HomeMy WebLinkAbout876914 State el' Wyoming Comer Record (In compliance wilh thc CORNER PERPETUATION AND FILING ACT. Wyominl~ Sl~ute~. 1977. Sectic~ 33-29-140,et seo.~d thc Rules ~d Regulations of the Board of Regi.m'atic~ for Professi~m~l Engineers. md lh'ofe~.sic~l I..m~d Surveyo~) Rcverae side of thi.~ form may be used if more space is nccdcd. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer monumentation evidence found and/or monument'and accessories established to perpetuate the location of this comer. Sketch of relative location of monumen{, accessories, and reference point, with course and distance to adjacent comer(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated comer. Record:-- As per Corner Record dated 8 September 1992. Found:-- A 2 ins. §a]vanized pipe with brass cap inscribed as shown, inside a P¥C co]lar with a t5re casin9 around, W]y. 100 qt._+ from a Salt River Heights storage tank with metal rail closure, Set:-- Nothing. Storage Tank Monument ~O cc: BLM County Office - Afton SSLTD - Afton 8 September 1992 P~:o~i:ldWo,k: 20 July 2000 omc~A~f:~¢e: Book ZP-33, pa.qes 19, 25; Book ZQ-30, page 19. CROSS INDEX DIAGIL~tM FimdAgcaey, Address This comer record was prepared 2 n 4 ~ 8 '/ ~ 9 10 II Ig I$ 14 I~ 18 17 llllgZ0g[ ~,~1-"4Z$ by mc or under my dirccdon I ii'i- '-'i]' : ;~_':~ .... "'"g'- : t : ,j : i ii ,' Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. --4 .... F ..... iu SEAL & $]GN..ITURE ~-~-~-: ,: _ , ,: : ,, ,, ,, , ~ , C Box 725 ..,~ .... : .... .,.. ~--,~ .... : .... I .... ,~ .... : .... -: .... ,~ ....... i-- ~ : ~ I : : : , : : : ; ': :-'~ 46 West Third Avenue .~; · -~-!il i~'l~;,--:--,-. !;L~~i7-I!. ,' ~ '1'--~ Afton, W °min9 83110,Y __,. .... , .... :.4.~ .... ,~ .... i .... ~..t._,~ .... i..;74..,, / ............... 1'- ~ Tclcphm~e N,tmber: 307-885-9319 '. ":' , . , '. " 733-5903 ;. . : ,, . ": ............... : ........ FAX 733-5903 --i4i .... i-', : ',: ' ' ' ....... , .... ~ .... ~ .... , 4 .... ~- --~ .... 4-- o ",~' '1-': ......... ' .... ' ................ ; o -';' ;-" .... ;'1'-; 4--:--;--. :-~.";I-~ : 3'~.%.,;,-~.--4-33: : 3,t ;--i-----4-:,3--~ - . !: 3 i, x ':--4--i .... !"t"i .... .... i ..... i .... : County of LINCOLN Com~N.~.~: 1/12/6/7 s~aio, t/12 'r33N R119~: 6th ~'.M.C~o.4,,dcxNo.: E-25 -- Revised S B R lq:',lq~,q/lq oS W: M:~rd~ 199'l