HomeMy WebLinkAbout951950STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF NATRONA R�-futr`• 8150165 0 NO ARY PUBLIC STE PHA N?.E OADES `s'.. STAT.EE WYOMING cotJNTY OF NATRONA Commission Ex ires Oct 01 2013 My Commission Expires: 3 RECEIVED 2/2/2010 at 11:43 AM RECEIVING 951950 BOOK: 741 PAGE: 659 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP 878670 NATRONA COUNTY CLERK, WY Renee Vitto Recorded: SR Nov 6, 2009 11:29:36 AM Pages: 2 Fee: $11.00 DOROTHY L MINIHRM Dorothy L. Minihan of lawful age, being first duly sworn upon oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. This affiant is the surviving spouse /wife of Denis M. Minihan, also known as Denis Michael Minihan, the decedent. That this affiant and Denis M. Minihan were married on August 24, 1956, and lived as husband .and -wife until decedent's death on February 28, 2009. 2. Said decedent died in Natrona County, Casper, Wyoming on February 28, 2009, which fact of death is corroborated by the Certificate of Death, duly certified by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, which certificate is attached hereto and by this reference made a part of this Affidavit. 3. This affiant and decedent acquired by a Quitclaim Deed, recorded January 23, 2007, #810317 in Natrona County, from Denis M. Minihan the real property described as: 931 Bon Avenue, Lot 7 in Block 25 in Addition #4 to Pineview Meadows, Subdivision #1 to the City of Casper, County of Natrona County, State of Wyoming. 4. The affiant and decedent were tenants by entirety in other assets (vehicles, oil and gas overriding royalty interests, etc.) and bank accounts. Affiant is entitled to one hundred percent (100 share of the same, and any and all other property to which the decedent was or may be entitled. 5. That by reason of the death of said decedent and the marital status of the parties upon the death of decedent the estate by the entireties in the above real property and other assets was terminated on February 28, 2009, and this affiant is now the sole and exclusive owner of said real property and all assets. 6. This affidavit is made for the purpose of furnishing a recordable showing of the termination of the estate of the entireties, and the sole ownership of said property and assets by affiant. D. Minrhar7, 93 1 cG sPe�— Dorothy L. mllinihan Affiant 457 Subscribed and sworn to before me by Dorothy L. Minihan this k't day of November, 2009. uwo Notary Public Entry No. 15 v ((.n 3 Rook 9 9 3 Recorded I (I25 (d iat' t% m pass LISA-95Y Fee LANA L. WILCOX. UINTA COUNTY CLERK I. yJ By L I, f4. -"--.--t Inch rd Abstract Recorded >1 Disposition: Method of Disposition: Place of Disposition: STATE OF WYOMING 40370$ I This is a true certification If the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services Cheyenne, Wyoming DATE ISSUED: March 13, 2009 J1 This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved: ¢order DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DEATH CERTIFICATE F" O =66O Decedent: State File Number: 2009 000552` Name: Denis Michael Minihan Gender. Male Social Security Number Date of Birth: June.18, 1926 Age at the Time of Death: 82 years Date and Place of Death: Date of Death February. 28, 2009 Actual County of. Death. Natrona City of Death: Casper Location: Hospice Facility Central''' Additional Decedent Information Place Of Birth: Gasper, Wyoming Residence: Casper, ,Wyoming Marital Status` Married`.- Armed Forces: YES Name of Father: William Denis Minihan Maiden Name of: Mother: .Sarah Thersa O'Halloran Informant: Dorothy Minihan am f'Survivirtg Spouse Dorothy Hirshfeld elatlonship: Wife Cremation Bustard's Cremation Service, Casper, Wyoming Certifier: Name: Werner A, Studer, M D.' Address: 6500 E 2nd St, Casper, Wyoming Date Filed: March' 10, 2009 Funeral Home or Facility: Facility: Bustards Funeral Home Casper, Wyoming, Cause of Death: The immediate cause is listed on the first line followed by any underlying causes. Interval: (a) Congestive Heart Failure, Chronic Not Recorded' (b) Pulmonary Fibrosis Other Significant Conditions: Not Recorded Manner of Death: Natural Death Timeof Death: 04:30,Actual Gladys K. Breeden Deputy State Registrar" a C y s- 1i�f a 1f 'i CERTIFICATIO RECORD a Et ���Ai M