HomeMy WebLinkAbout876904State ol' Wyoming Comer Reco (In com~Ii~mcc with thc COi~V£R P£R.PETUd T/ON .4ND FZCJ~VG A CT, Wyomiu~ ~a~,utcs, 1977, Sgc~m 33-29-140 ,et. sag. md thc Rulcs md Rcgul~;om o£ thc Bo~rd o£ Rcg~r~m £m' Profcaslemd 'F. aG~n¢crs..,,-d Pro£c~im~l Lind Survcyo~) Reverse side of' thi~ £orm may bc ~ if more sp~c~ ;~ needed. Record of original.survey and citation of source of historical information (i~ corner is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumcntation evidence £ound and/or monument *and accessories established to perpetuate tho location o£ this corner. Sketch of relative location of monument,~.accessorios. and reference points with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (ff determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. Record:-= The center'one-quarter corner of Section 23. Found:-- No evidence of previous monumentation. Set:-- A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap in,scribed as shown at intersection of E/W and N/S mid-section lines flush with ground surface, Wly. l0 ft. from a N. fence and Nly. 3.8 ft. from an E/W fence. The area is N. of a County Road and recreation area. 0+00 ¼ S.]4/S.23 26+41.97 C¼ S.23 52+64.47 ¼ S.23/S.26 0+00 ¼ S.22/S. 2~7 26+36.90 C¼ S.23 52+83.78 ¼ S.23/S.24 ~,10' ~ Monument,,~ ? -. .;:< .x3'8'~ x o.'- ~q cc: BLM County Office - Afton SSLTD - Afton Book ZQ-27, page 1. D~:o£Fi:l~Wo~. 6 March 2000- CROSS4~EX DIAGRAM Fitm/Agnncy, Ad&ess This comcr record was prepared I I :1 4 ', ~ '~ O 9 loll 1~13141516171Bf92021~3~42~ by mc or ~mdcr my dircction , : J , : Box 725 ............ :.. ;, : : " 46 West Third Avenue '~ i '. ..... :...~ .... ;.. , ..j ..... ~.. . Afton, omin9 83110 ............................ Tcl~hm~c '-i'~"'," '~, .... ,~ .... i" , , i , , ~.. .... ~ .... , .... ~ .... k .... ; .... ~.. ~ ..... ~..:.. ..,'-..5 .... ~ .... .'. .... : .................... , : : : : " : : : : : ' ' '- : ~ : : : ~ : County of LINCOLN