HomeMy WebLinkAbout9516681. That he /she is now and was at all times herein mentioned, a duly appointed, qualified and acting Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming. €100348 CERTIFICATE OF SALE ON MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE Vai c•e'1`kfC of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his /her oath according to law, deposes and says: 2. That the Mortgagee caused a notice of the following- described mortgage foreclosure sale to be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Star Valley Independence, a newspaper printed, published, and of general circulation in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, the said publication having been made on December 24, 31, 2009; January 7, 14, 2010, that said Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale was given in the manner and for the time required by law; that all acts had and done hereunder were in accordance with and conformity to the requirements of law in such case made and provided; and that Proof of Publication of said Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale, together with a true copy of said Notice, is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. 3. That said mortgage in Exhibit A secure a single indebtedness owed to the Mortgagee, and as stated in Exhibit A. 4. That on the 19th day of January, 2010, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A.M., at the front door of the Courthouse of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, in Kemmerer, Wyoming, the same being also the place of holding the District Court in said County, and at public venue, to the highest bidder for cash, he /she offered for sale the following- described land and premises and then sold said land and premises as follows: The land and premises was wld for the sum of to having bid fairly and in good faith therefore, and being the highest bidder and best bidder, for all of said lands and premises, being particularly described as follows, to -wit: Lot 5 of Clearview Village Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as described on the Official plat filed on November 8, 2006 as Instrument No. 924197 of the Records of the Lincoln County Clerk. 5. That said land and premises was sold pursuant to the above provisions of the Notice of Mortgage Foreclosure Sale herein above described, and under and by virtue of the power of sale and authority contained in that certain Mortgage dated October 15, 2007, made, executed, and delivered by Mark J. Lechner and Jillayne Lechner, husband and wife, as Mortgagor, to 1 Bank, Afton, Wyoming, as Mortgagee, which Mortgage was filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming on October 19, 2007, in Book 676, at Page 155, re- recorded on March 27, 2009 in Book 718, at Page 793, modified on April 1, 2009, and recorded on April 21 2009 in Book 720, at Page 872. 6. That the debt secured by said Mortgages at the time of the sale, including principal, interest, advances fees, costs and expenses of foreclosure was the actual sum of $293,795.92 as follows: RECEIVED 1/19/2010 at 10:11 AM RECEIVING 951668 BOOK: 740 PAGE: 348 JEANNE WA (N.F13_ LINCOLN COUNTY CLER, .._...,VIERER, WY Amount due on principal Interest, Late fees to Date of Sale Publication of Notice of Sale Sheriff's Fee Foreclosure Guaranty Title Policy Certified Mailing Costs Recording Fees Attorney Foreclosure Fee Miscellaneous Expenses Negative Escrow Reserve Balance Total Amount Bid Deficiency /Surplus 11. That said /5 ex 4/k. $276,902.33 $13,053.01 $390.00 $10.00 $150.00 $44.32 $12.00 $2,802.20 $106 $326.06 $293,975.92 as s" 0,60 4 74.L5 p O 1=349 8. That before the allowance and addition of the sum of $2,802.20 to the aforesaid debt as attorney fees, there was duly filed with the aforesaid Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming, affiant herein„ by John P. LaBuda, of LaBuda Law Office, P.C., an attorney admitted generally to practice in the State of Wyoming and representing the Mortgagee, an affidavit duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes Section 34 -4 -112, an executed true copy of which affidavit is attached hereto, marked as "Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. 9. That prior to the aforesaid sale of the within described lands and premises, there was also duly filed with said Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff, affiant here, by said John P. LaBuda, of LaBuda Law Office, P.C., one of the attorneys representing Mortgagee, an Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Default and Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage, said affidavit being duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes 34 -4 -103 (a)(iv), an executed true copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit C", and by reference made a part hereof. 10. That prior to the aforesaid sale of the within- described lands and premises, there was also duly filed with said Sheriff /Deputy Sheriff, affiant here, by said John P. LaBuda, of LaBuda Law Office, P.C., one of the attorneys representing Mortgagee, an Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Foreclosure Sale, said affidavit being duly made and executed pursuant to the provisions of Wyoming Statutes 34 -4 -104 (a), an executed true copy of which is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit D and by reference made a part hereof. being the purchaser of said land and premises, said 5t Z i and its, his, her successors and assigns, will be entitled to a deed for said lands and premises on and after the 19 day of April, 2010, said date being after the expiration of three (3) months from the date of sale, unless the same shall be redeemed prior to that date as provided by law. (O 35() IN WITNESS WHEREOF, he /she has hereunto signed his /her name this 19 day of January, 2010. Shane Johnson, Sheriff of Lincoln County, Wyoming By et De rut Sheriff STATE OF WYOMING SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME BY JOHN STETSENBACH THIS 19TH DAY OF JANUARY 2010. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL NOTARY PUBLIC SAVANNA L. HAWKES NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF LINCOLN STATE OF WYOMING I My Commission Expires y (l I SARAH HALE, Managing Editor of the Star Valley Independent, published weekly at Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, do solemnly swear that the notice, a copy of which is hereto attached, was published weekly in the regular and entire issue of said newspaper, and not in any supplement thereof, for 0 Lc.. V' consecutive issues, commencing with the issue date PGf 2009, and ending with issue dated ..r /L 2010. scribed and sworn in before me this 201A. My commission expires August 31, 2013 41111■4_ 1 4i :..LAL Not. ,'ublic day of ,NOTICE; OF FORECLOSURE SALE Default has occurred on that secured Promissory ;'Note No. 764004816 dated October 15, 2007 That Note is secured by that certain Mortgage dated October 15, 2007 given by Mark J. Lechner and Jillayne Lechner, husband and wife, to 1st Bank, which was recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's office on October 19, 2007 at REC 934218 BK# 676 PG#155, re- recorded on March 27, 2009 at REC# 946155 BK# 718 PG# 793, modified on April 1, 2009, and recorded on April 21, 2009 at REC# 946649 BK# 720 PG# 872. The mortgage contains a power of sale. The Mortgage was given to secure the original principal sum of $282,000.00. Nonpayment and other, default, exists, accelera- tion of the.debt secured by the Mortgages has been declared, and the entire remaining balance of the debt is now due and payable. No lawsuit has been filed to .collect the debt or any portion thereof. Take notice that the Note and Mortgage will be foreclosed and the property encumbered by the Mortgage will be sold by the Sheriff of Lincoln County to the highest bidder for cash at public auction The sale will be held on the front steps of the Lincoln County 925 Sage Avenue, Kemmerer, Wyoming at' 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010. The amount due and JANA BRYANT NOTARY PUBLIC County of Lincoln State of Wyoming My Commission Expires August 31, 2013 owing as of November 11, 2009 is $276,932.33. unpaid principal, and $10,369.94 in accrued and unpaid interest, late fees, and other fees and charges, for a total, of $287,302.27, plus attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses of the foreclosure. Interest accrues at. $47.42 per diem. The property encumbered by the Mortgage will be offered for sale and is described as follows: Lot 5 of Clearview Village Phase. 1, Lincoln County,; Wyoming as described on the Official plat filed on November 8, 2006 as Instrument No. 924197 of the Records of the Lincoln County Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage was sent in accor- dance with §34- 4-103(a) (iv) on December 4, 2009. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should, research the status of title before submitting a bid. DATED this 17 day of December, 2009. /s/ John P. LaBuda LaBuda Law Office, P.C. Attorney at Law Box 1240 Pinedale, Wyoming 82901 (307) 367-3927 Wyoming State Bar No. 5 -2966 Publish Dec. 24, 31, 2009, Jan. 7, 14, 2010. John P. LaBuda, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, deposes and says: 1. That he is an attorney generally admitted to practice law within the State of Wyoming; that he is one of the attorneys for and is representing 1 Bank of Afton, Wyoming, in its foreclosure of that certain mortgage dated October 15, 2007, wherein Mark J. Lechner and Jillayne Lechner are the Mortgagors and 1st Bank of Afton, Wyoming, is the Mortgagee, said Mortgage having being filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County County, Wyoming, on October 19, 2007, in Book 676, at Page 155, re- recorded on March 27, 2009 in Book 718, at Page 793, modified on April 1, 2009, and recorded on April 21 2009 in Book 720, at Page 872. DATED this That there is not, not has there been, any agreement, expressed or implied, between him and his client, nor between him and any other person except practicing attorneys in the State of Wyoming engaged with him as attorneys in said foreclosure proceedings, for any sharing or division of his attorney's fee of $2,802.50 to be allowed and added to the debt involved, and any fee, when so allowed and added to the debt, is only compensation for services actually rendered in said foreclosure proceedings. day of Janu. ry, 2010. John P. La State of Wyoming County of Sublette AFFIDAVIT OF ATTORNEY REGARDING FEES :ss :Y352 Subscribed and sworn to before me this /day of January, 2010, by John P. LaBuda. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9/; 7�,��d COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ELLEN D. UNREIN NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires 09/27/2010 STATE OF WYOMING Notary Public C.: 0 X353 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING OF NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE John P. LaBuda, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, deposes and says: 1. That he is an attorney generally admitted to practice law within the State of Wyoming; that he is one of the attorneys for and is representing 1 Bank of Alpine, Wyoming, in its foreclosure of that certain mortgage dated October 15, 2007, wherein Mark J. Lechner and Jillayne Lechner, husband and wife, are the Mortgagors and 1st Bank of Alpne, Wyoming, is the Mortgagee, said Mortgage having being filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on October 19, 2007, in Book 676, at Page 155.; re- recorded on March 27, 2009 in Book 718 at Page 793, modified on April 1, 2009, and recorded on April 21, 2009 in Book 720 at Page 872. 2. That on December 4, 2009, he deposited in the United State Post Office at Pinedale, Wyoming, Notice of Default and Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage, hereinafter set forth, postage prepaid and address and sent by certified mail, to the following persons, at their last known address, they being the owners of record and persons in possession of the mortgaged premises as well as United States Bankruptcy personnel: John P. LaBuda Mark J. Lechner Jillayne Lechner PO Box 5098 Etna, WY 83118 Gary Barney, Trustee 250 Focht Rd. Lander, WY 82520 Office of the US Trustee 308 West 21 Street Room 203 Cheyenne, WY 82001 3. That a true copy of said Notice of Default and Notice of Intention to Foreclose Mortgage is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit A and by this reference made a part hereof. DATED this (5 day of January, 20 :ss County of Sublette State of Wyoming Subscribed and sworn to before me this I day of January, 2010, by John P. LaBuda. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ELLEN D. UNREIN NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires 09/27/201.0 STATE OF WYOMING Notary Public JOHN P. LA BUDA December 04, 2009 By Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested Mark Lechner PO Box 5098 Etna, WY 83118 Re: NOTICE OF DEFAULT AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE MORTGAGE 1ST BANK OF ALPINE, NOTE NO. 764004816 Dear Mr. Lechner: LaBuda Law Office, P.C. represents 1St Bank of Alpine. You are hereby notified that you are in default of Promissory Note 764004816 (the "Note for failure to make full monthly payments for the months of June, July, August, September, October, and November 2009. As of November 19, 2009, the principal balance of the Note is $276,932.33 together with accrued interest, secondary interest, and late charges of $10,369.94 for a total current payoff of $287,302.27. Interest accrues at the rate of $47.42 per day. Demand is hereby made for payment of the amounts immediately. Pursuant to W.S. §34- 4- 103(a)(iv), you are also hereby notified that 1St Bank of Alpine intends to foreclose that certain mortgage dated October 15, 2007, recorded on October 19, 2007, at REC #934218 BK# 676PG #155, re- recorded on March 27, 2009, at REC #946155 BK #718 PG #793 modified on Apri11, 2009, and recorded on April 21, 2009 at REC# 946649 BK# 720 PG# 872, in Lincoln County, Wyoming, by advertisement and sale as provided for in such mortgage within ten (10) days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, LABUDA LAW OFFICE, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW P.O. Box 1240 PINEDALE, WYOMING 82941 Jo P. LaBuda for LaBuda Law Office, P.C. pc: J. Robinson, U.S. Trustee, G. Barney, Trustee 00.355 307 367 -3927 FAX 307 367 -3928 JLABUD &Bpp @CENTURYTEL.NET I U.S. Postal ServiceTr,, CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT, (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) J 3 7 R 3 3 CERTIFIED MAIL:, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comc, ETOlzin 1C1A USE Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage Fees $0.44 $2.80 $2.30 $0.00 X5 0493 05 Postmark Hers 12/04/2009 Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP+4 PS Form 3800. August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comR Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage Fees A $0.44 $2,80 $2,30 $0,00 $5.54 U S i 0493 05 Postmark Here 12/04/2009 PS Form 3800, August. 2006 Sec Reverse for Instructions Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP+4 l .11 m J- o ru O C1 O r-R r-R IT' c0 ..D m D ti D O D D r-R r•R Ir D f`- CERTIFIED MAIL., RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comoo Ff USE Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement. Required) $0.44 $2.80 $2.30 $0.00 $5,54 0493 05 12/04/2009 Postmark Here Tot I Postage Fees 01. tedirl of Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. PS Form 3800, August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions City, State, ZIP +4 U.S. Postal Service, CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Prrvided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com5 Etu. F I A Postage $0.44 Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) '2.80 Postmark Here otat I. -tags &Fes ti Sent o Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP +4 deg 2006 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form. 3800, August 356 COMPLETE THIS SECTION -TE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signature Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1: Article Addressed to: 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label° PS Form 3811, February 2004 SENDE 1' COMPLETE THIS SECTION Conplete Rails 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) PS Form 3811, February 2004 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 1. Article Addressed to: 7009 1410. 0002 0436 6711 Ili j: o, if•c6 E (Al lZ/F SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Complete items 1, 2, aiid 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Domestic Return Receipt Domestic Return Receipt atm rusl�e Agent Addressee C. Date r of D livery B. eived by (Printed Name) /-LC 12 fl D. Is delivery ad different from item 1? Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: yi No 3. Service Type. rtified Mall press Mail Registered etum Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C__.O.D. I .4r- 4. Restricted Delive COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. Signature rest 02 M -154 7009 1410 0002 0436 6704 Domestic Return Receipt D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) Agent Addressee B. Rewltfrd by (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery 0 3. Se ce Type ified Mall press Mall Registered turn Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. Yes 102595 02 M 1540 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY D. Is delivery address different from item 1 0 e 1. Article: Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 u5, U st a-19 ev,3 cnapine), gds 7009 1410 0002 0436 6681 Se ice Type edified Mall Registered Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) B. Received by Printed Name) Reilf" ice Type 4fider rtified Mail Registered Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) (transfer from service labs 7 0 0 9 1410 0002 0 4 3 6 6698 2. Article Number Agent Addressee press Mail eturn Receipt for Merchandise C.O.D. D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: Yes 102595 -02 -M -1540 PS Form 3811 February 2004 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY C. Date o Agent Addressee eli ery s/ Express Mail etum Receipt for Merchandise C.O.D. Yes c.p357 AFFIDAVIT OF MAILING OF NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE John P. LaBuda, of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon his oath according to law, deposes and says: 1. That he is an attorney generally admitted to practice law within the State of Wyoming; that he is one of the attorneys for and is representing 1 Bank of Afton, Wyoming, in its foreclosure of that certain mortgages dated October 15, 2007, wherein Mark J. Lechner and Jillayne Lechner are the Mortgagors and 1st Bank of Afton, Wyoming, is the Mortgagee, said Mortgage having being filed for record in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deeds within and for Lincoln County, Wyoming, on October 19, 2007, in Book 676, at Page 155, re- recorded on March 27, 2009 in Book 718, at Page 793, modified on April 1, 2009, and recorded on April 21 2009 in Book 720, at Page 872. 2. That on December 21, 2009, he deposited in the United State Post Office at Pinedale, Wyoming, Notice of Foreclosure Sale, hereinafter set forth, postage prepaid and address and sent by certified mail, to the following persons, at their last known address, they being the owners of record and persons in possession of the mortgaged premises and United State Bankruptcy personnel: Mark J. Lechner Jillayne Lechner PO Box 5098 Etna, WY 83118 Gary Barney, Trustee 250 Focht Rd. Lander, WY 82520 Office of the US Trustee 308 West 21 Street Room 203 Cheyenne, WY 82001 3. That on December 21, 2009, he deposited in the United State Post Office at Pinedale, Wyoming, Notice of Foreclosure Sale, hereinafter set forth, postage prepaid and address and sent by certified mail, to the following holders of recorded mortgages and liens subordinate to the mortgage being foreclosed: None existed. DATED this (Li day of Januar 2010. John P. LaBuda ti. 358 4. That a true copy of said Notice of Foreclosure Sale is attached hereto, marked "Exhibit B and by this reference made a part hereof. State of Wyoming County of Sublette :ss Subscribed and sworn to before me this/ of January, 2010, by John P. LaBuda. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: COUNTY OF SUBLETTE ELLEN D. UNREIN NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF WYOMING jes.D9/27./2010 Notary Public OO .1359 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE G® Default has occurred on that secured Promissory Note No. 76 50 04 dated b October J5 2007. That Note is secured by that certain Mortgage dated October given Lecluier and Jillayne Lechner, husband and wife, to 1st Bank, BK# 676 PG #155are- recorded nln County Clerk's office on October 19, 2007 at RE C# 934218 March 27, 2009 at REC# 946155 BK# 718 PG# 793, modified on April 1, 2009, and recorded on April 21, 2009 at REC# 946649 BK# 720 PG# 872. The mortgage contains a power of sale. The Mortgage was given to secure the original principal sum of $282,000.00. Nonpayment and other default exists, acceleration e debt the now t due and payableMNo lawsuit has declared, and the entire remaining balance of been filed to collect the debt or any portion thereof. sed and the property Take notice that the Note and Mortgage will be foreclo ca h at n County the Mortgage will be sold by the Sheriff of Linco Y to the highest bidder for public auction. The sale will be held on the front steps of the Lincoln County Courthouse, 925 Sage Avenue, Kemmerer, Wyoming at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2010. The amount due and owing as of November 11, 2009 is $276,932.33 unpaid principal, and $10,369.94 in accrued and unpaid interest, late fees, and other fees and charges, accrues for a o total l of 2 per d2m7, plus attorneys' fees, costs, and expenses of the foreclosure. Interest The property encumbered by the Mortgage will be offered for sale and is described as follows: Lot 5 of Clearview Village Phase 1, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on the Official plat filed on November 8, 2006 as Instrument No. 924197 of the Records of the Lincoln County Clerk. Notice of Intention to Foreclose the Mortgage was sent in accordance with §34-4 103(a)(iv) on December 4, 2009. The property being foreclosed upon may be subject to other liens and encumbrances that will not be extinguished at the sale and any prospective purchaser should research the status of title before submitting a bid. DATED this Publish: December 24, 2009 December 31, 2009 January 7, 2010 January 14, 2010 day of December, 2009. John LaBf Office, P.C. Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1240 Pinedale, Wyoming 82901 (307) 367 -3927 Wyoming State Bar No. 5 -2966 r J3 u n n n n a d3 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 a ervice T CER'''IEL,r RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comn A l it, s i 1 PS Form 3800, August 2006 See Reverse for Instructions Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP+4 $0.44 BI Postage Certified Fee Retum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage Fees 1CIA $2.80 $2.30 30.00 $5.54 04 u 12/21/2009 o 7. �rT tme* ere r v U.S.Castal Service,:, CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT (Domestic'Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com® $0.00 $5.54 PS Form 3800, August 2006 t ip I See Reverse for Instructions Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP +4 Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage Fees 1 e Postma Here 1 12/21/2009 TM ERTIFIED MAIL„ RECEIP 1 (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com WP1C 1 A Postage Certified Fee Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage Fees Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP +4 $0.44 $2.80 $2.30 $0.00 k $5.54 llSE Postmark\ r Hefei' C t PS Form 3800, August 2006 /ill 9y I See Reverse for Instructions U.S. Service„ CERTIFIED MAILTM RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com® $0.44'. $2.80 32.30 1 $0.00 $5.54 See Reverse for Instructions Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage Fees Sent To Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. City, State, ZIP +4 Postage Certified Fee C1.AL USE 3 ''i ?X t Pdstmark r 7 Here t;; 1 9 ENbGR: f'OMPLETE THIS SECTION I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. t Attach this card to the back of the maiiplece, Or on the front if space permits. Article Addressed to: T og[11)5F e'1e✓' t. Article Number. (TPansferfrom service label) 'S Form 3811, February 2004 Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete- item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back the maiiplece, or on the front If space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 1. Article Addressed to: PS Form 3811, February 2004; Complete Items 1, 2, and 3: Also complete item .4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, or on the front if space permits. 2. Article Number (Transfer from service labeO PS Form 3811, February 2004 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY A. •Signature X Domestic Return Receipt Domestic Retum Receipt Domestic Return Receipt VYV1, 11 I B. Received. by' (Printed Name) U pn no rnnviq a 1 D. Is delivery address differeht from item .1 If YES, enter delivery address below: SJ Ice Type ClerUfled Mall Registered Insured Mall 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 7008 1830 0003 3524 4972 F COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY D s delivery a dress different from Item 1? 0 if YES, enter delivery address below: lee itified Mali Registered Insured Mali 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) Yes 7008 1830 0003 3524 4958 2. Article Number (Transfer from service Zabel) SENDEPI: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Ver, Agent Addressee C. Date of Delivery d by (Printe Name D. Is delivery ad .ress different from' Item 1? Yes If YES, enter delivery address beloW: No 3. Service type, Certified Mall Express Mali I7 Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 7008 1830 0003 3524 6709 I Agent i Addressee r ate gt Delivery press Mall etum Receipt for Merchandise C.O.D. 102595 M 1540 Agent Addressee, press Mall um Receipt for Merchandise C.O.D. 102595,02 M 1540' Yes 102595 -02 -M -1540