HomeMy WebLinkAbout952367STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN AFFIDAVIT FOR COLLECTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF DECEDENT'S PERSONAL PROPERTY PURSUANT TO W.S. 2 -1 -201 SS. 0 00 23 8 I, Julia T. Neuenschwander also known as Julia T. Haderlie being first duly sworn, on oath depose and state that I am making this affidavit pursuant to W.S. 2 -1 -201, in behalf of myself as the heir at law and distributee, as hereinafter set forth, and that I make the following statements in connection therewith: That Kelly L. Haderlie became deceased on April 8, 1981, in Randolph, Rich County, State of Utah and was a resident of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, at the time of his death; that said decedent died intestate; that I am the surviving spouse of the decedent; that the individual listed in Paragraph 5 below is the only party entitled to the estate of the decedent in accordance with the laws of the State of Wyoming. 2. That the value of the entire estate of said decedent, wherever located, does not exceed $150,000.00. 3. That more than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the date of death of the decedent. 4. That no application for the appointment of a personal representative of said decedent is pending or has been granted in any jurisdiction. 5. The following named distributee is the only party entitled to the estate of the decedent; that there are no other distributees of the decedent having a right to succeed to any of the property of the decedent under probate proceedings; and that therefore the following named claiming distributee is entitled to payment or delivery of all of decedent's property: Name Julia T. Neuenschwander 1 Relationship Spouse RECEIVED 3/3/2010 at 10:20 AM RECEIVING 952367 BOOK: 743 PAGE: 238 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 6. That among the assets owned by said decedent were the following: 39 shares of J. C. Penney Company, Inc. stock, Certificate No. P 20088 ZQ, dated May 1, 1987. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is a copy of said stock certificate. That all of the shares listed above are now due and payable to the distributee named above, Julia T. Neuenschwander. 7. That attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference is a copy of the death certificate for the decedent. 8. That the original of this affidavit is being filed of record in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, in compliance with W.S. 2- 1- 201(c), as amended. EXECUTED as of this 1st day of March, 2011. Subscribed and sworn to before me by Julia T. Neuenschwander aka Julia T. Haderlie, this 1st day of March, 2010. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Y ay 1 11. 2 NOTARY PUBLIC 000239 Q s.ed Julia T. Neuen hwander E E a1 E 0 a Iluewaotl �6 alV e 1 ul Peu a 'Plop Pue pnu eq ulM s14 flans loPlo4 luenbesgna Amu. tl 4 6 P s4) sale9Hly io saleloossy 48,1 io suosod 6u anbay Aq pawwo to of Panes ';uawaaa3y maw aqt ui papinwd se aeouelswnwlo ulepea iapuf oolong) lsenbo e to a Aq Id1e0., Ands sAep 0.4 um,. a61ego ;no411m l4awew6y slg13911 a41 to Adoa a a;eaglpao sou to Jeploy O1 01 Hew @,n rout AUedwo0 Aeuued '3'1` 'aleael000 sou At! 000000!00 aq Jame ou Hun pue soleolppao aluedas Aq peauopine aq We .146111 flans •luaweo6y s316111 eel u1 quo{ ms se 'sa3ee10w1Y14o U!0000 JOPa(1 rou; Aauuad 3T t0 :oltto anpno..o iedlauud 0 0 is ep; uo st galgm Je )iAdoa poe eoe a ;e; Aq ulelaq pew odlooe1 e e goal. Jo ewe) a41 '(„luaw A aeley slgOltl 9961 92 sous! o se peep Auedwop lsw uw y pen° uefiloty oui d '3'f uaaneaq leewaal9y's1461y a 01 440) 1as se stg6i11 wepa0 0) loway lap coy 041 sappue P00 sa000PlAe osle a;e06ry a .1411 u �1 I- -J 2 •It NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST MIDDLE LAST Kelly "L" HADERLIE SEX 3 Male PACE (While, Black Am. Indian ale.) Specify White ATE PILE NUMB E3 DATE OF DEATH (Mo., Day, w) April 8, 1981 WAS DECEDENT OF SPANISH ORIGIN? YES NOY11 yew .nmcale lope' M eaiea0 Puerto Rion Cube Omar III Whet. wordy, DATE OF BIRTH (No Oa,. Yawl March 9, 1947 AGE (LU1 Birthday) 7. 34 7,., IF UNDER I yew (FLOWER 54 HOURS Monlne Days Mourn Mlnultl BIRTHPLACE (Scale or foreign e country; Wyoming CITIZEN 01 what cnuno E USA Morin., V J Di.u,cpl +O N"vor Werowgl Mar,ter Orr EDUCATION— (Spaclfy only hignesi g .d. completed) Elementa w Secondary (013) College +5 or 1 I 1 3 SOCIAL SECURITY MUMMIES USUAL OCCUPATION (Glyn Mind 01 work do a ,lunng muff of 'KIND OF BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY wOMrnp Isle, even 11 retired./ I� Inspecto i Wyo. Dept.of Agricultug4 NAME of surviving spouse III, *IM, enter N NOM game.) Julia Ti tensor NAME OF FATHER 1S LaMar Fredrick Haderlie MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER 1e Edith Weber Ws, decadent ever In U.S. Armed Forces? YES N016 -J I USUAL RESIDENCE -43341 and number w location and hp c000l 'INSIDE CITY LIMITS, Box 708 I YES Y NO 1,, 34. )134 NAYS A MAILJNO ADDRESS OF INFORMANT Mrs. Julia T. Faderlie Box 708 ,efton, Wyoming 83110 C ITY OR TOWN COUNTY STATE tl Afton i, Lincoln 1 134 Wyoming 83110 .t' F NAVE 01 hospilal, nuramp lwme w O mer mslnunon where death outgrew n, pauenr CITY OR TOWN 'COUNT! I II a ouaitl an inelime Iw Alec dd+ I paper„ 1 L oganegiona l Hos ,OnJ pi tat /U! ,ob Logan L Cac 1 I' 3 %L I a ER 1L" FL 4 1FI. ,`TFN 't MEDICAL EXAMINER: I hereby certify Thal loth* Oriel 01 my knowledge IM death occurred at the now. !PHYSICIAN OR MEDICAL EXAMINER SIGNATURE III 1YE of dam! (Ye M. 3(000) dale and place Waled ebove born 1M causes staled blow Dried on eam ro d J meln O+ andnoi t X 1 inveshga+ron of Ib ceCumsaneee. p I 164,—"r 1 7 16 Dece0M1 was pro"du"ced dead 31 HOLR 7 DATE p p 1;.14 n 44.4.44.- t •Ja. 11 cal P HYSIC I AN: I hereby earn)y 1131 lO IM oil 01 m owledge 1110 034 FIE 1h Gneurre0 al ERTIA'S m and r JTyoa or 1011 'DATE S10NEDI(Mo., Y. Tea) life now. owe ono plan Waled Whs. hum Ina causes staled Oa1ow. mar alienate) rho I 011•") last 34w IM 34134'nr ane On a a/�` 12 0 Hug h D. Hammond, M.D. 1 O '0'. ark mom" I 3+f. L (q 01 I n canned DY m34i oaaminer, was Bea upon W to hrm> YE 5 I N N Yos. en ter Ine dale end now reported 133 hourclocq HOUR /03 M0. //PA L. rJA 4 1 Y ,LE 1 19. CEPTIFIER'S oddinsa ano HD c H NUMBE CENSE 'LICENSE NUMB ER 550 East 1400 North Logan, Utah (i/ cu R 11L ►R Bunsl Enlom1enr 10ATE Remove. Omnraron 1 4/11/81 other I 33B SIGN UPI• Fullers Of reclw vra 3e FUNERAL HOME— Noma, adore. and Men. number ..HALL MOR IARY- IAgar1, Utah #179 NAME AND LOCATION OF CEMETERY OR CREMATORY Be dford, Wyoming Cemetery LOCAL RE ute J I G Ie eccePt00 la registration by ''A'PR 0 9 1981 1./SE 11TH Syr P ART I. DEATH WAS CAUSED BY 101ATE MME CONDITIONS IF ANY car CAUS /t c :E n1,1 ,I1 0.. l.n ejo, A R enrl P.1 O Interval b lwn onset 0 0341 rl _t L s r: 1 f L L 9 1 LvW d WHICH GAVE RISE TO DUE THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE ID) TAI. STATI THE UN .d (i '0, OR AS A ONSEOVENCE 0 tlnlerval between on3411Ad 0 D4 ee DERIVING CAUSE LAST. DUE TO. OR AS A CONSEQUENCE OF 'Interval be wtl0 tinsel end 0341h ICI PART II. OTHER SIGNIFICANT CONDITIONS— CONTRIBUTING 10 DEATH. 001 NOT RELATED 70 THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE GIVEN IN PART 1 30 AUTOPSY (F YES,w53 Indindaconaid., YES NO m Oalermininq uu34 OI dim, JIr. Idle YES It NO r:. z cc cr 0 *00013,1) V A,” .,r ,l,rnnn Streele Momre,0, A b• .r 0.e„err cculOnnl r`i,,ynx,.i■ DA1E r,l lnl a„ 1101 vow SHOE OF lNJ1/RY I 1 r'r y� I 73a k_ J (1. r .S INJURY AT I ORR? YFS O PLACE OF INJURY (Speclly home, farm, 1ec10ry tree a y. real, orrice betiding', e1C.I sI e"1 r 1_ k-0 LOCATION OF INJURY STREET AND NUMBER OR LOCATION AND CITY OR TOWN fl now 1,0,1: 0r bury to p J y .�-yL I I RI ]34. s1!I Ct. CI1 /n,6x. ,g 0 1. ..�n n om• 8140 Were ra0Oral"ly reels do a nor drugs Or Ioie enem, als> 31. YES r N0. Wale lab0relory lest. done for alcohol/ Se. YES gF N0 t" C k DESCRIBE HOW INJURY 0 CUR ED tecw eueon of wenrs rhIsh .011.0 in r0) TU NAR OF IHJU1 f. SHOULD BE ENTERED IN ITEM 391 A 1•L C'f L_ #.-71--. r0 st 4 j r•“ c /l pri ay o 4 DO 47 .4V. CkII rte' o h Pi:// (1 Vet'/ I1 cooler vehicle ecci0enr, specify it decedan vat, driver. pfssenpw ppe0tllnan /JA tla c0. ACr. IOCAI FILE NUMBER D 47,3 rn This is to certify that this is a true copy of the certificate on file in this office. This certified copy is issued under authority of Section 26 -15 -26 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953 as Amended. re Dale Issued: OR p r1' d I Q, i W L,' D Y /J L cY. G At1L'ZG�L7 Q COUNTY BEAR RIVER D {STRICT John E. Itrnrl:rl l NTH DEP I EC'(�; OF VITAL SIA iC5 REGISTRAR JOHN C. BAILEY M. D. ftliiitftlAkta kEtgwbklAtRM1.tklAM "tiff, +`&R'. wlP m 't •R (01 yE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH N.kkl#LkllL/100,00 11, k WARNING: 11 I5 ILLEGAL TO OUP 11171 1 2 MY }`1E:71 iELMM}I M22.4Y}}}}.yE}} }E kHH2.191 t}yE F CERTIFICATE OF DEATH STATE OF UTAH DIVISION OF HEALTH