HomeMy WebLinkAbout876924State of Wyoming Comcr Rccord Om compliaacc with thc CORNER PERPETU, dTION.4ND F1L,OVGACT. Wyoming &~ut,~,. 1977. Scctio~ 33-29-140.et seg.~d thc Rules ~d Rcgu~ions of thc Board of RcgL~'~ f~ l~*ofc~im~d F.~g~cc~..md l~ofc~i,*m~l ~md Sm'royce) Rcvc~c ~idc o£ Lbh form may bc ~ U' mm*c R~c b nccdcd. Rccord of original survey and citation of source of historical information (if comer is lost or obliterated). Description of comer monumentation evidence found and/or momuncnt and accessories established to perpetuate tho location of this comer. Sketch of relative location of monument, accessories, and re£orence pointa with course and distance to adjacent corner(s) (if determined in this survey). Method and rationale for reestablishment of lost or obliterated comer. Record:-- ]889 -- dones. North between Sections ] and 6. 40.00 Set a post 4 ft. tong, 4 ins. sq. in ground 24 ins. for ¼ sec. cdr. marked ¼ S. on *W. face, from which a red pine, 36" diam. bears N37°E, 36 ]ks. dist. marked ¼ S BT; ^ red pine 36" diam. bears N]9°W, 52 ]ks. dist. marked ¼ S. BT. ]966 -- Gilbert. N00°-29'E between Sections i and 6. 40.00 The ¼ sec. cdr. of Sees. ] and 6 as determined from the remnants of the original bearing trees. A pine stump 40 ins. in diam., bears N37°E, 36 ]ks. dist.,(record). A pine stump 40 ins. in diam. bears N22°W, 52 lks. dist.,(record N-lg'E). At corner point, set an iron post, 24 ins. in the ground, mkd. T35N RllgW R]]SW $1~S6 mr ~ 1966 from which new bearing trees _~_~ c::'~L~':~ ~=~:':~...i::~!~: .... A pine, 24 ins. in diam., bears S70°E, 40 ins. dist., mkd.¼ S.6 BT. c.~. .. A pine, 6 ins. in diam., bears N26~W., 12 lks. dist., mkd ¼ S.1 BT. ~(~'i~d:~: i~;?i A 2 ins. galvanized steel pipe 30 ins long (BLM type) with brass cap ...... , ~ ~ mis-inscribed as shown, 0.5 ft. above ground, Sly., 138 ft. of E/W ~'H~ ~ ~]'~ r"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fence Wly. 20 ft of N/S Elk fence. A carsonite post with National C,,~> ~. '::~ C',.J *x ::~, ~]: ' ....... ~,, Forest boundary sign is N , 10 ft Se~--. ...... ~ ~:~ Nothing. .:::-= Road cleari through trees E k · x x Fence I Line aate Note:--r'"' ^s monumen s were revised to that shown. cc: BL~ County Office -^fton $SLI'D -^fton USFS O~:o~i:ldWo~k: 20 January 2001 om~:~c:: Book ZQ-36, page 38. CROSS INDEX DIAGIt. aaM Fi."m/Agmcy, Ad&cas Th.b comer record w~s prepared I 2 3 4 ~ ~ */ 0 ~ lO Il 1~'13)t lb I~ 171fllg2OZi .~-mL,~24~$ by mc or undcr my direction : ! :-i--t ?_~_~.--~' ' ....... !'J : :t : ~ J ~ .... ~" i ' [' *i ~ Surveyor Scherbel, Ltd. m~bio~. -'r' --: l .... ~- --' ......... '-~- '"' : ~ : .... ~ ~-~. Box 725 .-L. .'..~ : ' '...' ,...., .... , .... , ...... b., , . .... Avenue _ ..: .... . .... ~. .... .~ : .... ~, .... .~ .... ~, ................ , 46 West Third : ]': ;' : ; i : i ~i,~! !!iI'~= Aft°ri' h/ °min~J 83110 .... .... !, .... i---!--_; ..... "~ ~ ~.'5--.~'i .: l ~,-+- 733-5903 "';"?'i"l'-i .... i ....[i ................. I ............... i ' . : : : : FAX 733-59 -;-,'~.~ .-~oq-.', :~a: '-! .... ! .... ! .... i .... i--I ..!.~..~ .... q ..... ~ ..... i..~.~ :-~, ~: :~',~,x--~ ....... ~ ....... " .... ,~ ............. ~- '-I .... ~'- .......... .".. : ', .......... ~::~; :~ ':",":' : ' ' i' --¢ ......... ,~ .... i .... i .... ~- .... i--~ ":'T':, .... ~ ' : ' :':" County of LINCOLN · s~io.: [ 'r35N itllg~ 6th ~'.~.Cro~s-~a¢.~ ~o.:__C:-25 Comer N.'u~lc: & . SDRI El LS/I L~W:M:~rd~ 199,1