HomeMy WebLinkAbout876900 S~alc of Wyoming Comer Rccord~ (Sx compllancc w~x thc CORNER P£R~ET'U`8 T/ON `8ND FZLI~/G ,8 CT. Wyoming ~t~t~e~. 1977. $cc11~ 33-29-140 .et seg. and ~c Rule,. md Rcgulafiow, of thc 13o~rd of Rcgi_~'afi~ for Profe~,si~,,I 'E~gi~c~,md Profcssi,-.-~l Md Sumecyoes) Rcver~c side of ~is form may bc ~ if more ~ac~ is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (ff comer is lost or obliterated). Description of Comer monumentation cvidcnco found and/or m°nument'and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer. Sketch of relative location of monument, a~essories, and reference po~ts with ~ourse and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for ~eestablishment of lost or obliterated comer. Record:-- Southwest one-sixteenth corner of Section 11. Found:-- No evidence of p~ior monumentation. Set:-- A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown, 0.2 ft. below ground surface in a native hay meadow, Sly. 7 ft. and Wly. 146 ft. from a N/S and E. fence intersection. 0+00 S 1/16 S.ll 13+37.50 SW 1/16 S.11 26+74.59 C S 1/16 S.11 0+00 C W 1/16 S.11 13+17.81 SW 1/16 S.11 26+35.78 W 1/16 S.ll Hay Meadow ~ ,~z!'" ,,~ ,-. ~ ,~~ X ~ -> ~.., ~;~: Monument '2000  County Office - Afton .: SSLTD - Afton ~o~i~a~r~: 20 July 2000 ~r:~cc: Book ZQ-27, page 76. CROSS INDEX DIAGI~ F~Agm~, Ad~ ~ com~ record was pr~ed : ~ ,, j ~ : : : ~i}~ : [: Surveyor Scherbe], ktd. ": .... : .... 1 .... I'- -T-~ "~', '''", ~ [ "~ .... ~ .... l" ...... u SEAL & 21GN..ITURE ': -~ : ~- ' ~ 1 : c Box 725 ; ', , , .....................................: : ,., : : : ~ .... ~ .... [ .... ~ .... !..~ ; : ; : : ~ ~ ; ~ , , , 46 West Third Avenue '"" '~" "~'" '' .... -' '~" ~ s~03 ' : 9 ; ;,0: ~11~ :1 ; ............. ','; ": .... "-: : ":" FAX 733-5 ,, -~0~ ~ ~.1. ,~ ,2o. ,~L : ..~..,.., .... q .... ~ .... ~...~._, ' '~"~ .... ~-'t"~ ~ .... :"~, ",'-, ~ ~ , ,. ~ , , , ,o,,,~,~,,,,,~,,,,,,~o~,==~,~r County of LINCOLN co,,~,~,,~: SW 1/16 s:ai~: 11 T32N ]d19W.: 6th ],.~.C~o~-~acxNo.: H-18 SI}I~ PI~I'LSA'I.SW:M:~rd~ 1994