HomeMy WebLinkAbout876923 State o~' Wyoming Comer Record (h~ compliaacc witl~ thc CORNER PERP~"TU~TIONAND FILITVG,,IC'I', Wyoming Statutes, 1977, $cdie~ 33-79-140,et seo,a~d Ibc Rules and Rcgul'atic~s o1' thc Board of Rcgls~'ati~ for Professi~ul ~8,1mcers.md Profusslc~al Laud Sm'vcyor~) Reverse side of this form may bc used ii' more spaea; is needed. Record of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of corner monumentation evidence found and/or m°nument 'and accessories established to perpetuate the location of fi:is corner. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and reference po~ta with course and distance to adjacent Corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated corner. Record:-- S89°-51'W~on a true line between sections 3 and 10 for the west one-sixteenth corner. Found:-- No evidence of Prior monumentation. Set:-- A 2 ins..galvanized steel pipe 30 ins. long (BLM type) with brass cap inscribed as shown, 0.6 ft. above ground surface. Ely. 13 ft. from a '3 ft. high dike, Wly. 5.5 ft. from a N/S fence and S Wly. 80 ft._+ from the west bank of the Salt River. 0+00 -~ S.3/S.10 [:~ 13+24.22 W1/16 _~ L?~ :':~..! :~;~ 26+48.43 SW S. 3 ~ :~.~ ,. ....... .~: ::] !i~ ... Rock Salt River I ~,-~ ' sic ~,~ ~N\x,~k~ County Office - Afton SSLTD - Afton o~t:or~i:~aWo~k: 10 August 2000 om~xe£:mce: BoOk ZQ-32, page 16. CROSS INDEX DIAGILAM 1~irm/Agmcy, Address ~ comer record was prepared ~f'_'.'~"'it ....''~ .... ': .... '-': : t : ~ t ; , , [ ;?..:._ Surveyor Sc herbel, Ltd. , -T- --~'- i'- '~-- . ,£~ ~t $~v..~rua~- ~- ~ " ~ ~": ~ ~ * Box 725 ..: .... : .... ~_. ~_.Lo. , .... ..L.. : : : : : _, : : : ,: : i ~': : : : ~ : : : . : ~ 46 West Third Avenue ' ' ' '' ' ..... ' 733-5903 :. : ~,Dd--: --r~l~': :~-r-~ Wy°min9 83110 i -, .... ~-. Afton, .... , ._;._ -~ .... ~ .... ; .... . ..... ~ .... ;.. -q.. :t: ~' ,, -!--I--! ..... !-- ' '....!..'..' .... [ .... !..~.i.. ,~,~,~,~ ..... 307-885-9310 :..-~?..: !IS! ..! 15! --~14! !1 .'-~[ - : ', : ,," -:- --: : .... ,--. , : : : : : : ; , : : , : . FAX 733 5903 ..~ .... , .... ., .... ~ .... , .... ., .... ~- .... ; .... ., .... ,. .... : .... .;.. -F,'~_.. _~,-F--,~I~ i i-a~ ,,~.~-~,-~-, ~, ~ .... , ?~ : -....-'~'~-'~'--~-':-? .... :_.F.~._; , , , , , , '- "~ ........... [ .... I-- -~ .... ,~ .... 1 .... '~ .... ...~.,,,..!..,.,: .... ! .......... ~ ..... ~ .... !. --~ ii::,:': 2_ t -i .... ........ q"l ....... ........... ] ........ ~ .... :. , "~'i"~,'- : : "- ~ , :. ~ , o , ,o ,, ,~ ,, ,, ,~ ,~ ,, ,, ,, =o :, :: :~ :, ~; County of LINCOLN Co,,~N.~,~:: W 1/16 s:=io,:3/1.0 .r34N ~ 119W. 6thl,.~{.Cro~.~d:x No.: E-14 SBI..112I I..q/l I.SW:M Ird~ 1994