS BEEN ADVANCED. The above described Mortgage shall in all other respects remain in full force and effect. Mortgagors: V Cross Cattle Company, a Corp. ation By By Ty E H1�'�, President Sue H Hunt, Secretary STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN (SEAL) ss On this 7th day of January, 2010, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Ty E Hunt to me known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who did say that he is President of the corporation; that the instrument was signed on behalf of the corporation by authority of its board of directors; and acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the corporation by it and by him /her voluntarily executed. My commission expires October 15, 2010. STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN (SEAL) ss BRAD W. WILLFORD NOTARY PUBUC COUNTY OF 1t,n'a STATE OF LINCOLN ;L WYOMING My Commission Eves 10/15/2010 -vao-- BRAD W. Vv1LLFORD NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires 10115/2Q1Q STATE OF WYOMING CO 840 rad W Willford 4410- Notary Public in and for said my and State On this 7th day of January, 2010, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Sue H Hunt to me known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who did say that she is Secretary of the corporation; that the instrument was signed on behalf of the corporation by authority of its board of directors; and acknowledged the execution of the instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of the corporation by it and by him/her voluntarily executed. rad W Willford My commission expires October 15, 2010. Notary Public in and for said Cou and State