HomeMy WebLinkAbout876925OSl:atc 01' Wyoming Comer Reco~I
(-In compliance w~O~ t~c COR)VER P£RPET'UA TION AND FZC,I~G A C7'. Wyon~nit Stntutcs. 1977. Sectien 33-29-140 ,et se9. md t~¢ Rules and
Rcsul~im= o£ ~c Do=d or' RcltL~r~i~ fo~ l~ofcssimal 'Ens~nc~..and l~ol'~i~! Lind Surveyor)
Rcvcrsc side o1' ~b l'o~m may bc u.scd i/' marc ~acc i, nccdcd.
Record or' original survoy end citetion of souroo of historicel informetion (if comor is lost or obiitcretcd). Description of
corner monumentation evidenco found and/or monument 'and ao¢ossories o,tabli,hed to perpetuato the location of
comer. Sketch of relativo location of monument,: aooossori°s, and rofor,nco points with com's~ and di,tan~ to
corner(s) (if determinod in this survey). Method and rationale for ree,t~blishment of lost or oblit,r-ted corner.
Record:-- 1889 -- dories.
· West on the south boundary of Section 34, set a post.
40.00 Set a post 4½ ft. lon~, 4 ~ns. sq., 24 ins. ~n the §round for
¼ Sec. Cot. marked ¼ $. on ~. face, du§ p~ts 18x18x12 ins.
[. & W. of Cot. 5½ ft. d~st. and raised mound of earth l½
ft. high, 3½ ft. base alongside.
Found:-- An [/W and ~. fence intersection NFly. 0.3 ft. from a measured
pos~t~on, m~d~ay and on line between the ~[ and ~W corners of
Section 3. Accepted th~s corner as evidence that the measured
pos~t~on ~s correct for the ¼~ corner between Sections 34 and 3.
Set:-- A 2 ~ns. galvanized steel pipe 30 ~ns. long (BLM type) ~th brass
cap ~nscr~bed as sho~n 0.4 ft. above ground surface SWly. 0.3
ft. from a RR t~e fence post at the ~ntersection of an F/W and
fence, ~ith a stone filled tire casing around.
0+00 ~[ S.3
~ 26+47.28 ~¼ S 3
~, §2+94.55 NW S 3
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~, cc: BLH
Coun¢~ OffJce - AlCon
~' SSLTD -
CROSS INDEX DIAGI~ F~Asm~, Ad&~ ~ ~m~ rccord w~ pr~ed
I Z 3 4 5 6 7 O 9 l0 II 121314 1518 J? IO I9 20 ZI ~ ~ 24 25 / by mc or ~d~ my ~c~
. ' ' ,,., : ~ ~ ~ Box 725
; : : : : : : ; .; ; . :~-~.46 WeStwThird~ · ~Avenue~
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":'~": .... ~ .... ~ ~'~ .... ~ 00
..... :: .... !..t..] ...... ,, I ....... : .... .... . ..... County of INCOLN