HomeMy WebLinkAbout952665EASEMENT AGREEMENT e'06 411 WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, (WWRLP), a Wyoming limited partnership, an 80.43478% owner, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 336, Lyman, WY 82937 and BROADBENT LAND AND RESOURCES, LLC, a Utah limited liability company, an undivided 19.56522% owner, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 58627, Salt Lake City, UT 84158 -0627, as tenants in common (collectively referred to herein as "GRANTOR do hereby grant to PacifiCorp, d /b /a Rocky Mountain Power, an Oregon Corporation, whose mailing address is, Rocky Mountain Power, Attn: Right of Way Department, 1407 West North Temple, Suite 110, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, "GRANTEE its successors and assigns, for the sum of ten dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, an easement one hundred (100) feet in width to erect, operate, maintain, repair, remove and replace an above ground 230 kV electric transmission line which will consist of approximately 15 sets of double poles spaced 300' feet apart, along with guy anchors, attendant electric transmission line, stubs, cross arms, and braces, through and over the land situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, described in Exhibit "A attached hereto and made a part hereof, consisting of approximately 4241.17 feet or 257.04 rods, and as described in Exhibit "A- 1", attached hereto and made a part hereof, consisting of approximately 1.837 acres. All of the disturbed areas shall be subject to the reclamation program as described on pages 3 and 4 of this agreement. RESERVING, however, to Grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to the use of the said premises for any purpose including but not limited to, construction and maintenance of roads, highways, pipelines, electric transmission lines and telephone, telegraph and other electric power poles and wire lines, over, under and across (but in such a way as will not unreasonably interfere with) said electric transmission line of Grantee on the premises described in Exhibit "A" and "A -1 it being understood that the right so reserved by Grantor, its successors and assigns, is retained along with the general right of Grantor, its successors and assigns, to the use of said premises for any purposes, but in such a way as will not interfere with the rights granted herein. Regardless of the preceding paragraph, Grantor shall not build, nor permit to be built, any permanent building or other permanent structure requiring a foundation, closer than fifty (50') feet on either side of the centerline of the electric transmission line. This easement is made subject to all outstanding leases and other outstanding rights, including, but not limited to, those for highways and other roadways and right -of- ways for irrigation ditches, pipelines, electric transmission lines, pole and wire lines and the right of renewals and extensions of the same, and subject also to all conditions, limitations, restrictions, encumbrances, reservations or interests of any person which 1 RECEIVED 3/25/2010 at 10:42 AM RECEIVING 952665 BOOK: 744 PAGE: 411 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY may affect the said land, whether recorded or unrecorded. "Ou412 The grant of the easement herein made is subject to all rights of the owners of the mineral estate and on the express condition that Grantor, its successors and assigns, shall not be liable to Grantee, its successors or assigns, for any damage occurring to the installations made or to be made by Grantee upon the lands herein granted in easement or for any other damage whatsoever occasioned by subsidence of the surface of said lands as a result of mining underneath the same or resulting in any other way from the removal of coal or any other minerals in or underlying the lands described in Exhibit "A Grantee, for itself, its successors or assigns, by the acceptance of this easement, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor, its officers, agents, employees, successors or assigns, against and from any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demands, actions, cause of action, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature, including Court costs and attorney's fees, which may result from property damage and personal injury to or death of persons whomsoever, including the electric transmission line of Grantee, when such personal injury, death, loss, destruction, or damage, howsoever caused, grows out of or arises in any way because of, the existence of said electric transmission tine or the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal, reconstruction, removal or use of said electric transmission line or any part thereof provided, however that said loss, damage, or injury does not arise out of or result from the negligence of the Grantor, its officers, agents, employees, successors or assigns. In the event that after the electric transmission line has been completed, electricity is not carried through the line for a period of two consecutive years then Grantee shalt notify the Grantor the facilities will be abandoned along with a schedule for removal and reclamation. If the facilities or any portion thereof are so abandoned, Grantee fails to commence good faith efforts to remove the facilities so abandoned and restore the portion of the land described in Exhibit "A" to which the abandoned facilities are appurtenant to its original condition within ninety (90) days after receipt of written notice from Grantor to Grantee, weather permitting, Grantor may remove the facilities and commence the reclamation program for the account of Grantee, and Grantee shall reimburse the Grantor for all reasonable expense incurred in the removal of the facilities and reclamation within thirty (30) days from receipt of the amount thereof. It is expressly made a condition of this easement that if Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall elect to abandon the premises of Grantor in the locations described in Exhibit "A or any portion of said premises for the stated purposes of this easement, then and in that event, all the rights herein granted shall cease and terminate with respect to the premises so abandoned, and the title to said premises shall be freed from the burden of said easement. 2 00 413 The Grantee shall use such methods of weed control on the easement and any areas disturbed hereunder as are reasonably necessary to control the growth of halogeton and similar weeds until such time as the reseeding program produces a stand of native grasses on the easement. Should Grantee fail to comply within ninety (90) days after receipt of written request from Grantor to Grantee, with the weed control requirements of this paragraph, and after written notice to Grantee, Grantor may provide for weed control on the area so disturbed in accordance with this paragraph and Grantee shall pay to Grantor within thirty (30) days from receipt thereof, all reasonable costs associated therewith. Grantee agrees that all of the surface area of the easement disturbed in the exercise of the rights granted hereunder to construct the power line or for major modification to the power line shall be reseeded at the rate of 16 lbs /acre when drilled and 32 lbs /acre when broadcast with the following mixture: lbs. /acre PLS 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre 3 lbs. /acre 2 lbs. /acre 2 lbs. /acre 1 lb./acre 1 lb./acre 1 lb./acre Common Name Western wheatgrass Indian ricegrass Thickspike wheatgrass Slender wheatgrass Fourwing sattbush Gardners sattbush Trident sattbush Winterfat 3 Scientific Name Agropyron smithii Oryzopsis hymenoides Agropyron dasystachyum Agropyron trachycautum Atriplex canescens Atriplex gardnerii Atriplex tridentate Eurotia lanata In order to ensure the best conditions for seed germination, seeding and mulching of the disturbed area will be conducted as follows: a. The topsoil shalt be uniformly spread on the disturbed areas; b. Before seeding, the entire seed bed shall be scarified or disc harrowed leaving definite furrows to a depth of approximately 6" and left in an uncompacted workable condition for seeding. c. The seed shall be applied by drilling or broadcasting as described above, followed by the mulching operation using straw or hay, at the rate of 1 1 /2 tons /acre. d. After spreading dry mulch, it shall be anchored in the soil with a smooth or serrated coulter disc harrow, manufactured expressly for crimping mulch. e. The time of seeding should normally be before June 15 and /or after September 1, so long as there is no frost on the ground. Seed shall not be broadcast when weather is windy or unsuitable for the work. 4 000414 Grantee agrees; to seed the easement as many times as required to obtain a successful stand of the: above species throughout the entire easement. Only seed certified to .be ninety -fiye. percent, (95%) pure and with a germination percentage of eighty -five percent (85 will be used. Grantee will furnish the certification to the Grantor prior to the seeding operation. Should Grantee fail to comply with the reseeding requirements of this par.:agraph; ninety (90) days after receipt of written request from Grantor to Grantee, Grantor may reseed the area so disturbed in accordance with this paragraph and Grantee.shall to Grantor, within 30 days from receipt thereof, all costs associated therewith. In addition to the above, Grantee shall locate and flag the vegetative transects established by WWRLP, in order to prevent disturbance of these permanent transects and shall pay to WWRLP, on termination hereof, the actual charges and expenses WWRLP incurs in hiring a consultant to monitor Grantee's work in or near any vegetative transect area previously established by WWRLP on the lands on or adjacent to this easement agreement that are disturbed or damaged by Grantee. Grantee shall give Grantor prior written notice of any archaeological, biological and /or historical surveys which Grantee or its agents, servants, employees, contractors or subcontractors complete and /or perform on the premises identified on Exhibit "A" and adjacent areas and shall provide any results obtained in such surveys to the Grantor. Any artifacts or other property found by Grantee its agents, servants, employees, contractors or subcontractors shall remain the property of Grantor and shall not be removed from the premises without the written permission of Grantor. This agreement shall be a covenant running with the lands described above, and shall be binding upon the undersigned, their respective heirs, successors, and assigns; provided, however, that in the event Grantee shall notify Grantor in writing of its intention to abandon the rights granted herein, or shall fail for a period of two consecutive years to use this easement for the purpose described, then this agreement shall terminate and Grantee and its successors in interest or assigns shall have no further rights hereunder. Grantee shalt not permit any mechanic's liens to be filed against the premises described on the Exhibits "A" attached hereto as a result of Grantee's use thereof and if any such mechanic's liens are so filed, Grantee shall promptly cause the removal thereof. If Grantee wishes to contest any such lien, Grantee shall, within thirty (30) days after it receives notice of the lien, provide a bond or other security as Grantor may reasonably request, or remove such lien from the premises pursuant to applicable law. Grantee shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, rules and regulations concerning the design, construction, operation, maintenance, safety and environmental considerations as they deal with or affect the electric transmission line of Grantor: Western Wyoming Range Limited Partnership P.O. Box 336 Lyman, WY 82937 Broadbent Land and Resourdes LLC P.O. Box 58627 Salt Lake City, UT 84158 5 000415 the type and nature intended to be placed in the easement herein granted. Both Parties agree that the amount of the consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor under this Agreement is completely and strictly confidential. Each party may disclose the amounts paid hereunder to regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the scope of this Agreement, tax consultants, professional financial counselors and legal counsel for the purpose of securing tax related or financial advice or services, and such disclosure shall not constitute a breach of this provision. All individuals to whom the amount of consideration paid under this Agreement is disclosed are also bound by the terms of this provision and the same shall not be disclosed except under a valid court order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. Grantor and Grantee further acknowledge that there are various claims regarding the fair market value of the property interests subject to this Agreement. The execution of this Agreement is not to be construed as an admission or establishment of the fair market value of such property interests in this transaction or other transactions for which the consideration paid hereunder may be disclosed pursuant to a valid court order. The following provisions are also integral parts of this agreement: a. This agreement may not be modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto. b. This agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Wyoming. c. The parties agree that in the event any action or court proceeding is brought by either party to enforce the obligations under this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitle to recover any reasonable attorney's fees, together with court and collection costs. d. Alt notices, demands, requests and other writings required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be deemed duly given if delivered or if mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the following: ATTEST: Grantee: Rocky Mountain Power Attn: Right of Way Department 1407 West North Temple, Suite 110 Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Secretary WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 000416 With a copy to: Rocky Mountain Power Attn: Legal Department 201 South Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Either party shall have the right to specify in writing, another address to which subsequent notices or writings to such party shall be given. Any notice given hereunder shall be deemed to have been given as of the date mailed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this document this 02,5 day of 2010. BY: WESTERN WYOMING OPERATING, INC., Its General Partner 6 STATE OF WYOMING) COUNTY OF UINTA )ss. On this day of F4ru.a a-Cj 2010, before me personally appeared D. Jud Redden and Carl Larson, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that they are the Vice President and Secretary, of the Western Wyoming Operating, Inc., general partner, and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said D. Jud Redden and Carl Larson acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. SUSAN TOOMER NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF UINTA 'ACIFICORP d /b /a ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER By' STATE OF WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 20, 2012 My Commission ExpirescA.0 1� T LAND AND RESOURCES, LLC 7 re of Notarial Officer Notary Public Title p a 41.7 STATE OF 1N101440 6" )ss. COUNTY OF, fl4- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Joseph S. Broadbent, Manager of Broadbent Land and Resources, LLC, his if 51- day of $1 C H rpns ion Expires: -2-7 13 STATE OF (.4T 64tt )ss. COUNTY O6 t: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me byfi4r Pao.te, Ott of PacifiCorp d /b /a Rocky Mountain Power, this 1 55 day of 2010. .�...w Notary Pubttc 1 r KIM M. GARRICK 1 Commission #518122 1 i commis s on Ewes March 25, 2013 1 State of Utah Ito MYI� M �r �A "IUO My Commission Expires: VZSII3 F: \Western Wyoming Range \PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power Line Easement Agreement 2- 19- 10.doc 8 ignature of Notarial Officer Signa Notary Public Title e of Notarial Officer Notary Public Title 000418 EXHIBIT "A" 0 00 4 19 Oct 01, 2009 2:14PM SCALE I' 1000' 500' 1000' IMOD FOUND CORN e FOUND QU FOUND CORNER CORNER o EASEMENT P.1. SET REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP P09 POINT OF BEGINNING Dnle F. Peterson PE /LS 579 FOUND STONE 11, 2 14 13 N22'38'27"W /'1248.68' (TIE) iT 0 S 12'02' 18 "E 3384.99' S8'00' 10 "E 856.18' 12 WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND BROADBENT LAND RESOURCES, LLC 1 13 989'48'30'W 23 24 125": TIE) FOUND STONE WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND BROADBENT LAND RESOURCES. LLC 4241.17 FEET 257.04 RODS 14.605 ACRES 13 6 7 3 3 •r cc cc 13 18 24 19 A 150.00 foot easement for an electrical transmission line located in the WI of Section 13, Township 20 North, Ronge 115 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said easement being 75.00 feet on each side of the following described centerline; Beginning at a point in the NW4 of said Section 13, from which the Northwest Corner of Section 13, a found stone, bears N22'38'27"W a distance of 1248.68 feet; thence S12'02'18 "E a distance of 3384.99 feet; thence S8'00'10 "E a distance of 856.18 feet to o point the South line of said Section 13 and said centerline there terminating, from which the Southwest corner of said Section 13, a found stone, bears N89'48'30"W a distance of 1256.00 feet. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR 1, Dole E. Peterson, a PE /LS 579 in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief, this mop wos prepored from field notes taken during an actual survey made by Cook Sanders Associates or under my supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and thot the monuments found are as shown to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. NOTES t The accompanying plot does not constitute a boundary survey. 2. Easement centedine may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not want rghte —of —way and easements shown. 4. Bosh of bearings Geodetic bearings as established by static GPS observations and relative to NAG 83 (CORS 98), U1M Zone calculated by NOS—OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geoid 03) oe determined from the some NGS —OPUS colculatbn. 8.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.0008806578 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated comer positions ore determined from record Information as shown on evadable GLO/BLtt plats. Section Ones are relative to the BUO GCDB or occupation Ones In areas where PLSS corners were not found. SURVEYED AN0 PREPARED BY Cook— Sonders Associates Inc 331 South Rio Grande Ave.. Suite 120 Solt Lake City, Ut 84101 801- 364 -4051 Division: ROCKY MOUNTAIN State: WYOMING DR: SRH Chic DEP APpr Date: 9/17/09 Date: 10/02/09 Date: Op. Area: E11(0 Co. /Par.: UNCOLN Section: 13 I Township 201 Range: 115W Project ID: 135119 Scale AS 514OWN Filename: 0300 —AU -1010.8 NO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION LAND PLAT PACIFlCORP MBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION UNE WESTERN WY(N1B!IG RANGE UIMED_PARTNERSHIP, AND BR(.MDBE LAND RESOURCES, U.C. PROJ. ID Sheet: 1 of 1 Types ACAD APPR. REVISIONS Rev. 0 tArtitsi i A-1 Sep 24, SCALE: 1' 1000' 0 500' 1000' EGENQ et FOUND SECTION CORNER FOUND QUARTER FOUND f SIXTE ER TM CALCULATED CORNER o EASEMENT P.I. SET REBAR WRH ALUMINUM CAP BC BRASS CAP AC ALUMINUM CAP POB POINT OF BEGINNING Dale F. Peterson PE /LS 579 REF. DWG: UNE UST NO.: 1010.9 SURVEYED AND PREPARED BY: Cook Sanders Associates Inc 331 South Rio Grande Ave., Suite 120 Salt Lake City, Ut. 84101 801 364 -4051 Division: ROCKY MOUNTAIN State: WYOMING Oft: SRH Chic DEP Appr. Date: 9/17/09 Date: Date: N5' 400.06' Section: 13 I Township 20N I Range: 115W STONE 11. 12 12 14 13 S1755'58 "E S84' 13 "E 400.03' WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP 1.837 ACRES A parcel of land for an electrical easement located in the NA% of Section 13, Township 20 North, Range 115 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said parcel of land being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the NW comer of said Section 13; thence S1T55'58 "E a distance of 980.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this parcel description: thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING 584'13'43 "E a distance of 400.03 feet; thence S50'46'51"W a distance of 565.86 feet; thence N5'47'44 "E a distance of 400.06 feet to the point of beginning of this parcel description, containing 1.837 acres, more or less, and subject to all easements, rights —of —way and restrictions of record. CERTIFICATE OF SUR VE YOR I. Dale E. Peterson, a PE /LS 579 in the State of Wyoming, do hereby state that, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. this map was prepared from field notes taken during an actual survey made by me or under my direct supervision and that this map correctly shows the results of said survey and that the monuments found are as shown. Op. Area: ELKO Co. /Par.: UNCOLN 980.95' (RE) Project ID: 135119 Scale: AS SHOWN Filename: 0300 —AU- 1010.9 NO. S50'46'51"W 565.86' DATE BY LAND PLAT RUBY PIPELINE —LN 300A ELECTRICAL EASEMENT WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP WESTERN WYOMING RANGE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DESCRIP11ON 300AU- 1010.9 13 mr) ce 13 24 PROJ. ID 18 19 NOTES: 1. The accompanying plat does not constitute a boundary survey. 2. Easement centerline may not represent location of pipeline. 3. Client did not want rights —of —way and easements shown. 4. Basis of bearings Geodetic bearings as established by static GPS observations and relative to NAD 83 (CORS 96), UDA Zone 12 North, calculated by NGS —OPUS. 5.) Project elevations relative to NAVD 88 (Geoid 03) as determined from the same NGS —OPUS calculation. 8.) Combined adjustment factor. 1.0006806578 (Grid to Ground). 7.) Calculated corner positions are determined from record Information as shown on available GLO/BLM plats. Section line are relative to the Bill GCOB or occupation lines In areas where PLSS corners were not found. Sheet 1 of 1 Type: ACRD APPR. REVISIONS RUBY PIPELINE LLC Rev. 0 6 7 It O CP '420