HomeMy WebLinkAbout952235s Copy Timothy Esser #6770 Esser Sandberg, PLLC 520 East Main Street Pullman, Washington 99163 Phone: (509) 332 -7692 Fax: (509) 334 -2205 Attorneys for Plaintiffs v. JUDGMENT 1 NEDRA MURR.AY, individually and as TRUSTEE OF THE WENDELL I.I. McNEAL FAMILY TRUST, MARJEAN DUREN; CLYDE McNEAL; and WENDY RILETT, KENNETH C. McNEAL and JANETTE A. McNEAL, husband and wife, and THE McNEAL FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, a Wyoming limited partnership, Defendants. KFNNNETH. -I D. P:Ort...n;S CL_ •N o r 't, 'T D!.:37 LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING GV IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADAMS Plaintiffs, RECEIVED 2/18/2010 at 3:09 PM RECEIVING 952235 BOOK: 742 PAGE: 701 JEANNE WAGNER No. CV- 2009 -2484 JUDGMENT 1 IAI!'nI ni r'/.t it1rx. FILED 006701 OCT 5 2009 o/ SHERRY WARD, C RR STAI 40E ING COUNTY OF LINCOLN I, Kenneil R Lrri a°l eof the Third Judicial b strict vt.m. rf f Iirra d foresaid county and in tl r a caf es,aid, do hereby c o be a full, true, and cc. SIGNE In this action, the Defendants, Kenneth C. McNeal., Janette A. McNeal and the McNeal Family Limited Partnership, having been duly served with personal process and having failed to appear, and the default of said Defendants having been entered and it appearing that the Defendants are not in the military service in any capacity whatsoever, nor are they incompetent persons, and proof of Plaintiffs' damage claim having been submitted, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED Plaintiffs, Nedra Murray, individually and as Trustee of the Wendell H. McNeal Family Trust, Marjean Duren, Clyde McNeal and Wendy R:i..l.ett, have judgment as follows: Against Defendants, Kenneth C. McNeal, Janette A. McNeal and the McNeal Family Limited Partnership, jointly and severely, for the principal sum of $567,072, together with interest at the rate of 12% thereon since June 30, 2002, in the amount of $494,051, plus attorneys fees in the i of $43,475 and court costs of $148, for a total judgment of $1,074,746. Post (pva e.v tat ivoi- SPr,I- cu) 'Zinc u ent intere s a accrue at the of--12-%-per-alanum. Entered this -a.y of 2009. Jfidg STEPHEN PHEN W. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certify that I caused a copy of the attached document to be mailed to the following named persons: Attorney for Plaintiff: Timothy Esser Esser Sandberg, PLLC 520 East Main Street Pullman, WA 99163 Defendant(s): Kenneth McNeal and Janette McNeal The McNeal Family Limited Partnership HCR 62, PO Box 7084 Star Valley Ranch, WY 83127 Date: Oc '2009 JUDGMENT 2 State of Loch, County ofAdams vs 1, the undersigned Recorder and Clerk of the District Court of Adams County, State of Idaho, do hereby certfy that. the foregoing Instrument is a true and correct copy of the original onfile in my office and in my custody. IN WITNESS WIEREOF, I have set m ha id d a ed my official seal on this of 20 SHERRY WARD Clerk of the Distriotourt and County Reco;n Deputy