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RECEIVED 2/12/2010 at 9:51 AM
BOOK: 742 PAGE: 433
I, Jay Melford Buck, Affiant, being of lawful age and first duly sworn, upon my oath
depose and state as follows:
1. I am an adult residing in Lincoln County, Wyoming.
2. This affidavit is made and filed to correct clerical errors in that certain Affidavit of
Survivorship previously recorded on August 6 2009 in Book 729 at page 367 in the
records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
2. This affidavit is made pursuant to W.S. 2 -9 -102 (Lexis 2007).
3. I am the personal representative of the Estate of Annie Louise Castano Buck,
AKA Annie C. Buck, and as such am a person interested in the real property described
herein, a copy of Letters Testamentary in said estate is attached hereto as Exhibit "A
3. By virtue of a Quit Claim Deed executed by Lee Payne and Nettie Payne on
February 27, 1956, and recorded in the records of the Lincoln County Clerk at the
Lincoln County Courthouse in Kemmerer, Wyoming, on November 28, 1958, in Book
31PR, Page 199, Receiving Number 342691, James R. Buck and Annie C. Buck,
husband and wife, became tenants by the entireties in the following described real
property located in Kemmerer, Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit:
All those portions of sections Twenty -six (26) and Twenty -seven (27), Township
Twenty -one (21) North, Range One hundred fourteen (114) West of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, in Opal, Lincoln, County. Wyoming, according to the resurvey of said
township, which are included within that portion of the East Half of the Southeast
Quarter (E' /2SE') of said Section Twenty -seven (27), according to the original survey of
said township, described as follows.
Commencing at a point in the center line of the main track of the Oregon Short Line
Railroad Company that is one hundred eighty -four and six tenths (184.6) feet distant
easterly from the section line between said Sections Twenty -six (26) and Twenty -seven
(27), according to the resurvey thereof, measured along said center line of main track,
said point being in the east line of Section Twenty -seven (27) of said township and
range, according to the original survey; thence South one degree three minutes East (S
1° 03' E) along the east line of said Section Twenty -seven (27) according to the original
survey, which is a straight line forming an angle of eighty —seven degrees, thirty -three
minutes (87° 33') from west to south with said center line of main track a distance of two
hundred fifty and two tenths (250.2) feet, more or less, to a point two- hundred fifty (250)
feet distant southerly, measured at right angles, from said center line of main track and
which is the true point of beginning of the tract of land hereby described
thence South one degree three minutes East (S 1° 03' E) along said east line of Section
Twenty -seven (27), according to the original survey, a distance of one thousand six
hundred seventy -one and sixty -five hundredths (1671.65) feet to the southeast corner of
said section, according to the original survey;
thence South eighty -nine degrees eight minutes West (S 89° 08' W) along the south line
of said Section Twenty -seven (27), according to the original survey, a distance of one
thousand three hundred forty -one and seventy -eight hundredths (1341.78) feet to the
southwest corner of the East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E' /2SE thereof;
thence North zero degrees fifty -two minutes West (N 0° 52' W) along the west line of
said East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E' /2SE of Section Twenty -seven (27),
according to the original survey, a distance of one thousand six hundred ten and twenty
three hundredth (1610.23) feet to a point two hundred fifty (250) feet distant southerly,
measured at right angles, from said center line of main tack;
thence North eighty -six degrees thirty minutes East (N 86° 30' E) along a straight line
parallel with and two hundred fifty (250) feet distant southerly, measured at right angles,
from said center line of main track, a distance of one thousand three hundred thirty
seven and eighty -five hundredths (1337.85) feet, to the true point of beginning.
Containing an area of fifty and forty -five hundredth (50.45) acres, more or less.
SUBJECT, however, to all easements and right of ways heretofore granted by the
grantors' predecessors in interest, and also subject to the reservation of any or all
mineral interests heretofore reserved by grantors' predecessors in interest.
4. James R. Buck died on September 12 2005, and a certified copy of the original
death certificate on file in the office of Vital Records Services in Cheyenne, Wyoming, is
attached hereto as Exhibit "B
5. By reason of the death of James E. Buck his interest and title as a tenant by the
entireties under said Quit Claim Deed is terminated and title to said property has vested
absolutely in Annie C. Buck or her estate continuously since the death of James R. Buck.
DATED this day of red) t (dal% y 2010.
The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Jay Melford Buck,
personally known to me, this /e day of
my hand and official seal.
My Commission Expires July 14, 2010
;1 Buck
My Commission expires: 7 ?O(0