HomeMy WebLinkAbout876916 State of Wyo~ning Comer Record
(hi compli~cc with thc COIUgER PERI~ffT'UATION ,'IND FILJ3IG ACT. Wyoming S'tatut,~. 1977.'$c~tio~ 33-29-140,et seg.md ~hc Rules md
Regulations of thc Board of Rcgls~'stic~ for Profe~si~lal 'Englncer~..~ld Professional I..~d Survcyo~)
Rcver~c side of this form may bc used if more ~pac.~ is needed.
Record of original survey and citation of source.of historical information (ff corner is lost or obliterated). Description of
comer monumentation evidence found and/or m°nument *and accessories established to perpetuate the location of tiffs
corner. Sketch of relative location of monument,, accessories, and reference points with course and distance to adj,,cent
corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and ration"ic for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner.
Record:-- ]889 -- ,Jones.
North between Sections ]2 and 7 for the south one-sixteenth
Found:-- No evidence of previous monumentation.
Set:-- A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BI_M type) with
brass cap inscribed.as shown, 0.5 ft. above ground surface
5]y. 27 ft. from the 5. edge of County Road No. ]2-]28 and
5]y. ]] ft. from the 5. right-of-way fence.
0+00 5W Cot. 5.7
13+]8.44 5 ]/]6 Cot. 5.7
26+36.89 W¼ Cot. 5.7
County Office - Afton
SSLTD - Afton
DatcofFiddWork: 4 Auqust 2000 c~ri~Rerermc¢: Book ZQ-30, page 26.
CROSS INDEX DIAGIL4aM Firm/Agency, Address This comer record was prepared
l 3 4 5 I 7 0 9 loll I~'lal41518171111920~1Z~1~41~5 by mc or under my dircctlon
, , . . , . : : : : : : ~ Surveyor Scherbel~ Ltd. ~d
"~,' "', '1, .... " .... l .... 'l, .... [ .... | .... 'l .... ,e .... I'- "~'- u ,gE,fL & SJGPl..ITUR2'
................. '~ Box 725
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~- --[- ! ' T:~h~c~,~,ber: 307-885-9319 _
i ~3_-~__..~ [' i's !' it ~14 ! -4-1a.4--~ 733-5903
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~ ~ . ~ ~ . . . ,o =, ,~ ,~ ,. ,: ,~ ,. ,. ,. :o :, :: =~ :. ~r County of LINCOLN
co,,~s~,~: S 1/16 s::i~:12. .r33N ~:llgW: 6th ~,.[{.C~o~-~.a~No.: H-25
S1/RI'I]~I'LS~'I~SW:Mard~ 199,i