HomeMy WebLinkAbout952785Mar.26. 2010 12:48PM Alliance Title and Escrow
KNOWN BY ALL THESE PRESENTS, That Dean H. Dayton, does hereby certify that
v: mortgage bearing the date of October 31, 2007 made and executed by Alan K Beck and
c` Ida M Beck, Husband and Wife; as rnortgagor(s) to Dean H. Dayton, John Dennis Dayton
°r" T.
x 5 and Helen Dearden as mortgagee(s) conveying certain real estate therein mentioned as
oG L security for the payment of $15,000.00 as therein stated, which mortgage was recorded in
the office of the County Clerk and Ex- Officio Register of Deed of Lincoln County, State
a E of Wyommg, on November 30, 2007 in Book 680PR, Page 148 mortgaging the followmg
E described real estate in said Comity, to wit:
That part of Tract No. 90, Township 24 North, Range,119 West within the incorporated,
limits of the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, it being the intent to more
correctly describe that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in
Book 404 of Photostatic Records on page 318;
BEGINNING at the southwest corner of Lot No. 6 of Block 3 of the Dayton Addition
No. 1 to the Town of Cokevilie which is marked by a 5/8:18 ins. steel reinforcing rod
with an aluminum cap iriscribed, "WYOMING GAME AND FISH DEPARTMENT
1990 L55603 L 6" alongside to the north of a railroad tie fence post;
thence South 01 °58'10" East, (record North) 130.16 feet, along a fence line marking the
west line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 19 of Photostatic Records on
page 251 to a 7 ins. diameter pine post;
thence South'86 °13'36" West, (record East) 98.73 feet, along a fence line marking the
north line of said tract in Book 19 to a 11 ins. pine fence post;
thence North 03 °07'00" West, 18.87 feet, along a fence line to a green steel fence post set
in concrete;
thence South 83 °38'21" West 20.49 feet, along a chain link fence to an intersection with
a chain link fence marking the east line of the Original Townsite of Cokeville;
thence North 03 14'58" West, 108.72 feet, along said fence and east line to a 2 ins.
diameter steel corner fence post for a chain link fence;
thence South 86 57'34" East, 110.94 feet, along said fence:
thence North 01 °58'10" West, 5.00 feet, to the southeast corner of Lot No. 6 of Block
No 2 of said Addition;
thence North86 °57'31" East, 11 feet,. along the south line of said Addition to the
LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded October 26, 1979
in Book 161PR on page 189 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
LESS AND. EXCEPT the land described in Quit Claim Deed recorded October 27, 2006
in Book 633PR on page 359 of the records of the Lincoln County Clerk.
Is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied,
released, and discharged and in consideration thereof the said mortgagee does hereby
release and guitclaiin unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and
Witness y hand this,, day of
Dean R Dayton
State of Calif rnia
County of
This Instrument was acknowledged before me on thi day of
By Dean H. Dayton.
(Signature of otarial Officer)
No.2823 P. 1
2010 RECEIVED 4/5/2010 at 3:32 PM
BOOK: 745 PAGE: 88