WHEREAS, Everett J. Cassidy by a Quitclaim Deed dated August 31, 1993 and recorded in
the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk in Book 334PR at Pages 598 and 599 as Instrument #770633
on August 31, 1993 conveyed to LaVonne M. Cassidy all interest he had in any of the property
described in that Quitclaim Deed; and
WHEREAS, after April 6, 1981 when Everett J. Cassidy received the interest in the property
described above as shown by the deed recorded on April 15, 1981 in Book 175PR at Page 155 and
prior to executing the deed dated August 31, 1993 and recorded in Book 334PR at Pages 598 and
599 Everett J. Cassidy had executed Warranty Deeds dated October 19, 1981 and July 8, 1982 that
were recorded in Book 181PR at Page 706 and Book 188PR at Page 828 respectively, transferring
his interest in the property described in those deeds to Diamondville Investments Incorporated, a
Wyoming Corporation. The property described in these Warranty Deeds is located within the
boundaries of that property described in the Quitclaim Deed dated August 31, 1993 referred to
above; and
WHEREAS, LaVonne M. Cassidy by a Quitclaim Deed dated September 25, 2008 and
recorded in Book 705 at Page 633 as Instrument #942474 on September 25, 2008 conveyed to LTE
Enterprises, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company all interest she owned or thereafter
acquired from Everett J. Cassidy in the property described in the Quitclaim Deed dated August 31,
1993 and recorded in Book 334PR at Pages 598 and 599 as described above.
NOW, THEREFORE, to cure any errors and clear any cloud that may be on the title to the
property that Everett J. Cassidy and others had transferred by Warranty Deed to Diamondville
Investments Incorporated, a Wyoming Corporation as described above, LTE Enterprises, LLC, a
Wyoming Limited Liability Company, by LAVONNE M. CASSIDY, Member, whose address is
1352 Uinta Drive, City of Kemmerer, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, Grantor, for and in
consideration of the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, the
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS to DIAMONDVILLE
INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED, a Wyoming Corporation, whose address is Town of
Diamondville, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, Grantee, all interest presently owned or
hereafter acquired in and to the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of
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BOOK: 740 PAGE: 57
Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption
Laws of the State of Wyoming, to -wit:
A portion of that parcel of land described in Book 175PR at Page 155 on file in the
Office of the Lincoln County Clerk at Kemmerer, Wyoming, being more particularly
described as follows:
Commencing at the southeast corner of said parcel described in said Book 175PR,
Page 155, said point also being at the intersection of the westerly right of way line
of U. S. Highway 30 North and the northerly right of way line of U. S. Highway
189; thence S 85° 12' 12" W along the northerly right of way line of said U. S.
Highway 189; 31.44 feet to the point of beginning of this description; thence N
17° 12' 00" W, 360.71 feet; thence West 225.00 feet; thence S 02° 57' 13" W,
357.47 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of said Highway 189;
thence easterly along the northerly right of way line of said Highway 189 along
the arc of a curve to the left through a central angle of 07° 45' 01", a distance of
250.23 feet to the point of tangency, the radius of said curve being 1,849.86 feet;
thence N 85° 12' 12" E, a distance of 100.43 feet. Said parcel contains 2.375 acres
more or less.
Point of beginning being the intersection of right of way of westerly Highway 30
N and northerly Highway 189 Tract 45, Resurvey, Township 21 North, Range 116
West, 6th Principal Meridian, Wyoming. Thence N 85° 12'12" 31.44 feet, thence
N 17° 12' W 360.71 feet, thence East 31.44 feet, thence S 17° 12' E along west
right of way line of Highway 30 N a distance of 364.43 feet to point of beginning
Said parcel contains .27 acres more or less. Situated in Lincoln County, State of
In witness whereof, I have hereunto and this /7 day of January, 2010.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by LaVonne M. Cassidy, Member
of LTE Enterprises, LLC this day of January, 2010.
Witness my hand and official seal.
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Member of LTE Enterprises, LLC
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My Commission Expires: :Si v /2011