HomeMy WebLinkAbout952147RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED, MAIL TO: Attn: JMK 23209 Copenbarger Copenbarger, LLP 18200 Von Karman Avenue, #200 Irvine, CA 92612 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Spencer E. Abbott, Trustee 157 Puddingstone Drive San Dimas, CA 91773 Assessor's Parcel Number: 30182010009000 Executed on February 8, 2010, Orange County, California. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE ss. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Public QUITCLAIM DEED 006437, RECEIVED 2/12/2010 at 10:29 AM RECEIVING 952147 BOOK: 742 PAGE: 437 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, SPENCER E. ABBOTT, Trustee of THE ABBOTT TRUST, dated January 16, 1990, hereby quitclaims to SPENCER E. ABBOTT, Trustee of the SURVIVOR'S TRUST of THE ABBOTT TRUST dated January 16, 1990, all that real property located in the City of Smoot, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, described as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. Recorded in Book 476, Page 126, Document 877076 on November 1, 2001 Sp cer E. Abbott, Trustee On February 8, 2010, before me, JAMES M. KOSAREFF, Notary Public, personally appeared SPENCER E. ABBOTT, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument JAMES M. KOSAREFF COMMISSION #1791762 Notary Public California z ORANGE COUNTY My Commission Expires MARCH 2, 2012 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Spencer E. Abbott, 157 Puddingstone Drive, San Dimas, CA 91773 That part of the SW 1 /4 NE 1 /4 and that part of the NW SW of Section 20, T3ON, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe all of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 288 of Photostatic Records on page 212 and to describe part of that tract of record in Book 258 of Photostatic Records on page 404, more particularly described on the attached "Description for Abbott Trust, dated 16 January 1990, Abbott Tract Revised EXHIBIT "A" ABBOTT TRACT REVISED That part of the SW %,NE% and that part of the •W' /.SE' of Section 20, T3ON, R118W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more correctly describe all of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 288 of Photostatic Records on page 212 and to describe part of that tract of record in Book 258 of Photostatic Records on page 404, as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of said NW'4SE1/4; thence coursing an existing fence line as follows: S80 46' -35 "E, 146.27 feet to a point; S29 09' -49 "E, 58.84 feet to a point; S52 15' -20 "E, 156.86 feet to a point; S75`- 38' -09 "E, 39.75 feet to a point; N39 57' -17 "E, 6127 feet to a point; N21 12'-09"E, 85.93 feet to a point; N88° -08' -12"E, 512.34 feet to a point; N85`-30'-21"E, '89.79 feet to a point on the westerly right -of -way line of U.S. Highway 89, and leave said fence line; thence coursing along said westerly right -of -way line as follows: NO2 52' -43 "W, 28.32 feet to a point on the north line of said NW %SE'h; N09 06' -10 "W, 46.79 feet to a point; N04°-06'-41"W, a point; NO2 09' -30 "W, 285.49 feet to a point; N04 05' -25 "W, 77.86 feet to a point; N01°-33'-43"W, 56.96 feet to a point; N00 40' -45 "E, 66.48 feet to a point; NO2 13' -29 "E, 91.51 feet to a point; N05°-11'-55"E, 65.70 feet to a point; N08 08' -35 "E, 118.24 feet to a point; 000438 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: Spencer E. Abbott, 157 Puddingstone Drive, San Dimas, CA 91773 N08 44' -lS "E, 222.49 feet to Station PC 1058 +96.78 71' RT -1977; N07 58' -37 "E, 212.53 feet to a point on the north line of said SW/,NE' /4, and leave said right-of-way line; "Modification in a f k, foraco in...�... m t...... inatas liability t the vVl, 'J4i ,1 Qany n t VI lJI CUU11IU UGDl+1 WUUt4 ict„1,l, QtfJ IIQUI U, 'the JUI VCVI/I thence S89 59' -48 "W, 1066.54 feet, along said north line, to the northwest comer of said S W' /<NE'/ thence S00 00' -25 "W, 1318.02 feet, along the west .line of said SW' /ENE;;, to the CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 31.72 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the south line of the SE' /4 of Section 20, T3ON, R118W, being S89 53' -00 "W; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 518" X 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368" or "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 5368 with appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "ERNEST A. POGGETTI AND GERALDINE TAYLOR AND ABBOTT TRUST, DATED 16 JANUARY 1990 PLAT OF BOUNDARY ADJUSTMENT WITHIN THE SW %NE' /a SETA SECTION 20 N` /2NE'Y4 SECTION 29 T3ON RI18W LM1CQLN COUNTY. ;'dYOMJNO 5 daied-7 March 1999, as revised. OOir439 CERTIFICATIO ITAL RECORD COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH STATE FILE NUMBER CERTIF D.1TI� 'USE BL0GKII)KONLY /'N0 EW3 EEC, WHIIE0(0 0.OR A L T ERAT I ONS yS, ?WREYlEE LOCAL'REGISTRRTION NUMBER: 1. NAME OF DECEDENT -FIRST (Given) :MADELLE 'AKA, AL50'KNOWN AS- .)naldde'fdll AKA (FIRST, MIDDLE, LAST) BIRTN:STATEIFOREIBN9OUNTRY WASHINGTON 18.; WCAWgKL un Mtl[ BACHELOR. 20, DECEDENTS RESIDENCE(Blfeel entLots0Der o4 1044133o) 157 PUDDINGSTONE':DPIVE 21, CITY SAN DIMAS 10. SOCMI•SECURITYNUMBER: 14115. WAS DECEDENT HISPANICIEATINO(A)SPANI$}Y7 11105 Billeel'oh ❑YES NO 17:1121AL. OCCUPARVN -T iePtNVrk)Sir ysl o1}(b D0 NOT USE RETIRED TEACHER •26 INFORMANT'S NAME RELATIONSHIP ..:SPENCER ABBOTT, HUSBAND ;SPENCER 31. NAME OF FATHER -iIRST CHARLES 39. OISpGSITION'DATE InIO I r/ 08111/20 1r d1: TYPE OF DISPO S) CR /BU 40, FR AGE OF FINAL DISPOSITION 3201 'BSTREET .M.NAMEOFFUNERALESTABLISHMENT ::TODD MEMORIAL CH :APEL: :181 PUCE OF IV14 POMONAVA1 HOSPITAL MEDICAL CE 104 COUNTY 'LOS ANGELES UNDERLYING CAUSE (01suee es Mat :MNBned the evenIs M) .(9001099 In death) LAST 114,. 10ERTIFY THAT TO THE NUM MY KNOY EDGE DEATH OCCURRED AT THEHOUR, DATE, AND PLACESTATED FROM THE CAUSES STATED. 430Cedent.Plfehdhd Slime last Seen Alive 128. SIGNATURE OF 15000NER i DEPUTY CORONER _2. MIDDLE ELIZABETH 11. EYER'IN U.S:ARMEDFORCEST VERNE'C:EMETERY: g(2NE; A :01750 45. LICENSEMIMBER 1 B CELL LYMPHOMA MY�ELODYSP L AS A ST'RESIN THE UNDEplYl SE ONEN 94 107 f1C.:. 1 `K'NbROME AM li B.WAS O PER FOR YCONMT'ION IN WA 107 O R112 1 3 (1 akli61 type of operaNdienddeleJ 'NO n 1 :R(middloryY 4. DATE OF BIRTH mmlddfccyy .07/03/1932 3. LAST (Femlly): ABBOTT 1 2. MARITAL STATUS,(e1;DNe ofDeeth) MARRIED: 18. DECEDENTS RAGE :Up to S.rn ey 54 listed Diets Nwkehee WH 18. KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY e.g., Emery stare, road cons1Naeah; employ f ,900iy, etc.) I'US.E LIC. UCAT'ION 804 Noma). A BBO.TT NC 24. YEARS :IOUNTV `2r ?xre :goDE 91773 27 INFORMANTS MAILING ADDRESS S t r e e t 801 Dumb' I rohle h 0 1 0 dly„ NSA, a l b 211?) 157 PUDDINGSTONE DRIVE, S DIMAS; CA 91773: 5IGNAY9RE F£ OMBALN/F.R N3T EMBALMED' A8: SIGNATURE OF LOCAL REVISTRAR FD110 JONATHAN FIELDING MD .102.1F HOSPITAL, SPECIFY ONE (P DR/OP DOA 105 :(ACIUTYAbDRESS GRI WCATION.HERF (81M4levd mtmperbfloaeIbn) 1718 NORTH "GAR EYAVENUE iB8:1TY POMONA: TMe NNW: 8ehreed 107, CAUSE OF DEATH Enle the dtdn of wd b d kd n oYC01n(�11 8 N Be1 paced deph DO NQTemer tannins! nb t e reepim0)7 (1 L U001 Mrig t0obgy;90NQ5AB8REUTATE IMMEOIA iu CARDIOR'ESPIRATORY A In deeU) R EBYj f(Pin L @wet r .1 MaWUnp I nd 1. ACUTE MYELOID LEUI (MIA s onoeh0 0y NN w Ieitl199/0.8ust e. 10NA 1 13:8 u D TRLEOF CERTIFIER CERTIFIER 118. LICENSE NUMBER A613$ Iq: mMdtl cCyY J hYdNEdjy;. 08/0612009: 118 TYPE ATTENDING PH E TSICIAN'S NAM MAILING ADDRESS, ZIP CODE SA ANABI, M.D. :07/3012009 160 E ;FiRTESIAST. #225'POMONA, CA 91767 •;118 I CERifFYTMT DI NY OPINI'OH'DEATH ODOUR RED ATTHESWR DATE AND PJACESTATEDFBOI THECAUSES STATED 199, INJUICEDAT WORKT MANNER OFDEAT11 h411g9) ACddeM Ntl S dtl pmdl �S Could clot 0e r Homicide BSWM'd� .L„,)dabmllRetl 'nYE3 I I� nUNN.. IF UNDER 24 HOURS Havre I Minutes 7. DATE OF DEATH: mnAddkeyy 08/06/ 12 1; INJURY DATE mMdtl PTY 11111111111111111111111q 1111111111111111111111111111111 X111111111 '010001001284914` 8. SEX F •34: BIRTH STATE WA: 38,, BIRTH STATE WA' 43. LICENSE NUMBER 47. DATS' Tnni/MNccyy 08/10/2009.' 103. IF OTHER THAN HOSPITAL SPECIFY ONE n NotWcs hlersIng Decedent's 0190, H ILTC. Hams 108 DEATH REPORTED TD'EOKONES? YES' i 108. BIOPSY PERFORMED? YES NO 110. AUTOPSY PERFORMED YES; 111:2555IN DEIERLI1111119942SE7 NO 111 8REBNR11T IN L15TYEAR I "..IVES 0•11f414:• 17: 1 17 DATE': mMdd7CCYy' 6.$40/..2000 :1 122, HOUR (24 Hours) 123. PLACE OF INJURY (e.g.. home. can.lruc9on 0II. wooded eree,MO 124 'DESCRIBE.Fl0W'.IN)U1WOCCURRED (EvenIAYtTllOh resul(pd SR Injury) .123 LOCATION OF INJURY (SteOt e d number, or ttc4Den a d •wly e d ZIP) 120:TY.PE NAM TITLE OF GGRONER I DEPUTY 'CORONER: CENSUS TRACT $TATE: R is a true certified copy of the record:filed in the County of Los Angeles Department of Public; Health if:itbears the Registrar`s signature in purple ink,.: 1D Director of Public Health and 1e istrar: �4 1 15 E (2e,.t.ca( ,pet E ISSUED Thi c opy not valid' unless: prepa an en gravedbortlei' displaying seal and'signature of Registrar'.;; i IID[I) 4LKI A I)t'-K"$ 1