HomeMy WebLinkAbout952750WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that VERNON LANCASTER and ANN LANCASTER, joint tenants and not as tenants in common with full rights of survivorship, GRANTORS, whose address is 2601 Dry Creek Road, Afton, Wyoming 83110, for the sum of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to VERNON ROBERT LANCASTER and ANNA BELL LANCASTER, TRUSTEES of The Lancaster Family Living Trust dated February 18, 2010, GRANTEES, whose address is 2601 Dry Creek Road, Afton, Wyoming 83110, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Wyoming, to -wit: That land described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 21, 1966 in Book 73 PR at Page 398 as Receiving No. 393969. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements, and rights -of- way of record or in use. Excepting therefrom the following described real estate: That land described in the Correction Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 25, 1966 in Book 75 PR at Page 252 as Instrument No. 396758. That land described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on February 8, 1967 in Book 77 PR at Page 199 as Instrument No. 399562. That land described in the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on December 13, 1972 in Book 102 PR at Pages 367 and 368 as Instrument No. 443268. That land described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on December 18, 1974 in Book 116 PR at Page 368 as Instrument No. 462366. That land described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 17, 1978 in Book 144 PR at Page 360 as Instrument No. 505566. OW9818 RECEIVED 4/1/2010 at 10:46 AM RECEIVING 952750 BOOK: 744 PAGE: 818 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY That land described in the Warranty Deed records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on March 5, 248 as Instrument No. 520827. That land described in the Warranty Deed records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on July 23, 808 as Instrument No. 562136. That land described in the Warranty Deed records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on April 26, 634 as Instrument No. 576441. That land described in the Warranty Deed records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on April 26, 635 as Instrument No. 576442. That land described in the Warranty Deed records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on April 26, 636 as Instrument No. 576443. That land described in the Quitclaim Deed records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on May 26, as Receiving No. 918804. WITNESS our hands this aL day of March, 2010. STATE OF WYOMING SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ACKNOWLEDGED before me this Oro' day of March, 2010, by Vernon Lancaster and Ann Lancaster. WITNESS my hand and official seal. CHRISTINA K. ALLRED NOTARY PUBLI County of j State of Lincoln h:'F" Wyoming M COMMISSION EXPIRES: 4 30 2013 that was recorded in the land 1979 in Book 153 PR at Page that was recorded in the land 1981 in Book 178 PR at Page that was recorded in the land 1982 in Book 186 PR at Page that was recorded in the land 1982 in Book 186 PR at Page that was recorded in the land 1982 in Book 186 PR at Page that was recorded in the land 2006 in Book 621 at Page 275 NOTARY PUBLIC 000819 RECORD ,a 1 ''3`taf I(Eti �[•RER yy f E'3EffT��t R. LINTY C4kAK I•. it 1, in c olp County, and State grantor_. f-- WARRANTY OEED —FORM NO, 9 398 WARRANTY DEED [ILA LA1_'' :A3T_.R a Widov of Wynraing for and In consideration of I —r Ten dollar* and otiiar valuahle considerations DOLLARS the following described real estate, situate in of Wyoming, 'hereby releasing and waiving all rights ander and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: it M band paid, rnccipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. CONVEY AND WARRANT TO_- VERt ?0,: LANCAST`; t AHD ANN LAl_dCASTElI joint tenants and /1 st as tenants in common with full rights of sntrvivor'sh p gcantae_4__, of.._ Li.rir,.oln .County and State oL Wvct na __County and State Lincoln Eeginntn =,at a point 16 rods East of the Northwest Corner of the SW of Section 7 thence running SP.St from said point. 136.75 rods, thence Southwesterly 39.5 rods, thence West 138 rode, thence Worth 36.75 feet, thence West 16 rods, thence North 90 feet, thence East 16 rods, thence Worth 525 feet to the point of beginning, Also Pa;,'trnirg at a point which is the Southwest Corner of the SW-, of Section 7, and running thence North 46. rods, thence East 151 rods, thence Southwesterly 46.75 rods, thence West 149 rods to the point of beginning. All in Totmship 31 North, Range 118 West of the 6th Principal Mer idian, Containing 74.5 acres more nr less, Together with all Water water rights, ditches and ditch rights and other appurtenances there- unto belonging. Her band this V8:11 _Wilt_ TILT STATE OF wYOMIND. County of On this 2Cth _dny of April Ella Lancaster i; aa. 19.56__, before aye personally appeared it to ma known to be the part, i"...: 1 0 4 19aTlbed In and who executed tike foregoing in ttvm at,. and acknowledged that..-§1111 executed the eahno se -ta da y of A.. D., 19 6>1 My commission ex�frl "eg•''6r :4� .00820 WARRANTY DEED —FORM NO. 9 grantors.,.., of 252 Ten and no /100- REc0ROEC T�jAt7 1N GOOK..l. AGE ..Y .fr,� f_2 Nr WARRANTY DEED Ir CORRECTION ;ta i /t �l�� f��Els vn CLERIC VERNON I. and ANN_I:rAI`&45.q husband and wife, Linc.ol {I County, •and State o f�C01311a8 for and in consideration of DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO_ HAPPY VALLEY PIPELINE COMPANY, a corporation r"'•z8� grantee. of Jif9Sd rt. County and State of• Vi.Y d ing__.. the fallowing described real estate, situate la__ J,incoln ._County end State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption taws of the State, to -wit: Beginning 573.38 feet North of Southwest Corner Section 7 Township 31 North, Range 118 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, thence North 11 rods; thence East 100 rods; thence South 11 rods; thence West 100 rode, to the point of beginning. This deed is given to correct that certain Warranty Deed given by the above named grantor to the above named grantee dated July 25, 1966, Recorded Aug. 15, 1966 in Book 75 of P.R. at Page 162, Recorder's Number 396565, Lincoln County, Wyoming. WITNESS Ql.K__ hend_S this__- .z.4..t1L__-_day of_ r Augus Y ack jNe f r�r rzGP THE STATE OF WXOMLNQ, 1 w County of ineo_ S On this 24th day of August 3Y 66_, before me personally appeared Yozuen IanaAxsx _Aa�i.14nZ_LWas§t-Vr-2. =F h usband and wife to me Iit@ +Q dw $d t�e;pef q3-�__ described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that_tii Y_ t to q exeOnt KEl g fa441\447 -free act and deed 7 S JC, Q`\`P My commission expires on the__ _i✓L -Sl.J day 'o �IQ�ARY,_P�IBLI� t 4, 4 A. I3., 19- 2 ?I to-wit: „Ad/ Ar 00 4A0E WARRANTY DEED—FORN NO s. iR 393b fis WARRANTY• DEED Vernon Lancaster and Ann K. Lancaster, husbarui and Wife'. jE99 MAE BEUTI.ER. COUNTY CLERIC County, and State Line oln grantor-T-_, ot of Wyorning_ for and in consideration of DOLLARS in hand paid receipt whereof is hereby acknoWledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO Lincoln coW_yorrting. grantee__ or .Lin wain. county and State of- II 'Lincoln the followIng•.descrIbed real estate, situate In County and State of Wyoming, herhy releasing and Wilving all righte•liader and tylvirtue•of the homestead exemption lows of the State, il 1 1 C omrne rtcing 754.9 feet-North of:the Southwest Corner of Section 7 iI Township. 3l North, Range 11B West .of•the 6th P.M.. Wyoming, li thence, North 1 rod; thence East 100.rods; thence South 1 rod; thence W est 100 rods to point of beginning. P ;1 WITNESS our he first da,), o L Agust free Act iu.nd deed. r.y '''.•■!•••••uv.•'' fourth Ddy commission expires on the_ day of 3 :73 Virr;g Lincoln 16 THE STATE OF anzomING. County of first August On thia day of le 66 before me perm:may appeared Vernon Lanc.astei and Ann K. Lancaster 2 .husband and wife to me Ittp4;:t3i.Wil;t1r," p in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged PTJBLIC A.D., '-'1151FWMPT, t3 00 Dec. 13, 1 .r. ..1 .4epag:67 No.....::.__:: MAI Migt.E.4:::::4:.'4? 4 ..1.,.... KNbiNt, ALl_.;•1vIEN)3Y• THESE.PRESENTS;That.7/ERNON .R....: LANCASTER and AIVNA]3E1...1..E..k..'.1.1;ANCASTER,.htisbend and wife.,'.,, grantors:, of OsinOnd; Lincain'Go Wyoming,: in the um of Ten Dollers: in hand paid by Greek :the%receiPt...Whereo.f4s acknewledgedhai!e retniked, released, and ..fer ever quitc iaixneandby hese pr. s ent s O:Ter.t/ie quitclaini unto the said DRY CAEEKI.RIi;GATIONIDISTR1CT,::irid to itS .su and aSeigns,..'foreVer all.:sUch:right, title, interest; ...prOporty,.'po 'demand', as they have or ought to have, inor to all the premises, .Beginning',at a point N 90clegrees .90 E, 264 feet from the W.1/4- corner Section.7, T.31N R itaw and running thence N 96 degrees 00'E, 80;45 :feet,' thence S 00 degrees 00!E; 99 feet; thence ,S 90 degrees'. 00'W, 80:45 feet; thence N 00 degrees 60'E, 99 feet. Also beginning at a point 74.5 feet South and 344.45 feet East of the W1/4 corner of 'said Section 7 and running, thence S 55 degrees 25E, :238.15 feet; thence S 18 degrees :25'E, 475 feet to Property boundary and extending 3 rods each side of the above described Center line.. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue.of the homestead exemption Laws of theState:of Wyoming. To::11AVt.ANp TO HOLD the said p a unto the said Dr Cr -Irrigition District, and to its SuccesSors and assigns, to their own p1Op'er,7%. use and.: beheof fore So that:neitlier we nor any other person in our :Elaine or behalf, or either: of us or any iperson in our or eitlier of.nar,iiainee or behalf shall or will hereafter claim or deitiand atry..riiht or title to the promisee or any Part thereof, but they and every one of :therri Shall by these presents be excluded and forever :barred. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We" have hereunto set our..han`d's and' s'eaisr x tliis 20th day of November, 1972: The foregoing instrumert was acknowledged.before'ma this clay of,aAxtii 1 72 Witness` my I1and and official. seal. 000824 4 .i ai', un4da" j0iil��iEss :.'sl''.cl'.'xY'.11•'p'�.^,1^*C ti.' btY�' 4�a •`,x+r�nn::4.�L`SYiti++i�saav�ra W.astiwo i Y oars,-^ soma No. s V1;11NON 1 LA11C :A;3i1 anti A'titdhli5iI_ 'F.; LidiCAS'fL•1:c,.11usband and Wife pS Liricol.n' Ten. Do1lar.s .ants ottiC. •vclualla i +'yoming___ ,for and in tcsuddarstlon of cdruii.derat ens :grncitor s o P' in Stn d'paid, receipt whereof is hereby. ackho,vledged, Cl:)NV.St. WARR /L1 i3A ?PY VALJ,i%.Y PIPE LINE COPiPA1JY A WY t7lTNG cokrott rIOtl .,CounkY. aqd DOLLARS i gruntac___ of in.c0311 C J ountY sr1 Strte oP 1 v ominsK* the iol)otrirtt described teal estate; alttmW in. Lint olci County. and StAte of'Wyoming,.hereby releasing and_ waiving all rlgitta under and by, virtue .of the homestead• amsraption..lawe of the State: tu -rite ,......r. iici;'ianing at a point iciest ed "Nurtn''005''•: l;tls'c;', 7 -feet and :llprtli °SJ. 34:.• .Earl 1650_ feet from the Southwest Corner of •Section:7, Township 31. North, li:ange. 118 West of the Gth P.M., WyominII and running thence North 89 34' East 106 feet, thence South Oo '05' West 1$1.5 feet, thence South 89 34' West 3.06.1) feet, thence North 0 05' l=ast 181,5 feet to the point of •beginning: 23 e e; M.A.3 COLI0e1 Z4ki r 19 .7u1 5 25th a Y �Yi'CTirSb•.:.. our hand? 'this day Title of .Qfi'.icer My E:omrriissfl n .1t1_v. 18, 197.0 1TgxeA4Yu i; State of u,"'.4,...7 .f :otenty' of Lincol3i T• 1,y -Vernon R. igy,caster. anc) .41NNA13ELL K.. C1j. l' The fore} oin)Y ini,trun3enl ivas eckacknowledged/before. rile this.... d LV of ,ry 19_ Witness:my hand-and oftioin3'•ii.g... r.; F't s''= -r' c �f`._, ck SigpOture Y a) Notary.'Puhli.c A •qtt'-'; "3. 000825 W /.1 4IlA DEED -FORM 110. 0 WARRANTY DEED ,6 YppNCN LANCASTER and ANN imgAaTgp g husband afi¢.wifa J umn•.:r of ..151N�•QIE.. -._o_ hod Sum 1 .f ..._...WYSSLing.- s.i milk Is reti604 eF r QaQQ).., U r .'L'.c i 93 110�QQ. "'.1'" T .7 -Doi LAAe 1 In h..d road, r.mint wbawat i. linear alas wiadsad. afl v r Nii Iii —1 joint tenants with right of aurvivorehlp and not ea tenants in 'giant. S., .hose alga... 1• the following. d.ueib.d reel «tats, innate In 14. Z1CQ11L_ and Gist. 'tl of Wyoming. hereby nM..ign and weivisc as Agate under awl bin MMus of Om 1ommb.d aewotka ism of tai Ste* to-wit: �I Beginning at a point located N 49° 15'41" W, 453.06 feet.and N 0 E, 266.2 feet, from the St corner of Section 7, T31N, R118W, of the 6th P.M., Wycring, thence 8 89 W, 199.60 feet= thence N 0 180.17 feet; thence N 89 204.16 feet; thence 5 0 W, 179.43 feet to•the point of beginning, containing 0.833 acres, being Lot 7 of the Lancaster Subdivision Unit No. 1. The above described property shall be subject to the 'strictive covenants as registered in Lincoln County Courthouse, along with the subdivision plat. �u, _wxositin Cot: w. of Lincoln .1 eN„ My Commft+ril 25. 1978 forerl•:•+tr Instrument was acknowledged before me by This le 1972 $3,00 •,Iar. 17. 1976. rr9.:60/Let 14411 360. '..,t 5o 55 6 Ann Lancaster riming our_ Mio,Aeu is At' Af*f.e,• !10'l lanatur• N4tA ry, Public Officer 1 000826 A 7 1-/C1:1) •1 NO. 9 tor ,a Wyom i n.7 WARRANTY DEED vornyn Husband a ltd f.1 ttcul n Ivitncss my hurt: tlnd.offtaigfse' 1 t My Commission F,xpirei:..-1LYr }i' �i�._ 1982 'Jab& !SS Le.ie for and in ten•id••,:•':•ta Ton dollar:: aaC v:+ luabl e. condetrsi deration .,.:d paid, receipt whereof Is hereby aeknowled;;• CONVEY AND WAI :RANT TO Don 1,. Chadwick nd Nary- -Both •Chadwick Husband and We as .joist .tumants -with iyht of.survimorsbip._and. not..a.ti .tonants •in.comnv.n v'+ae address is 1920 F ruitland Drive Odgen, Utah 84404 Uto fnlloa•.aq described nal es. d e situate in LinC0.1 1 County and fiat, or Wyoming, hereby Miming sad waking ali rights under and by virtue of ho horncstead cseu.p! Iaws of the State, to •..it Beginning at a point located N.49 °15'41" W, 453.06 ft N 0•42',12 E, 445.638 ft. and S89° 29'W, 372.44 ft from the Srj Corner of Section 7, T31N, R118W, of the 6th P.M., Wyoming, thence 5 0° 44'23 "E, 180,82 ft., thence 589•15'31"W, 174.28 ft; thence N 0 °04'E, 181.509 ft; thence N89 °29'E, 171.73 ft t:• the point of beginning, Containing 0.719 acres, being Lot 5 of the Lancaster Subdivision, Unit No.l. The above described property shall be subject to the restrictive covenants as registered in the Lincoln County Courthouse, along with the Subdivision plot. wtTNES9__ -our 1tas4.__s bete 7 d November 0.78. „f -kynming -ets. Cotility 1'.. fnle; itedr •gent wits Acknowledged berure me by VERNON .LANCASTER AND ANN LANCASTr: is 17th ti„ y of Nn•.�a pse� 1y_ 7.fl. 1-7 j ai :•r,.na:urc i itie to o I /Y County, and hut• WARRANTY DCCD —FORM MO. state of WYOMING County of LTiennt.H 54.00 Ju1y 1981 2P 1 178PR y WARRANTY DEED :t *ELI _as._.., v VERNON R. LANCASTER L ANN LANCASTER BuOband 6 Wife granter.4 of .7.ritt?FQan. Cenads. and Stab d YQLU fl for and 'ip ooneideratioa of Ten Dollars and other considerations 1KmLARs in hand Paid, re.N➢t whereof b breb7 aolmowlellgad. CONVEY AND WARRANT TO KET•T X LANCASTES_ i- CONNIE C. LANCASTER, husband 6 wife, joint tenants with right Of _surstinoX .biD and .sat hli,+e teuante in. .common. RFD 0 1 S. Afton, Wyoming 83110 the following *Sewn' bed reel estate. *Stunt: is._ rafnoq).n. County and State st Wyonla=. hereby releasing and wefring all rights under end by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the Stab, to -wtt; Lot 8 of Lancaster Subdivision, unit No.1; Being a por- tion of the SW1 of Section 7, T 31 N, R 118 W, 6th P.M., Osmond, Lincoln County, Wyoming; more particularly des- cribed as follows: Beginning at a point which is N 49° 15'41" W, 453.06 feet; and N O °42' 52" E, 104.365 feet said point being the SE Corner of said Lot 8 and proceed- ing thence S 89° 15' 37" W, 195.48 feet: thenceN 0" 44' 23" W, 161.79 feet: thence N 89° 15' 37" E, 199.60 feet; thence S 0° 42' 52" W. 161.84 feet, to the point of beginning; said lot subject to all easements and restric- tions, as filed with Subdivision Plot: 1. No residential structure shall be erected or placed on said lots that contains leas than 1000 square feet of floor space on the ground level. 2. Grantees of said lots shall install a septic tank for sewage disposal, and said tank shall be a minimum size of 1000 gallons, with sufficient drains. 3. No trailer houses shall be permitted to be placed on any lot described above without prior written permission of the undersigned or their authorized agents. 4. No goats or pigs shall be kept or allowed on any said lot. All other livestock kept or maintained on the lot shall have a minimum of 25 square rods of land per animal. 5. No building shall be placed on any said lot so that any portion thereof shall be closer to the front street than a distance of twenty -five feet. enemas our tldo 10 day o f June if 81 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by__ VERNQN R_ S!►34CASTaR and ANN LANCASTER, June 'y 47 Q Signature igtary P ot Officer X 828 (Ou829 grantor Aftan, Lincol County, and State of Wyoming for and in consideration of ran Do end other Valuable Considerations DOLLARS in hand paid receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND !WARRANT TO L OUIS E. SWENSON sad WILDA N. SWENSON. Nuabend and Wife As joint tenants with right et survivorship and not ea tenant in cannon. grentee_,whose address is following described real as a e, s t ated n ,i.....t., County end State :ii hereby rcicasin, and waiving all rights under and uy virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to -wit: Lot 9 of Lancaster Subdivision, Unit No. 1; Being a portion of the SWk of Section 7. t71N, g118W, 6th P.N. 0smond, Lincoln County, Wyoming; more particularly described se follows; Beginning at a point which is N 49' 15' 41" W, 453.06 feet; thence N 0' 42' 52" E. 104.365 feet; thence 589' 15' 37" W, 195.48 feet; said point being the SE Cornet of ...id Lo, 9 and proceeding thence S 89' 15'37" W, 168.28 feet; thence N 0' 44' 23" W, 161.79 feet; thence N 89' 15'37" E, 168.28 feet; thence S 0' 44' 23" E, 161.79 feet; to the point of beginning: said lot subject to 30 foot utility t parallel to East boundary along with all other easements and restrictions, as filed with Subdivision Plat. WITUESS by--'t W 0.444A, State of Q..f.-y a .n4.ei )ss. County of _1 The forecoing 1 tr.uncnt was acknowledged f ore me this day of 195 14.00'. .tpri1 211 19n, 4A 1 0..... 186P4 d.. 44. WARRANTY DEED I n7..>744'11 VENNON R. LANCASTER and ANN LANCASTER Husband and Wife hand and official ioa1. April 24, .14b_ f UA 1861'R !:1iiu,\(: Y D' :Ea 57G4.42... Imo •TT J id �NCAS Oa -nd ANN 2 ANCAST 1 `;4:4 hu sband and wife rnntor _a,of Afton. _14n121n County, and _:t.:tc of West= for and in consideration of ten lal],gio_A86 other vejyable. conatdesotions DOLLARS in band paid, receipt whereof is hereby ocl ;nowledled, CONVEY ARO .:;:7A!:T 70 MEP MEP E. SWENSON end NULDA N. SWENSON. husband end wife. An )cont a vsh,_iiz J1 v9rt Rgritno Jl Lenent to SQis N— 6r:ln teems, Uhodc •tc:ress is A[tgn. Lincoln. WYoaine the following :::crlbod real estate, situated in Lincoln County and State ':ye: in hereby ruloasin:; and vatting all rights under and virtu, of t::c ;;omc::teud exemption laws of the State, to -wit: Lot 6 of Lancaster S•bdivlaien, Veit No, 1; being a portion of the Std; of Section 7, 131N, 811BW, 6th p,N., Osaond, Lincoln County, Wyoming; more particularly described ea follows: Beginning at s point which is N 44' 15' 42" W, 453.06 feet; Thence N 0' 42' 52" E, 104.365 feet, thence 5 89' 15' 37" W, 195.48 feet; thence N 0' 44' 23" W, 161.79 feet; said point being the SE Corner of Lot 6 and proceeding thence S 89' 15' 37" W, 168.28 feet; thence N o' 44' 23" W 180,82 feet; thence N 89' 29' E. 168.28 feet; thence S 0' 44 23" E. 180,17 feat to the point of beginning; amid let subject to 30 foot utility easement parallel to East boundary sloop with all other eamaents and restriction'', as filed wltb subdivision plot. ::IT:!L•S, &"v-' hand,.jAay of /l QQ w7�_ 19 Bi• woo e n e 4 a n e 0 0. o C e a r e e• 8 n 1• e m• cote of f 1 ass. .aue:ty o: m iii,n fore;oin5 ins: u:ient acknowledged bet e me by this s day of 19 Title of Officer April :4, 19n: ltl 6lil 4;36 1ACUAfTY DUI) .57E0 13 VERNON R. LANCASTER and ANN LANCASTER hUab1114 and Mica rontor !,of Afton Lincoln County, and .Late of Wyoming for and in consideration or Tee Dollars and other Valuable Conaiderstions DOLLARS in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND :;AHRAMIT TO LOUIS E. SWENSON and WILDA N. SWENSOIT, husband and wife A. joint tenant• with riling at survivorship and not as t in cannon grantee! ,whose .,Kress is Afton. Linen, Wyoming the following ..:scribed real estate, situated in` liaeola County and State ,i Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and virtue of the hotleatced exemption lows of the State, to -wit: Lot 4 of Lancaster Subdivision, Unit No. 1; Bring portion of the SWit of Section 7, 1318, R118W, 6th P.n., Osnood. Lincoln County, Wyoming; more particulsrly described as rollowe: Beginning et a point which is N 49' 15' 41" W, 453.06 feet; thence N 0' 42' 52" E. 104,365 feet; thence S 89' 15' 37" W, 363.76 feet; said point being the SE Corner of acid lot 4 and proceeding thence 5 89' 15' 37" W, 168.28 feet; thence N 0' 44' 23" W. 361.79 feet; thence N 89' 15' 37" E. 168.28 feet; thence S 0" 44' 23" B, 161.79 feet to the point of beginning, said lot subicet to all easesenca and restrictions as filed with Subdivision Plat. :!ITIIESSd"f -t'f e e s a e e a e e a e e N a n e e e k e s a a e a s e a .;tato of d.cry'su.n1 1 County of 1 4 4 0 r''l T�i l eegoing nstr a was y aokn dged 0u e b f re me b 1t'r. this day of 1 9Ea hand and official seal. Signature QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: For valuable consideration of 10.00, and other good and.valuable consideration the receipt of which is herby acknowledged, VERNON ROBERT LANCASTER, and spouse, ANNABELL LANCASTER, of 2601 DRY CREEK ROAD, AFCON, WYOMING 83110, (collectively the "Grantor does hereby grant and quitclaim unto VONDEE JENKINS, and spouse, CONNIE JENKINS OF 1363 HWY 239, FREEDOM, WYOMING 83120, (collectively the "Grantee the following lands and property together with all improvements attached to the property, lying in the County of LINCOLN, State of Wyoming. Beginning at the SW Corner section 7, T. 31N., 3IN., R. 118 West of the 6 P.M., Wyoming. Thence North 0 05' E 240.0 feet. Thence N..89 34'E 205.0 Feet. Thence S 0'°05' West 240.0 Feet. Thence S 89 °34' West 205.0 Feet To the point of beginning. Containing I,•13scres more or less. Together with and subject to: All easements: Water, Electricity, Hwy 241 Right away and County Road #146 of the County of LINCOLN, State of Wyoming. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD same unto the Grantee and unto the Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, with all appurtenances attached to the property. TO WITNESS WHEREOF the grantor executed this deed on this .45 day, of yam, 2006. VERNON R. LANCASTER ABELL LA A TER STATE OF WYOMING )ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL Notary Public My Commission Expires: ��tt, e C, :2-67c94 RECEIVED 5/26/2006 al 9:43 AM RECEIVING 918804 BOOK: 621 PAGE: 276 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY RON mOMAS County of Lincoln My Commission 00067 r^ Notary Pubic Slats of Wyoming June e, 2008