HomeMy WebLinkAbout952901Kelly Blue Attorney at Law 405 Ruby Street Kemmerer, WY 83101 307 877 -3393 Wyoming State Bar No. 6 -4268 IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LARRY WYNN MEEKS Deceased. FILED DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY 1. The Petition initiating this action was filed March 19, 2010. Decree Establishing Right and Title in Real Property Page 1 of 2 Probate No. PR- 2010 -11 -DC KENNETH O. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNIT&N COUNTY, S TA E Of WYOMING THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT e0 t1;381. THIS MATTER, having come on before the Court upon the Petition filed by Petitioner Justin Meeks and his counsel, Kelly Blue, pursuant to W. S. 2 -1 -205, for a Decree Establishing Right and Title to Real Property in the Estate of his father, Larry Wynn Meeks. The record of this Court shows: 2. Petitioner has represented, under oath and in accordance with the requirements of W.S. 2- 1- 201(a)(1) through (iv) and 2 -1 -205 the following facts: a. Larry Wynn Meeks died testate, in Utah, but a resident of Wyoming. Larry Wynn Meeks left a holographic will consisting of three pages which were attached to the petition, along with an original Certificate of Death. b. Larry Wynn Meeks was preceded in death by his wife, Judith Rae Meeks, who died in Diamondville, Wyoming on April 11, 2005. An original copy of the Certificate of Death issued for Judith Rae Meeks was attached to the Petition. c. Other than Petitioner, no application for appointment of a personal representative for the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks was completed in the State of Wyoming or elsewhere. d. At the time of his death, Larry Wynn Meeks owned real property with a value of Forty -one Thousand Nine Hundred Eleven Dollars ($41,911) as determined by the Lincoln County Assessor, a person with no legal interest in the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks, and a copy of the assessment was attached to the Petition. e. The value of the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks, wherever located, does not exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150,000.00). RECEIVED 4/13/2010 at 12:45 PM RECEIVING 952901 BOOK: 745 PAGE: 381 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY f. More than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the death of Larry Wynn Meeks. g. Pursuant to W.S. 2 -6 -105, Petitioner is the person having a right to the real property of Larry Wynn Meeks. h. Notice of the Petition was made by publication, in accordance with the requirements of W.S. 2- 1- 205(c), for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Lincoln County. Petitioner has submitted proof thereof, and Affidavit of Publication from the Publisher of the Little Chicago Review. i. Additionally, Notice was mailed to the other heirs named in the Will and their consents have been filed with the Court. 3. No person has timely objected to the Petition, and no person appeared for the hearing that was set herein and published with the Notice of Petition. 4. The record of this Court shows that the facts stated in the Petition are not in dispute. 5. The real property located on Lots Three (3) and Four (4), in Block Twenty -seven (27) in the Town of Diamondville and belonging to Larry Wynn Meeks shall be transferred to Justin Meeks. Dated this 3 day of April, 2010. Decree Establishing Right and Title in Real Property Page 2 of 2 anderson District Court Judge STATE OF WYOMING 1 SS. COUNTY OF LINCO1..N I, Kenneth D. Roberts, Cl E of the Third Judicial District C. oresaid county and in °a ici, do hereby certify r` be a full, true, and corn coutudda j /jw j2e4 717ezZta_34 &AI/12 4 M cJzi/ ,,ako '223,e,ipte* (Z2A A),# O 4x4t 604" bleu °8ea?' '`-j2i4) 8 deeg; 4 ree4 2(3 diact 77 7.1 Atolo_42aer,c,6 atA, 47 1 17 74 AM alAt e.eeev‘,41„ e 000383 1 0 YU 7 0 ,A-eleAtle0 7 174 ;)(903-5747 d_aue Ne4 /9 (ge soo to,0 Atit g /97/27 7e. 000384 eate, -?;`)_,/,(48 30°,4Ati/friekelA-74° 12/6-1.0 ecuAl ciA 6,.-6,-,___WAits j i• P cAutowve -61-e49<, ceeftqf -ticegel./ ?re P ow_io ed,yv <W,et.t,t, 6 A 6 otaie --44.A0 2 cLt 6,) &4t? 64/2-e, .24 „440-yi/Le, 62_14 dv4d402 6,04, s 2 7 /.44/, c!t Th. atioh, u-A 4024,, o-et 73 66,24.4.- o5 a 60.4AZiee 4;60 4 41A6/ A f Ret `7Egt) )0404 i? 7 iecizoW .111 .at f ad. 00i)385 c f(4.616Z Owevo IF-14 _lee., azu,-*()--,64e, 30 74 Pj-4- ocea P;dhiatzt 4:4,/ ‘1',/-47 4.? 1 49,-„e> 6,11:67 -at '1 1 9--1-641)6 7C0 -41-1241 *1,, r 025 &Y-tnitAvlaato deade;:; -•‘'W 1:' `el 4 I e t e a V ll 14.4P4g44-4211 6J-tetei bib 4e.4 L-940 2h 4y), d L,,tdvrA-L 1 .4. 8- aa -AW jefrl'Y r Al bee,i2ZaCZ, d,O.L g° aii 1,,, d.:2 Z e (4)4 R.e/WW- 4 V 140 4r e 11/.! CERTIFICATION OF VITAL RECO anW, AW 'PA vWeVeW.WAWMPWM:VvVAYAWO,Wel DECEDENT INFORMATION Date of Death: City of Death: Age: Place of Birth: Armed Serces: Spouse's Name: Industry/Business: Coal mining Residence: May 5, 2009 Salt Lake City 65 Evanston, Wyoming No 1111.111 WI II 1:11 ilia U. CERTIFICATE OF DEATH State File Number: 2009017833 Larry Wynn Meeks Time of Death: 12:22 County of Death: Salt Lake Date of Birth: December 10, 1943 Sex: Male Marital Status: Widowed Usual Occupation: Welder Education: 9th Through 12th Grade Father's Name: William Joseph Meeks Facility Type: Hospital Inpatient Diamondville, Wyoming Mother's Name: Myrna Jean Rounds Facility or Address: Intermountain Medical Center INFORMANT INFORMATION Name: Justin Meeks Relationship:- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 561, Dianlondville, Wyoming 83116 DISPOSITION INFORMATION Method of Disposition: Removal Place of Disposition: South Lincoln Cemetery, Kemmerer, Wyoming Date of Disposition: May 8, 2009 FUNERAL HOME INFORMATION Funeral Home: Crandall Funeral Home Address: PO Box 6, 105 East Center Street, Karrias, Utah 84036 Funeral Director: William W Ball Son MEDICAL CERTIFICATION Certifying Physician: John F Zurasky M Dr, 'Intermountain Medical Center, 5121 South Cottonwood Street, Murray, Utah 84107 CAUSE OF DEATH Intracerebral hemorrhage Hypertension Tobacco Use: not Contribute Medical Exarniner Contacted: No Autopsy Performed: No Manner of Death: Natural Date Issued: May 11, 2009 FIl 0411.11. This is an exact reproduction of the document registered in the State Office of Vital Statistic,. Security features of this official document include: Intaglio Border, V R images in top cycloids, ultra violet fibers and hologram image of the Utah State Seal, over the words "State of Utah. This .4, document displays the date, seal and s gnature of the State Registrar and the County/District Health Officer. 10414 fr T II iiiiiiii iiiiIiii ii I ee osfirme J it4"- o 6 2 4 7 4 6 6 0 Gar Edwards 0 11:4: 44- Ba E. Nangle, State Registrar Director/Health Officer Office of Vital Statistics ...A' r_. .1,...= County/District Health. Department te.... oi,j2._- l I 4 -4 Ili cilia" ff Jr 11. EVER IN U S. 4 cmoscgi tit 4-1 O YES AI NO E 120. STREETAND NUMBER oW 27 Glenco Street LOCAL FILE NUMBER 1010 12a. RESIDENCE- STATE Wyoming DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OF WYOMING DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH CERTIFICATE OF DEATH This is a true and exact reproduction of the document on file in the office of Vital Records Services, Cheyenne, Wyoming, DATE ISSUED: 120 CITY TOWN,OR LOCATION.. ri 14 m Rdv 1 Ie This copy is not valid unless prepared on paper with an engraved border displaying the date, seal and signature of the Deputy State Registrar STATE FILE NUMBER Lucinda McCaffrey DeputyState Registrar 1. DECEDENTS. LEGAL NAME (include AKA's 11 any) (Flail, Middle. Les*) JODITI RAE KEELS Female 4. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER' IF OE/4H OCCURREDIN A HOSPITAL;: 0 Inpatient 0 E Outpatient 0 DOA 717, FACILITY NAME (If not institution give street and number) 27 Glenco Street 11 SIRTHPIACE (Cey ands le or ldieign coonlry)' Frontier, Wyomin.g SS UNDERE', YEAR Sc. UNO R1DAY 9: M STATUS A'1 TIME OEDEA7Fi:z, „Ip Mynled 'OM dedyoeapt -17pp010.16 0NeVe 100001.: .3.5/0E OFDEATH.(Mo/Day/33) (Spo11 Momh) April 11, .2005'< S'. DATE OF BIRTH )MolDay/Yr) Septemb 18, 1946 79, PLACE OF DEAIffChecfi only obit IF DEATH OCCURRED SOMEWHERETJTHER AHOSPITAL; OHospice:Feulily O.Nuryrp 00101 f lap Te 600 De00denis Hans. 0 other (Spo iiY) To OITVTOWN. OR LOCATION OF DEATH 70. COUNTY OF DEATH D3 am(3ndvjlle Lincoln :10 SURVI11040 SPONSE:(11 wile, g e barna Poor to DWI matruge) L W. Meeks 14 MOTHER'S NAME PRIOR TO FIRST MARRIAGE (First, Middle Lest) Anna Stal.livier. 13 FATHER'S NAME (First. Middle, Lesp George Paul Marshinsky 15a. INFORMANTS NAME 15b RELATIONSHIP TO DECEDENY' Larry'W. Meeks 16. METHOD OF DISPOSITION`' 10 Burial 0 20Nboo 0 Removal hors Wyoming 0 Cr manor 0 En)on, i o.nl 0 0lha 16b, 20000ENO. 160. SIONA OF FUNEFI SERVICE LICENSEE actin uch) IMMEDIATE CAUSE (Fuel dime... or a �l `I l t,kt I t ondeiod' resulgng N death) ;DUE TO (or as a densequebce of):' Sequentially list condition, Il any, leading to the cause risled on One Enter the UNDERLYING CAUSE (disease or Injury the* kl41.1ed the events resulting in death) LAST, 26. WERE AUTOPSY FINDINGS AVAILABLE TO COMPLETE 040 CAUSE OF DEATH? 201F,FEMALE AGED'10.51 0 Not pregnant whhin pass year J Pregnant al limo of heath 0 Nol pregnonl, but pregnant wllhin 42 days of death 30. DATE OF INJURY (M0'Day/Y3) 326. DATE CERTIFIED (M&DaytYr April 14, 2005 I endMcn004 Cihjj 08 005 Diamondville,..Wyoming 83116 0 Nol pregnant. but pregnant 43 days 101 year below death 0 Unknown fl pregnant within the pawl you' 31. TIME OF INJURY 34. LOCATION OF INJURY (Street and number, City or Tow State) 174 PUCE OF DISPOSITION (Ninth 0 egm0Nry a ,01014) Ream erer GetCLeter?, fSA NAME OFFAOILITY 3rancfall Funeral ONOUNCEO DEAD 20. 21PCORE:. 83116' 21. DATE PRONOUNCED DEAD (MorDay7Y1). April 11,;:2005 CAUSE OF DEATHt 24. PART Enter the cheln advents- 3lsea,es injuries w ochnpkcegona- that directly caused the death: DO NOT enter lehninal WV9ele4VCl as cardiac Approximate interval real, respiratory Mres1 or ventrIcuter 116x111910. wldwot ehedng the'eg01094 DONOTABBREVIATE. Enter anyone came on a rmer`Atld edYdlgonel Mines' Onset 1 death PART ILEntor'olher eignilkant conditions contributing id ONO but ri) reaulWig In 27. DID TOBACCO USE CONTRIBUTE TO DEATH? ;:121 INSIDE -CITY LIMITS? 175. LOCATION CITY,OF1TOWN AND STATE Kemmerer, Wyoming 185 ADDRESS OF FACILITY 915 Pine Ave. Kemmerer, WY. UNKNOWN 32. PLACE OFINJURV:(gaeedanl'8Aome, cWiWrVcliiun.tie.l esi. Mo.) 23; WAS CORONER CONTACTED? DYE5 NO 29. MANNER OF DEATH ag Na1urs1 O Aaloer,f 0 6001090 0 Pending Investigation O.Could not be de*ermtned 33. INJURY AT WORK? 0 YES 0 N0 35, IFTRANSPORTATION ACCIDENT, SPECIFY: 0 Driver Opgrator. O Pedestrian 0 Pamenfer OlNhei;(Specity) E(S) INVOLVEO:jAUbmob b :yickup: 1004 5yci0 AYV, bicycle; 81 36. DESCRIBE HOW INJURY OCCURRED. AND IF TRANSPORTATION INJURY, THE TYPO) OF VENICE 37e. CERTIFIER (Check only one) PHYSICIAN TO the bS10nnyknov4edge, deelh "occurred 01.thel lime tl r' aid'p1.cs, 0A1dua:M the cauee(e) eddmann petaldq 0 CORONER -On the hags of examination, nd/o vesllg h ,'n 0i 9090 «curred.f the lime del nd.plWce, bled due 15)he cay5e(s) e Signature of Certifier 37c. NAME, TITLE AND ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER IType o, poop Drs Jeanne Williams, 711 Onyx St Ke nmere:r, Wyoming 8310:1 ash, DATE RECEIVED BY REGISTRAR (MO)Oay/Yr) I'lj April 14, 2005 The Little Chicago" Revie Proof Of Publication THE STATE OF WYOMING )ss. County of Lincoln ch pass Charles E. Young first duly sworn deposes and says that he is editor of THE "LITTLE CHICAGO" REVIEW, a newspaper of general circulation, published at Kemmerer, Lincoln County, in the State of Wyoming. That the notice, a true copy of which is hereto attached, was published on the day of '7 ,20 /0 and was published in each succeeding week until the .3/, day of `7y1,c, .1 ,20 le;? being a period of successive weeks. That said n publis weekly, on Wednesday of each week. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 5/.4/ day of STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN 1, Kenneth D. Robe "ts, 441 t trams. 1, hira Judicial District ot. r withinrand fo`� county and in ttzr State of faresajd, do hereby certi s y rloing to be a full, true, and corn MATTE OF THE ESTATE OF, SIGNED' SS. Dated this 22nd day of March, 2010. FILED APR 5 2010 KENNETH 0. ROM:747S CLERK OF DI.l F ?SC t C URT 3w JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING ,20 /0 OLGA J. SHIMMIN NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN V WYOMING t Commiecjnn (..kaff a eceased D: ob ateNo. PR-2010-11-DC NOTICE OF PETITION! FOR DECREE ESTABLISHING HT-AND TITLE ]N REAL PROPERTY TAKE NO RIG TICE that h fil ed a' Petition, pursuant to Wyoming Statutes. §2 -1 205, for a Decree EstabhshingxRight and Title in Proper ,m the E of his father, Larry Wynn Meeks. Larry, Wynn Meek a resident of Diamondville, W yoming,.died in Salt Lake City, Utah May 2009. The teal property in'Diamondville, Lincoln °County, Wyoming' to which Petitioner is seeking title is identified' as follows: Lots Three (3) and Four. (4), in Block Twenty-seven (27) in the Town of Diamondville. Meeks, wherever located, does not exceed On 'Hundred F The value of the" Estate of Larry W Thousand Dollars, ($150 000 00). A�heanng on the Petition shall be held in the District CoUrt in the Courthouse in"Kemmerer Wyoming on the 1 3th day o 20 f Apri 10 a�10 00 o -clock a.m f� 'and all' persons heirs at lawyor otherwise having any Petition. should make,theirobjec- L 4kV 1 a i t F 'F t tions to�the Courtand Petitioner s counsel Kelly "Blue 405 Ruby ;Street, Kemmerer Wyoming °83101, in writing, on or before the 9th day of April 2010 or the relief requested in the Petition shall be granted.`; IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LARRY VVYNN MEEKS Deceased. Consent to Petition for Decree Establishing Right and Title in Real Property Page 1 of 2 FILED CONSENT TO PETITION FOR DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE IN REAL PROPERTY KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 3rd JUDICIAL DISTRICT LINCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING Probate No.._22 i 6 30i;389 I, Paul Wynn Meeks, being duly sworn, depose and say: 1. I reside at 59 County Road 4380, Blanco, New Mexico, 87412. 2. I am the son of Larry Wynn Meeks resident of Diamondville, Wyoming, who died on May 5, 2009 in Salt Lake City, Utah. 3. That I viewed the holographic will written by Larry Wynn Meeks and that I accept it as a true and valid will for said Larry Wynn Meeks. 4. I have received a copy of Petitioner Justin Meeks Petition for Decree Establishing Right and Title in Real Property for the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks. 5. I have read and understand the contents of Justin Meeks Petition and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, it is true and correct. 6. That I have no dispute or disagreement with the distribution of real and personal property as described by said Larry Wynn Meeks in his Last Will and Testament, filed with this Court in this matter. 7. That I desire the Court issue a Decree Establishing the Right of Petitioner Justin Meeks to the Real Property within the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks 8. Further your affiant saith naught. DATED this day of f2'I. r(' 2010. E OF WYOMING I Ss. rF LINCOLN `l, Kenneth D. Roberts, Clerk of the Third Judicial District Court within and foresaid county and in th State of foresaid, do hereby certify th,_ t ,.oing to be a full, true, and co I�s SIGNE 00 w, Vr. P TAlii STATE OF NEW MEXICO COUNTY OF du—) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this &V day of r crvtt i, 2010, by Paul Wynn Meeks, who personally appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he signed and delivered the said instrument as his free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Paul Wynn Meeks this 5 of IiI&.d) ,2010. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Consent to Temporary Guardianship Page 2 of 2 00 3 f o a y Pfibl My commission expires ,9/j4/y IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF LINCOLN COUNTY THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LARRY VVYNN MEEKS Deceased. CONSENT TO PETITION FOR DECREE ESTABLISHING RIGHT AND TITLE IN REAL PROPERTY Sonja Consent to Petition for Decree Establishing Right and Title in Real Property Page 1 of 2 2010 KENNETH D. ROBERTS CLERK OF DISTRICT COURT 3+d ,JUDICi ,L DISTRICT i INCOLN COUNTY, STATE OF WYOMING Probate No. 2ptp.- ti e 039. I, Sonja Marie Meeks Cassidy, being duly sworn, depose and say: 1. I reside at 4306 N. 2600 East, Filer, Idaho. 2. I am the daughter of Larry Wynn Meeks, resident of Diamondville, Wyoming, who died on May 5, 2009 in Salt Lake City, Utah. 3. That I viewed the holographic will written by Larry Wynn Meeks and that I accept it as a true and valid will for said Larry Wynn Meeks. 4. I have received a copy of Petitioner Justin Meeks Petition for Decree Establishing Right and Title in Real Property for the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks. 5. I have read and understand the contents of Justin Meeks Petition and to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, it is true and correct. 6. That I have no dispute or disagreement with the distribution of real and personal property as described by said Larry Wynn Meeks in his Last Will and Testament, filed with this Court in this matter. 7. That I desire the Court issue a Decree establishing the right of Petitioner Justin Meeks to the real property within the Estate of Larry Wynn Meeks 8. Further your affiant saith naught. DATED this C1(0 day of (Th 2010. AIN !tic; arie Meeks Cassid .lN tt OF L.ANIF:O'..P't' SS. Kenneth D. Ror I of the Judicial Distric rP and for county and in t;` foresai hereby certify'rig to be, true, and coluah SIGN STATE OF IDAHO COUNTY OF /7.4.4 S OOCy392 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Z-Co day of 2010, by Sonja Marie Meeks Cassidy, who personally appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that she signed and delivered the said instrument as her free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me by Sonja Marie Meeks Cassidy this ZC� day of 2010. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Consent to Temporary Guardianship Page 2 of 2 Notary P li My co 'ssion expires /C. 7 20/5°