HomeMy WebLinkAbout952015STATE OF UTAH ss. COUNTY OF SALT LAKE STATEMENT OF TRUST AND IDENTITY OF SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE Pursuant to W.S. 34 -2 -123 O0:001- RECEIVED 2/5/2010 at 3:28 PM RECEIVING 952015 BOOK: 742 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Jean Ann Bills, of Murray, Salt Lake County, Utah, upon her oath deposes and says: 1. That she makes this affidavit as her recorded statement, duly verified, pursuant to the provisions of W.S. 34 -2 -123 and in connection with the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming: Part of lots 2, 3, and 4 of block 26 to the town of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, described as follows: Beginning at a point 13 rods West of the Southeast corner of lot 3 and running thence North 10 rods; thence East 3 rods; thence North 21 rods; thence East 10 rods to a point 9 rods South of the Northeast corner of said lot 2; thence South 11 rods, 4 feet to the Northwest corner of said lot 4; thence East 10 rods (parallel to the South boundary of Block 26) to a point that is 10 rods West of the East boundary of Block 26; thence South 9 rods, 12 1/2 feet, more or less (parallel to East boundary of Block 26), to a point that is 10 rods North of the South boundary of Block 26; thence West 4 rods, more or less, (parallel to the South boundary of Block 26); thence South 10 rods on a line parallel to the West boundary of said lot 4, to a point on the South boundary of Block 26; thence West 19 rods, along the South boundary of Block 26, to the point of beginning. Less and Except property found in warranty deed recorded December 11, 2003 in book 543 at page 613, in the office of the clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Less and Except property found in warranty deed recorded January 1, 2007 in book 645 at page 613, in the office of the clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. Together with a perpetual right -of -way easement for ingress and egress as described on warranty deed recorded December 31, 1979, in book 162 at page 580, in the office of the clerk, Lincoln County, Wyoming. 1 e06002 2. That the names of the grantees in that Quitclaim Deed dated September 25, 2000, and recorded in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk on September 25, 2000, in Book 452PR, page 649, Recording No. 868551, conveying the above described real property is hereby stated to be as follows: Lucille Yvonne Shortt Trust, Lucille Yvonne Shortt and Alfred Bergen Shortt as Trustees. 3. That she is a beneficiary of the trust referred to and hereby states that the correct date of the trust is June 3, 1986. 84107. 4. That her name and address is Jean Ann Bills, 610 Holly Haven Circle, Murray, UT 5. That she is the daughter of Lucille Yvonne Shortt and Alfred Bergen Shortt, and a beneficiary of the trust referred to, that Lucille Yvonne Shortt became deceased on January 7, 2003, that Alfred Bergen Shortt became deceased on October 2, 2009, that upon the death of Alfred Bergen Shortt, Kelvin David Shortt and she became the Successor Co- Trustees under the Lucille Yvonne Shortt Trust dated June 3, 1986. 6. That as of October 2, 2009, the date of death of Alfred Bergen Shortt, Jean Ann Bills and Kelvin David Shortt became the Successor Co- Trustees under the Lucille Yvonne Shortt Trust dated June 3, 1986, including its ownership of the real property described above, and that they are currently lawfully serving in that capacity. 7. That she hereby verifies that the information contained in this Statement of Trust and Identity of Successor Trustee is true and correct according to her information and belief. DATED as of the 3 711 day of `C✓1� Y`z-L i 2 2010. Jean Ann Bills 2010. Subscribed and sworn to by Jean Ann Bills before me this 34 day of Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 2 U 1 Z 3 NOTARY PUBLIC °0:003 CERTIFICATIO ITAL RECORDS 5.. 5..•.'••••1.1 t:1'i .1.•...,...16 •�1•.• r.•• .r.••.. .....1616..; rrrrr..l.•.r.•.. 16'16 i'i. Lr•, •1611: 1..... r r ..16...•...16.•.•. •!r.•. 1.•....i (•r 1616 r. .16.16 •••!!•.r...,.(L.•.•. •.•••.,.•.•L. STATE OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 2G03 0 0 0 5 8 2 X 1 7 2003 �__o►� CERTIFICATE` OF DEATH Rulsf LOCAL FILE NUMBER STATE FILE NUMBER li e. 1. NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE UST 2. SEX 3+. DATE OF DEATH (Mo... O*Y• Y4 35.TIME OF DEATNR. h'4*.0 (r Lucille. Yvonne Shortt Female Jan 7, 2003 4. DATE OF BIRTH... o r, xd 5. AGE 1.616 J1HlW6y weer/ M meet P vlAA e, sae 6. BIRTHPLACE KAY y 6 SUN or Po,egACeunhy) ].SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER I 46161616 D. f0e,e6Ybee 8. Oct 14, 1922. Noep�e( 80'. 1 t Salt Lake City, UT CONFI PLACE HOSPITAL: (416(11s oed.* for OTHER LOCATIONS: eb. NAME 01' HOSPRM R• NURSING HOME OR OTHEFACILT' R� OF DEATH I (H eualdi a (68((14.OA'e ai'nMf 6ddI6sY O7bGIHOn) P (clack 8n/ 4.'`11 t InPtl.nt G .*e /mm. a8, Reside,. y ij *Iy 2. ERl0UIp0Mn1 a DOA I 7. Other s p e c i f y DIXIE REGIONAL, MEDICAL' CENTER 8c. CITY, TOWN OR LOCATION OF DEATH 80. COUNTY OF DEATH 8. SURVMNG SPOUSE(X »Tb,QM =olden nsma) St.. George Washin ton Alfred 3 @rgen Shortt DECEDENT 10 WAS DECEDENT 11. MARITAL STATUS 126. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION (G80 800 of melt done 126- 815001' BUSINESS 08 INDUSTRY gy y Op I EVERIN ORC S. FORCES] 1. Neer Married 3 VKdotvetl a64gmo.t *n w4n81ih. 0o NOT .460) �I (`T ARMED ❑1. v.•® 2. No ®2 M *RMd 4 OloO eed Homemaker Own Home l3a.RESIDENCE S ET AND NUMBER 136. CITY, TOWN; OR COMMUNITY 138. COUNTY 130. STATE a. r 490,East Angie Ln Washignton Washington UT 130. BJSIDE NI CITY 13T. ZIP CODE 14, WAS DECEDENT OF HISPANIC 0810847 1.166 2. No 18. RACE Black Week Am. 18, EDUCATION( 081' Y 1 LIMITS] Y... SMdtly 410416, (HIM 4 be Weed). wee *0.616140 ENmAtry a w •J6pr,, M8. 5860.737 5.8r,derY(0 -12) 004.8.(13 16 t. Y 0. 1 Medan 2. Cubes or17 2.148 84780 3 P6Rto 'D 4,01Mr'l8Pictly).. White 14 PARENTS 17 FATHER'S NAM (1111601, MMiddle, 1Last) 18 (M 4. MAIDEN ME OF MOTHER (115. *'deb, Levy Ar.thur.Loring Eldre Lucille Oswal 15:MI NE, RELATIOSHIP M)OMAILINGADORESS OF INFORMANT ,INPORMAN7 Alfred Bergen Shortt :r Spou'ae 49A East Pirigip Ln, Washignton, UT 84780 20. METHOD OF DISPOSTON 216. DATE, OF DISP08n 2111; PLACE OF DIoPOemoe (nom of h nreIly. 210 LOCATION Ca, e SIM* CM8MI6(Y orclMrplew) D 1. Entombment 'D 2. D*aDonee. 3. Other DISPOSITION ®4. B,xtd 121'5 Galileo, D S. Removal ZZ Jan 13, 2003 American Fork Cemete3y American Fork, (7 SIGNATURE OF E RVICE LICENSEE 3 1.1011136E M)M888 24. FUNERAL HOME (1468• d edr6r) 'y 9917138:, Metca3,f`Mortuary and 25. TE EDWAS 26 .g R 400683, 11 DaU3ed di"' ro� P°I 'Xs; ®2 No 288 west St. George Blvd 8 Yee. C wO ^Der c C E RitFY N o G PtrB IC 1A ME.,CASE NO. ',Ii R YEAR St- 'George, UT 84 77 0 F 2 7 3 ,'1 CERTIFIER 1. CERTIFYING RHYS( CAN: To the beet of y Mn W o8WY0, dean 86061*, M tlu 0186, 0W, 16 0. 0,00, .800 b 46 Me 66b)'rM mrew/o meld. CEPTIFIER 2. MEDICAL FRMIWFR 4 LAW ENFOR °FMENT 0F11IC04 on ee'b 4 M or 84166, 0684, oea+rted.4 **Eno. M/: Me. Me. end An to the -8'7 t I t 84*).d 81681616 r dau6. 276 NA AN E OF ERTW R:" 27 WIMSER 276. OATS BIG ED (Ma, 0.1 Yr.) °314 8. LICENSE 0/r1 D i Q3 28•NAME AND ADIRESS F,PERSO(4.W110 CERTIFIED THE CAUSE OF DEATH, (ITEM 31)(T20*P44*8 O Judd LAROW$ 1.D 62;0 5',400 STE101,:St' George, UT, 84770 29. REGISTRARS SIGNATURE REGLETITLAR NOTIFIED OF,DFATH 30 b. DAT I E L N 1 PA ti Ht nn W.) REGISTRAR" 31. PART I ENTER THE DI9 ,/E B UR1 5, OR COMPLICATIONS TH AT C)WSiO THE DEATH: DO 815 0 1 0 :4.043 NOT ENTER THE MODE OF DYING. UCH AS 6081(008160 4nMe InMV10 OR RESPIRATORY ARREST, HOCK 4R HEART FAILURE. LIST ONLY 040E CAUSE O EACH LINE. Deem. M0 'l0. d.04h) 0 ET A CONSEQUENCE OF) t..)/- ETO'(ORASA CONSEQU EOF1 �T .SMIwnS 9 l condlt '''.4....4.''' Z i! r �A.V I..JZ GEC Z 'aJ2fi ee t1w er YM O 8. DUE TO 08818 CONSEQUENCE °F CAUSE dNeMe e6ln�wy tlut /AL t^ a, y- ��NIMb AfINOni��ln d //.,V�r;;jlc L....�_ dL.vT r'L.� -Q PART II. g �n C°f R P w YOUR OP INWN. TOBACCO 113E E DECEDENT as., uM8 0 AUTOPSY P 0 J SA AUTOPSY 8 DEATH ir48 AUnO 0 016 u,de,fytrl8 given NNONIJBER PRIO8 CDAtpIl:T,GIJ CAUSE -OF 848. t. Pt806My 884111/60 to W6eeuw *d6edemas 0 s awe or 8051H, 2. vVe6 ti16661ryirq vuN d d661h aDN* ne*xro Wee 1686 aYd..3, ❑'e. UNI040W 1. Yee 2 No 1.Y« 2.148 4.1s unknown 6e8 in,MI4*n lb a. 8...se e 0(de6ri. 1' USER fl 34. MANNER OF DEATH 386. OATS OF INJURWLO ry, D Yr.) 3811. 74 s OF 380W INJURY WORk7 350. PAGE OF IWURY+V 0.8(0.6: (a8 m e6C(e*O 1` 6810, 084749, em. (Sp.8M ❑3 Suite ❑4.1488400..; 356 4.06081710 (Sbee(ar,we( mJmusrxy or 1808 ewrMYrW 60611) If Ww eedd16M ipb�l ,tl dwW68+6 UDH -SVR DS: Und016in1Md 8. Pone. NA7WtEZX )n 4118 37). Forth l2, H Wv6d Inw.t80560 3,79 DESCRI48 &meanie wleen nsu0ldM Rev. Y2K3u CER This is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V R images in top cycloids, ultraviolet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the words "State of Utah This document displays the date, seal and signature of the State Registrar of Vital Statistics. LINTgailliSSELA UTAH DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Office of Vital Records Statistics Salt Lake City, Utah 42C 4 61 DECEDENT INFORMATION Date of Death: October 2, 2009 City of Death: Murray Age: 88 Place of Birth: Salt Lake City, Utah Armed Services: Spouse's Name: Industry/Business: Residence: Mother's Name: Facility or Address: ;_A CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECORD Date Issued: October 14, 2009 Barry E.'Nangle, State Registrar Office of Vital Statistics CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2009023682 Alfred Bergen Shortt Time of Death: County of Death: Date of Birth: Sex: Marital Status: Yes Lucille Yvonne Eldredge (Deceased)Usual Occupation: Utah Power Education: Enoch, Utah Father's Name: Matilde Olina Johnsen Facility Type: St.•Mark's Hospital INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: Kelvin Relationsshi Mailing Address: 4549 North Maple Lane, Enoch, .Utah 84 '721 16 :02, Salt Lake March 27,'1921 Male Widowed Transmission Specialist Some College but No Degree Charles Shortt Hospital Inpatient DISPOSITION INFORMATION Method of Disposition: Burial Place of Disposition: American Fork Cemetery, American Fork, Utah Date. of Disposition: October 7, 2009 F HOME INFORMATION Funeral Hone: Anderson Sons Mortuary Address 49 East;100 North, Arl erican Fork, Utah 84003 Funeral Director: Alec S "Anderson MEDICAL CERTIFICATION Medical Professional: Sam!r N Wadhvania, St Mark's Hosptial„ 1200 East 3900 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84126 CAUSE OF DEATH Acute Respiratory Failure Atrial Fibrillation Pneumonia, Tobacco Use: Unknown, if User Medical Examiner Contacted: No Autopsy Performed: No Manner of Death Natural .�Gry "F ,,r. t of OF T$ (lb goo ip This is anNexact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistics. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border,V R images in top cycloids, ultra- violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the` words "State of Utah This document displays the date, seal and of the State. Registrar and the County /District Health Officer. 1111 111 111111 o c9 t K ?u cr� Joseph K. Miner, MD, MSPH Director /Health Officer County /District Health, Department u"`"um tkIlt