HomeMy WebLinkAbout876894 State or' Wyo~ning Comer Rcconl
On compliance wilh the CORNER PER. PETU~ T/ON ~4ND FILING A CT, Wyoming Stalulez, 1977, $cctian 33-29-140 ,et $e9. and thc Rules and
Rcgul'atitms o£ thc Bom'd o£ RcgLs'tr~tio~ for Professi~l E~glnc~s,,~d Pro£~s.si~l l.~md Surveyor)
Reverse side of thi.~ form may be used ff more spree h ncedcd.
Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (ff corner is lost or obliterated). Description of
corner monumentation evidence found and/or monument 'and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this
comer. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference pohat~ with course and distance to adjacent
comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner.
Record:-- The northeast one-si'xteenth corner of Section ]3.
Found:-- No evidence of prior' monumentation.
Set:-- A 2 ins. galvanized si:eel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with
br'ass cap inscr'ibed as shown, Ely. 28 ft. fr'om a N/S fence
and N]y'. 4 ft. from an E/W fence.
0+00 C N ]/]6 S.]3
]3+28.78 NE 1/16 S.13
26+57.48 N ]/]6
0+00 E 1/16
]3+21.91 NE ]/16
26+43.84 C E ]/16 S.13
,- ~!],: j23
.... ::: ~ 2 8 '
..... ~,~,:,,, ,~:... < .~lq Monument
F~- NE 1/16 ~. ~
~ m~;~ County Office - Afton
~ SSLTD - Afton
O~t:orri:]dWo~: 11 July 2000 onsce~eC:~c¢: Book ZQ-30, page 8.
CROSS INDEX DIAGRAM Firm/Agency, Address ~ ~m~ record was pr~ed
: " ~'~"t"~ 1" : ~ ~ " ' : : t : ._,._~' j~,.,...; Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. ~a~im.
~, --~,~-- , ,~ ..... ,
' ' ', ...... ~ Box 725
..i..' ..... : : : :: : Afton ,46 WeStwyThird Avenue83110/~~~~~/
'..~++~ ~ ,, .....
....... FAX 733-5903 ,//~/~ ~
.~ , : : : ,, :
-.:.T.~, ............................. ' .......
Com~X~.~: NE 1/16 s~i=,:13. .r31N ItllgW. 6th ~'.xCC~oss-~,a:xXo.: K-24
SBR PI]iPLSS'I.SW:Mardl 199,1